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Everything posted by BroussardH

  1. When continuing some mods (RESUME), Arma exits during loading. The following error is written in the log: 0xC000041D - STATUS_FATAL_USER_CALLBACK_EXCEPTION Occurs with these mods: Altis Outbreak, Malden Outbreak, Tanoa Outbreak. If I restart the scenario, I get this error message: Bad version 75 in p3d file x\cba\addons\optics\cba_optic_big_90.p3d Could an updated mod be causing this?
  2. Something went wrong with the last update: CBA was updated on October 8.
  3. BroussardH


    I don't know the Rydygiers Pilgrimage mission, and I don't understand how to include another script in a scenario.
  4. BroussardH


    @haleks Could you write a script that will empty the explored loot sources outside the player's certain radius zone (e.g. 2000 meter)? Maybe then the save file wouldn't grow to 500+ MB after a few days of playing and it wouldn't take 5-6 minutes to load a save. Therefore, these checked garbage heaps, boxes, car wrecks, and cabinets should be empty and treated by the system as if they had not been checked yet. It does not save their data. I assume that the mod saves the data of all such explored loot sources, which is why the save files grow.
  5. BroussardH

    GF Cleanup Script

    I have a good guess that this script does not clean the examined loot sources in Ravage mod, e.g. garbage heap, crates, car wrecks, etc. content? The problem is that there will be more and more of them (examined loot sources) during the game, and the mod stores them all, e.g. what items we left in it. Because of this, the fps drop in the game will become bigger and bigger, which first appears in larger cities. This seems to be fixed by the Tinter Furniture mod and by disabling Ambient Furnitures in the Ravage loot system. But there is another problem. The save file for SP scenarios using the Ravage mod will get bigger and bigger, so it will take several minutes to load the save game.
  6. BroussardH


    I tried a new mod. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3210541042 Unfortunately, I am experiencing the same error. The more loot sources I scan, the bigger the fps drop after a while.
  7. BroussardH


    Thanks, I managed to go through the process. We'll see what happens if I change a scenario. As a first step, I added a GF_Cleanup script to the scenario called The Altis Outbreak (Ravage Mod), with the init file modification.
  8. BroussardH


    Me. I only use CUP interior, not any mod with furniture in its name.
  9. BroussardH


    How can I open the scenario in Zeus? Or what do I need to do to edit it? I've never done this before. I understand. I'll try a new mission or maybe try editing it as Hans(z) suggested.
  10. BroussardH


    Hi guys, I play with Outbreak mods, e.g. Altis, Malden, Tanoa Outbreak, etc. created by GilliganTrevor93 and using the Ravage mod. The problem is that after 2 or 3 days of playing the game slows down. The fps-drop is getting bigger and bigger, often the first shot is delayed by 0.5-1 seconds. These symptoms first appear in cities, and if we continue to play, even in uninhabited countryside, near zombies, the fps drop is so great that the game becomes unplayable. By this time, loading the save takes 6 minutes, a save file can be 600 MB. I use the m3mory save mod and a few others. I think the reason may be that I check as many loot sources as possible, e.g. garbage dump, boxes, car wrecks, etc., the more data the mod needs to store. So whether I looted it and if not, what kind of object was in it that I left behind. Arma 3 runs on SSD. Windows 10 Pro, 11th Gen Core i5 11600K, Geforce RTX 3060 Ti, 16 GB RAM.
  11. BroussardH


    No mission. Scenario. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2003477569
  12. BroussardH


    Exactly. SINGLEPLAYER / SCENARIOS / Steam subscribed content / Ravage - Chernarus There were no problems for 4 days, I had 110 fps.
  13. BroussardH


    I playing Ravage - Chernarus mod (SP). There are no missions.
  14. BroussardH


    No, I didn't add or remove any mods. I switched to windowed screen to see: VGA (and CPU) in low fps: https://ibb.co/2MtNkmk VGA (and CPU) in normal fps (I restarted the game with a different profile): https://ibb.co/bRy9M6L
  15. BroussardH


    I've been playing the Ravage - Chernarus mod for a few days now. I have 100 fps with ultra/high setting. Yesterday, after loading the save, the fps dropped a lot, to around 15. I installed the m3mory mod, but it didn't help, the game became completely unplayable. It is interesting that the VGA works almost at idle in this case.