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Everything posted by DarkLung

  1. I made a scenario mod which just adds a few things to Everon Combat Ops. Nothing custom, just additional supplies and some vehicles at hideouts and the start. Since the update 1.2 it has given anyone who joins the server running the mod the error in the title, but I can use it just fine in singleplayer. I remade the mod, and copied the layer file into the new world's layer file and it still throws this error. I haven't found anything that even tells me what the issue is, but before I completely remake the mod by hand, does anyone know how to fix this?
  2. @Blackheart_Six I'm new to modding and wanted to create a modified version of Combat Ops for my friends and I to play on. I wanted to add some simple stuff, like a couple of vehicles at the starting Hideouts and a couple BTR's at the military bases around the map. I loaded up the editor, opened up Coop_CombatOps_Eden and placed a vehicle. It then had me create a sub-scene because Combat Ops is read-only. I did that, and after adding what I wanted, I saved the project and published it on the workshop. After trying it, however, it's clearly broken as it spawns me in the water with no character. I was wondering if creating a sub-scene caused this issue or is there something else that I neglected to do that caused it. Basically asking is it possible to edit a pre-existing scenario like Combat Ops. Edit: I was using SCR_MissionHeader instead of SCR_MissionHeaderCombatOps for the mission config.