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Everything posted by Doggifast

  1. Even tried exporting the loadoout, and editing it to add the defunct optic, still didn't work.
  2. Still didn't work. No errors either.
  3. Is there any way to identify if a player is in a specific vehicle? Please help. I'm a noob programmer so i thought of something like this: (vehicle player) = _vehicleclassname But it doesn't work. Please help.
  4. Doggifast

    Player in a specific vehicle

    By the way, if used on a helicopter, literally any passangeer can interact with it and frick up everything. Hm, That is except if in arguments of the action it is put that the interactor is the driver.
  5. Doggifast

    Player in a specific vehicle

    Took me a minute re-reading your comment to understand what you mean. I think i got it now, I'll try if (vehicle player != player) then {code with actions with dependency on vehicle}. I'll reply in a minute.
  6. Doggifast

    Player in a specific vehicle

    Well the problem is, it doesn't create two actions. It creates a whole lot of them, my computer even crashed.
  7. Doggifast

    Player in a specific vehicle

    My arma crashed because of this, lol
  8. Doggifast

    Player in a specific vehicle

    Didn't work. No errors, just actions didn't appear. Made a little change with brackets and syntax: while {(not isNull objectParent player) && (typeOf objectParent player isEqualTo "B_T_Plane_CAS_01_dynamicLoadout_F")} do {} Btw, tested the commands in actions with the blackfish, but didn't change them for the A-10. It doesn't matter though as it is easily fixable, and the problem is the action didn't appear. Edit: nevermind, i forgot to activate the trigger i put it in. Now the problem is it just creates actions non-stop. Guess I'll put it in if then else system.
  9. Doggifast

    Player in a specific vehicle

    So i thought of an idea of creating a mod for Role-play scenarios, where the pilot/driver will have an action to disable vehicle's parts (like engine) for immersion of it being broken down. It looks something like this: [] spawn while {(vehicle player) = B_T_Plane_CAS_01_dynamicLoadout_F} do //B_T_Plane_CAS_01_dynamicLoadout_F - basegame A-10 { player addAction ["Engine 1 crash",{(vehicle player) setHitPointDamage ["HitEngine", 1]},nil,1.5,true,true,"","true",20,false,"",""]; player addAction ["Engine 2 crash",{(vehicle player) setHitPointDamage ["HitEngine2", 1]},nil,1.5,true,true,"","true",20,false,"",""]; } I haven't found any mods like that so i just wanted to make it. The code itself works, but the "while {}" part doesn't. Also, the action doesn't disappear on use.
  10. Respawn is placed correctly. Parameters in multiplayer - attributes is set up correctly. Mission works correctly on LAN-hosted server, but on a dedicated server: 1.Everyone except for me spawns under the map and starts glitching up and down 2. Respawns don't work and after death it shows singleplayer endgame screen (which is turned off!), BUT the character himself respawns, but I can't controll him. Please help
  11. I've seen somebody encountering a problem, is that on a dedicated server units show up as empty. Is there any way actually to set a unit's side to "empty"?