Our server shows up and its successfully started. We have all the proper port handling and configuration in place, but all clients get "Kick cause code: group=1 'REPLICATION', reason=3 'CONNECTION_FAILURE'.
Bind address is not set and is Using standard port 2001 and 17777 respectively. All UDP port forwarding is set, and server appears in the listing. xxx in IP address for privacy.
Any help here would be appreciated. This is being run on a bare metal server with Windows 2019. Confirmed fully updated with SteamCMD.
"publicPort": 2001,
"a2s": {
"address": "135.148.150.xxx",
"port": 17777
"game": {
"password": "",
"passwordAdmin": "EDITED FOR PRIVACY",
"scenarioId": "{C700DB41F0C546E1}Missions/23_Campaign_NorthCentral.conf",
"maxPlayers": 64,
"visible": true,
"supportedPlatforms": ["PLATFORM_PC","PLATFORM_XBL"],
"gameProperties": {
"serverMaxViewDistance": 1600,
"serverMinGrassDistance": 50,
"networkViewDistance": 1500,
"fastValidation": true,
"battlEye": true,
"disableThirdPerson": false,
"VONDisableUI": false,
"VONDisableDirectSpeechUI": false,
"missionHeader": {}
"operating": {
"lobbyPlayerSynchronise": true,
"playerSaveTime": 120,
"aiLimit": 100,
"slotReservationTimeout": 60