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About Gordov

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  1. If it can reassure you, you're not alone. Since the early release of Arma Reforger, everyone is facing the same issue, both on Xbox and PC. Either the client crashes, usually affecting a small group of players at the same time, or the server crashes. However, things have improved a bit as crashes were much more frequent before. Bohemia communicates very little about this matter, which annoys the community and makes the game much less appealing.
  2. Gordov

    Session eding

    Thanks sarogahtyp, I changed the link
  3. Hello, Session ending information Every time when Reforger downlaod (why?) my ping become high and my session crach. it's not automatic. Sometimes (rarely) I can play for an hour and other times it happens every 2min. This happens on low-traffic servers as well as full servers. https://zupimages.net/viewer.php?id=22/23/n91v.jpg