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    help with server config

    ok i got the mods installed now, no more Data asset error, server now is just restarting over and over
  2. i just created a Arma reforger server and after i put my mods in i got this Modded scenarios are unavailable to select at this time, because the Workshop API returned an error:data[0].asset.id should match pattern "^[0-9A-F]{16}$"Please check your server configuration or try again later. only mods i have installed are for overthrow and Where am i, mods list before the server config file is beetle 1967 CO everon recruitable AI CRX enfusion AI Enfusion Database Framework Enfusion Persistence framework Modest AI Radio Overthrow Overthrow RHS compatibility Overthrow but solo in mind (might remove this one) RHS Status Quo RadioRock ByHeine Where Am I. those are all the mods i have installed and i am getting that error message on Nitrado interface without mods says it cannot read config file too, i am new to server and would love to know whats going on! here is my server config with some stuff blurred out, { "dedicatedServerId": "nitrado_<cid>", "region": "EU-FFM", "game": { "name": "LU57FULSOUL", "password": "XXXX", "passwordAdmin": "XXXX", "scenarioId": "{ECC61978EDCC2B5A}Missions/23_Campaign.conf", "maxPlayers": 32, "visible": true, "gameProperties": { "serverMaxViewDistance": "1600", "networkViewDistance": "500", "serverMinGrassDistance": "150", "disableThirdPerson": false, "battlEye": true }, "mods": [ { "modId": "Beetle1967_61081370197674F9", "name": "Beetle 1967", "version": "1.0.4" }, { "modId": "COEveronRecruitableAI_61BB3DE3B644A425", "name": "CO Everon Recruitable AI", "version": "1.0.1" }, { "modId": "CRXEnfusionA.I._5F268647F8A1A1F4", "name": "CRX Enfusion A.I.", "version": "0.0.9" }, { "modId": "EnfusionDatabaseFramework_5D6EA74A94173EDF5", "name": "Enfusion Database Framework", "version": "0.6.7" }, { "modId": "EnfusionPersistenceFramework_5D6EBC81EB1842EF", "name": "Enfusion Persistence Framework", "version": "0.6.8" }, { "modId": "ModestAIRadio_61A6B4C21F6FCF22", "name": "Modest AI Radio", "version": "1.0.1" }, { "modId": "Overthrow_59B657D731E2A11D", "name": "Overthrow", "version": "1.2.43" }, { "modId": "OverthrowbutSoloinmind._61DADC8C15062982", "name": "Overthrow but Solo in mind.", "version": "0.0.46" }, { "modId": "Overthrow-RHSCompatibility_5D8CAE1570401332", "name": "Overthrow - RHS Compatibility", "version": "1.0.7" }, { "modId": "RadioRockByHeine_60AF3CF79243766A", "name": "RadioRock ByHeine", "version": "1.0.11" }, { "modId": "RHS-StatusQuo_595F2BF2F44836FB", "name": "RHS - Status Quo", "version": "0.9.2973" }, { "modId": "WhereAmI_5965550F24A0C152", "name": "Where Am I", "version": "1.1.0" } ] }, "operating": { "lobbyPlayerSynchronise": true } }