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About KoreanLandGiant

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  1. KoreanLandGiant

    AI Causing Massive FPS Drops And Lag Spikes

    Considering clearing the cache is already a feature in game master, I don't think this would be very difficult to program. I think the vision Bohemia has for the ARMA series is miles ahead of other Milsim games and we should be patient and understanding in there development process. They have always delivered us great games.
  2. KoreanLandGiant

    AI Causing Massive FPS Drops And Lag Spikes

    The AI's corpses and all the items they carry don't de spawn, which is causing the performance issues. It doesn't actually matter if they are AI or not, the issue is not having a de-spawn timer. In my post I was referring to a situation where the enemy team placed down lots of living quarters and lagged the server with AI. POWERBITS is a 100 person server, so over time when people are dying and dropping items, it is progressively getting worse. The POWERBITS server would benefit from a de-spawn timer.
  3. If any developers are reading this, official conflict is an amazing mode to play. At the beginning of every game, the performance is 10x better than modded community servers. The issue arises when AI won't de-spawn and over time it causes huge performance issues. This seems like an easy fix with a de-spawn timer on dropped items. I think we would see a big leap in performance on official servers. Best Regards, KLG Footage Of AI Bug