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Everything posted by Doggifast

  1. It works perfectly man, thank you very much!
  2. Mate you're a genious. Let me see if that works out for my script.
  3. OHHHHHHHH I SEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Simply execute the code on the blufor array and discard all the others! You're a genious mate!
  4. Huh???????????? Crap... Uhh... I kinda don't understand... The problem is, i need to execute code using forEach on the blufor array... Crap i don't understand. Does this mean that pushBack removes the selected unit from the _men array???
  5. Got it. One last question, how can i remove all of the enemy units from the array _list in //heal ? So that the medic calls for his nanobots to only restore friendlies.
  6. I see... But wouldn't this be fixed with just the third parameter set to false?
  7. Yes, IsRifleUnit needs to be local since it's for another script i'm doing. I just wanted to make sure that it is. And yes, i want the CoolDownEnd set to true, meaning that one's ability is fully charged on mission start? What's wrong with it?
  8. Fixed it just like you suggested. Here's the new endcode: Init: this addAction [ "<t color='#A52A2A'>Heal all nearby units</t>", "MediBOT.sqf", nil, 10, true, false, "", "_this isEqualTo _originalTarget && (_this getVariable ""CoolDownEnd"")", 5, false ]; this setVariable ["IsRifleUnit", true, false]; this setVariable ["CoolDownEnd", true, true]; MediBOT.sqf: params ["_target", "_caller", "_actionId", "_arguments"]; _caller setVariable ["CoolDownEnd", false, true]; _position = getPosASL _caller; _radius = 25; _list = (ASLToAGL _position) nearEntities [["Man"], _radius]; //heal { // extinguish people on fire _x setVariable ["ace_fire_intensity", 0, true]; ["ace_medical_treatment_fullHealLocal", [_x], _x] call CBA_fnc_targetEvent; _x setDamage 0; } forEach _list; _caller say3D "Alarm"; "Health restored." remoteExec ["hint", _caller]; sleep 180; _caller setVariable ["CoolDownEnd", true, true]; _caller say3D "Alarm"; "Nanobots restored." remoteExec ["hint", _caller]; Thanks for your reply. I'll modify all the other classes i created just like this one. Many thanks. What im wondering is, can i remove all of the enemy units from the selection in //heal ? So that the medic calls for his nanobots to only restore friendlies.
  9. MediBot does not have a varName and is referenced through _caller, i simply add the first action that triggers the others. As i said before, i'll see what i can do about all the stuff. Thanks
  10. Either way, I'll see what i can do about it.
  11. It's not a big problem , because action's condition states only the player that action is created on is only able to use it. That means, even if the action isn't removed for other players, they can't see it anyway.
  12. Doggifast

    [help]Teleportation effects

    OHHHHHHH, now i get you guys, took me some time. I didn't intend teleportation effects for PLAYERS to teleport, but to PROPS teleport in front of players, like in the said earlier black mesa.
  13. Works as well as advertised, thank you very much. I've fixed some of the lines you sent, since it's _caller and not _target that needs the action removal, but it works very well. Well, it needs some more stuff to happen around the medic while he's using his ability, so I'm gonna look into that. Here's the endcode if you want to use it. params ["_target", "_caller", "_actionId", "_arguments"]; _position = getPosASL _caller; _radius = 25; _list = (ASLToAGL _position) nearEntities [["Man"], _radius]; //heal { // extinguish people on fire _x setVariable ["ace_fire_intensity", 0, true]; ["ace_medical_treatment_fullHealLocal", [_x], _x] call CBA_fnc_targetEvent; _x setDamage 0; } forEach _list; _caller removeAction _actionId; sleep 20; _caller addAction [ "<t color='#A52A2A'>Heal all nearby units</t>", "MediBOT.sqf", nil, 10, true, false, "", "_this isEqualTo _originalTarget", 5, false ];
  14. Also, the first way is not variable, since i got several medibots and i am not making several scripts just for them. I'll try to go with the second way of it
  15. Alright, thank you. Sorry, I got knocked out at my work desk and didn't answer. I'll try that right now.
  16. Doggifast

    [help]Teleportation effects

    Alright, thank you, I can't right now but i will try in several minutes and report back.
  17. Doggifast

    [help]Teleportation effects

    Huh??? I mean like... Some 3D Sci-Fi effects... What did you mean exactly?
  18. tried [this, unit1] call BIS_fnc_AttachToRelative in init of the prop i wanted to attach, but when the unit was shot dead, props remained in air. Pls help. If this isn't possible I'll try to learn to model
  19. I'm pretty sure there is a way to do it because in zeus enhanced i can attach a flag to a unit and it will still be attached even in dead/ragdoll state
  20. Tried this: this addPrimaryWeaponItem optic_Aco_broken; Typed in init of the unit in the editor, didn't work. Rifle is clear and supports ACO C-More railway type of optic, using RHS's Mk17 mod 0. Didn't work, please help.
  21. Well shit. Case closed then, unless somebody makes the mod to port the defunct items to a compat data or maybe a standalone mod.
  22. In the init of the soldier, which i want to have the scope on his rifle. The CBA_A3 mod? it is loaded, unless you are talking about some other abbreviation. And i do own contact DLC. Well, it was gifted by a friend, maybe that breaks stuff?
  23. That's probably it. Is there any compat mod? I can't find any on the workshop
  24. this addPrimaryWeaponItem "optic_MRCO_broken";