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Sanaj 1337

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Posts posted by Sanaj 1337

  1. I'm trying to make a simple SQF mod, but arma can't find init.sqf for some reason after packing PBO. I tried everything and it still doesn't work. I don't know, maybe i doing something wrong, but i've been followed guide about creating simple mod and it still not working

    The mod root folder has:



    class CfgPatches
    class M1337OPS_craters
    	units[] = {};
    	weapons[] = {};
    	requiredVersion = 1.0;
    	requiredAddons[] = {"Extended_EventHandlers"};
    class Extended_PostInit_EventHandlers
     TAG_myAddon_Post_Init = "M1337OPS_craters_Post_Init_Var = [] execVM ""\M1337OPS_craters\init.sqf""";


    systemChat str ["Hello world!"]


  2. 17 hours ago, Gunter Severloh said:

    Welcome to Bi Forums!

    Better to just fix the scenario and learn from it and then not have to deal with issues like this.

         Start with the scripts not being found, now if the scripts are actually not in the mission folder then thats one thing, but if thier there

    then all you need to do is make sure that the code used to call the script is correct basically making sure the name of the script is correct,

    and if its in a folder then you have to add the line in there for that.


    If you want to remove the script entirely then you need to locate the file, or asset in the editor that would have the code.

    So it could be an asset in the editor, or it could be one of the script files in the mission folder, either a init.sqf, interplayerlocal.sqf,

    initserver.sqf or another that is initiating the script.


    What we need to know is the exact errors that you are getting, and the way to do that is to get the rpt, so run the scenario through mp lan

    and then once you get the error, then grab the rpt from here ----> C:\Users\your username\AppData\Local\Arma 3

    the rpt will be like a notepad document with rpt at the end of the title.


    Make sure that you have [ ] No logs unchecked in the Arma 3 launcher parameters when you do this or you wont get a full rpt, it should

    be unchecked if your getting errors but check to make sure its unchecked.


    Once you have the rpt, open it with notepad, copy it all and paste it here


    publish it and then share the link here.

    If anything we can fix the script issues, the errors with code we can fix too but it depends what it is.


    So what scenario is it that your trying to play that is getting these errors, something you created yourself, or you subbed too, if you

    subbed to it, can you link it?

    Me and few people making scenarios for our unit. We using mods (100+) and some of them causing problems like this. And you probably understand that checking every mod is really pain in ass even if there is error i should unpack pbo's fix problem inside mods and then repack them
    This causing a lot of problems, because i don't really have time to check every mod and scenario on errors, so i just wanna know is there is command that can make dedicated server pass through scenario with errors like that.
    As i said, i remember that i've seen command like this somewhere around. Maybe im just having kinda mandela effect

  3. I've made dedicated server with mods and some of scenarios having small errors like "xxx.sqf not found" or "no entry xxx" and so on. They aren't really major because i can simply press "ok" and scenario will work without any problems if i'll start it in LAN from server browser

    But if im hosting dedicated server then there is no way to press "ok" button and server not passing through and returning back to lobby with error in console

    Question is - how to avoid kicking from scenario if it contains small problems like i described above without fixing the problem inside scenario, because it kicking even if it can't find script that i simply not using in scenario and just forgot to delete execution command of this script

    I remember that i've seen somewhere command which allowing me to start scenario with errors, but i haven't found it anywhere
