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Everything posted by Doggifast

  1. Details: ************** Exception Text ************** System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Could not find a part of the path 'G:\Steam gamos\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Tools\DSSignFile\SCP_EF.biprivatekey'. at System.IO.__Error.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String maybeFullPath) at System.IO.FileSystemEnumerableIterator`1.CommonInit() at System.IO.FileSystemEnumerableIterator`1..ctor(String path, String originalUserPath, String searchPattern, SearchOption searchOption, SearchResultHandler`1 resultHandler, Boolean checkHost) at System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(String path, String searchPattern, SearchOption searchOption) at LibCommon.Helpers.FileSystem.FileSys.GetMD5(String fileName, Boolean formatted) at DSUtils.FormCreateKey.createAuthority() at DSUtils.FormCreateKey.btnValidate_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnClick(EventArgs e) at System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnClick(EventArgs e) at System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mevent) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.ButtonBase.WndProc(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.Button.WndProc(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam) there is more to this debug window but that's system specs, i'm not sure if anyone needs them. I have tried: -Restarting PC -Restarting DSUtils -Allowing access to DSUtils folder location -Changing security to more open one -Cleaning %tmp% files -Running DSUtils.exe with administrator -Unmarking folder read-only -Creating key at different path -Fiddling with Windows Security and other antiviruses -Validating tools files -Reinstalling tools -Banging my head on the desk No one else seems to have this issue
  2. Solved it! Remove the "RSA" folder from C:\Users\admin\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft and it will work again!
  3. I tried using the DSUtils with windows console. Prompt (after setting path to where the program is installed): dsCreateKey SCP_EF
  4. So i saw a cool function of the cargo platforms from Contact DLC, where if you place them close together the game will snap the second cargo platform to the first one making them stay perfectly next to each other, making them perfectly leveled next to each other. Question is, how do i replicate that? I'm working on a 'Modular Site' mod, where i need it for ease of use while laying out the facility in the 3den editor. This, basically
  5. When configuring an opfor faction, i ran into a problem. In testing, units loadouts were fine except the uniform which is missing and (probably?) is being auto-corrected to CSAT standard, although still being inaccesible, appearing as empty in inventory. the configs class DGF_EU3_base: O_Soldier_base_F { author="Doggifast"; faction="DGF_EU3"; side=0; scope=0; scopecurator=0; scopeArsenal=0; identityTypes[]={"LanguageENG_F","Head_NATO","G_NP"}; cost=100000; camouflage=1.5; sensitivity=1.75; threat[]={1,0.1,0.1}; displayName="EU3 Man Base"; editorPreview=""; editorSubcategory="EdSubcat_Personnel"; uniformClass="USP_G3C_CS_KP_MX"; modelSides[]={0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7}; canDeactivateMines=0; canHideBodies=1; engineer=0; attendant=0; uavHacker=0; role="Rifleman"; icon="iconMan"; picture=""; weapons[] = {"Throw","Put"}; respawnWeapons[]= {"Throw","Put"}; items[] = {}; respawnItems[] = {}; magazines[] = {}; respawnMagazines[] = {}; linkedItems[] = {}; respawnLinkedItems[]= {}; backpack=""; nameSound = "veh_infantry_s"; textSingular = "rifleman"; textPlural = "riflemen"; }; config for a rifleman for example class DGF_EU3_Rifleman: DGF_EU3_base { author = "Doggifast"; scope = 2; scopeCurator = 2; displayName = "Rifleman"; side = 0; faction = "DGF_EU3"; uniformClass = "USP_G3C_CS_KP_MX"; backpack = ""; weapons[] = {"arifle_Velko_lxWS", "CUP_hgun_Mk23", "Throw", "Put"}; magazines[] = {"35Rnd_556x45_Velko_reload_tracer_red_lxWS", "35Rnd_556x45_Velko_reload_tracer_red_lxWS", "35Rnd_556x45_Velko_reload_tracer_red_lxWS", "35Rnd_556x45_Velko_reload_tracer_red_lxWS", "35Rnd_556x45_Velko_reload_tracer_red_lxWS", "35Rnd_556x45_Velko_reload_tracer_red_lxWS", "35Rnd_556x45_Velko_reload_tracer_red_lxWS", "35Rnd_556x45_Velko_reload_tracer_red_lxWS", "35Rnd_556x45_Velko_reload_tracer_red_lxWS", "CUP_12Rnd_45ACP_mk23", "CUP_12Rnd_45ACP_mk23", "CUP_12Rnd_45ACP_mk23", "rhs_mag_m67", "rhs_mag_m67"}; items[] = {"ACE_elasticBandage", "ACE_elasticBandage", "ACE_elasticBandage", "ACE_elasticBandage", "ACE_elasticBandage", "ACE_elasticBandage", "ACE_elasticBandage", "ACE_elasticBandage", "ACE_elasticBandage", "ACE_elasticBandage", "ACE_CableTie", "ACE_CableTie", "ACE_CableTie", "ACE_CableTie", "ACE_CableTie", "ACE_epinephrine", "ACE_epinephrine", "ACE_morphine", "ACE_morphine", "ACE_splint", "ACE_splint", "ACE_tourniquet", "ACE_tourniquet"}; linkedItems[] = {"CUP_V_PMC_IOTV_Black_TL", "lxWS_H_bmask_base", "G_Balaclava_blk_lxWS", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""}; respawnweapons[] = {"arifle_Velko_lxWS", "CUP_hgun_Mk23", "Throw", "Put"}; respawnmagazines[] = {"35Rnd_556x45_Velko_reload_tracer_red_lxWS", "35Rnd_556x45_Velko_reload_tracer_red_lxWS", "35Rnd_556x45_Velko_reload_tracer_red_lxWS", "35Rnd_556x45_Velko_reload_tracer_red_lxWS", "35Rnd_556x45_Velko_reload_tracer_red_lxWS", "35Rnd_556x45_Velko_reload_tracer_red_lxWS", "35Rnd_556x45_Velko_reload_tracer_red_lxWS", "35Rnd_556x45_Velko_reload_tracer_red_lxWS", "35Rnd_556x45_Velko_reload_tracer_red_lxWS", "CUP_12Rnd_45ACP_mk23", "CUP_12Rnd_45ACP_mk23", "CUP_12Rnd_45ACP_mk23", "rhs_mag_m67", "rhs_mag_m67"}; respawnitems[] = {"ACE_elasticBandage", "ACE_elasticBandage", "ACE_elasticBandage", "ACE_elasticBandage", "ACE_elasticBandage", "ACE_elasticBandage", "ACE_elasticBandage", "ACE_elasticBandage", "ACE_elasticBandage", "ACE_elasticBandage", "ACE_CableTie", "ACE_CableTie", "ACE_CableTie", "ACE_CableTie", "ACE_CableTie", "ACE_epinephrine", "ACE_epinephrine", "ACE_morphine", "ACE_morphine", "ACE_splint", "ACE_splint", "ACE_tourniquet", "ACE_tourniquet"}; respawnlinkedItems[] = {"CUP_V_PMC_IOTV_Black_TL", "lxWS_H_bmask_base", "G_Balaclava_blk_lxWS", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""}; };
  6. Found this in the platforms config. Gonna investigate the function. class EventHandlers { dragged3DEN="_this call bin_fnc_CargoPlatform_01_update;"; registeredToWorld3DEN="_this call bin_fnc_CargoPlatform_01_update;"; killed="_this spawn bin_fnc_CargoPlatform_01_destruction;"; }; };
  7. The russian vehicle-deployable bridges from RHS also have that, by the way
  8. In short: i made several local faction mods using ALiVE ORBAT, and loaded all of them. The problem is, only one new faction shows up. Please help! // Packed using PBO manager, prefix is $prefix$; added from G drive
  9. Problem solved long ago. I just didn't understand the configs then.
  10. For example, i have an array of objects: _array = [object1, object2, etc] and i have a switch case for "_i" from 0 to ((count _array - 1) do { _newObject = _array select _i; switch ((Somekindof typeOf command) _newObject) do { case "Mines": {code to do something to the object}; case "Man": {code to do something to the object}; case "Cargo": {code to do something to the object}; }; }; //_newObject is updated everytime for each of the element so that it applies the code to every element, but that's not the point of the question How would i get these base classes so I'm basically switching between types?
  11. Hey. I needed base classes for a draw3D script, so it would place a icon on every object near the player that would match the base class, and i succeeded in that. For example, addMissionEventHandler ["Draw3D", { if (goggles player == "USP_GP21_SH4_BLK3") then { {_pos = ASLToAGL getPosASLVisual _x; drawIcon3D [getMissionPath "Icons\IconMine.paa", [1,0,0,1], _pos, 1, 1, 0, "Mine", 0, 0.05, "RobotoCondensed", "center", true]; } forEach nearestObjects [player, ["APERSMine", "MineBase", "MineGeneric","ModuleExplosive_F"], 20]; }; }]; If you want to test this, change the googles classname to whichever you want, and place some mines around you with zeus, and put the code into the debug console. Don't forget to change the icon path to something different. I originally wanted to make it like a one-time scan with a cooldown (hence the struggle with getting base classes of the objects), but i decided to go with procedural scanning instead, hence the struggle with getting base classes of the objects. (for different types of objects, such as loot (objects/weaponholders on the ground that can be picked up) i just do more entries in the Draw3D event handler. I also put it in initPlayerLocal.sqf, so don't worry about the locality for multiplayer)
  12. Found a way. [ configFile >> "Configwiththeclassnameofathinginit" >> "Classname of a thing", true ] call BIS_fnc_returnParents; example: [ configFile >> "CfgAmmo" >> "Bo_GBU12_LGB", true ] call BIS_fnc_returnParents; will return ["Bo_GBU12_LGB","ammo_Bomb_LaserGuidedBase","LaserBombCore","BombCore","Default"] and with a command (i dont remember which) to check if a specific element is in an array, i can find, for example, for several types of bombs "BombCore" is always present, while obviously not being present for other projectiles or items, etc. now i can check the parents for several objects in an array of all nearest object and maybe pushBack them to another array. found the command: 1 *in* [0, 1, 2]; // true Pretty poggers.
  13. Wait. I'll just use the nearestObjects several times for different arrays and then use forEach for those arrays. I'll report back when i try this.
  14. Thanks, i'll try the function. isKindOf returns bool and not the base class, so i'd have to make a LOT of if-then statements... By the way, i get array by doing nearestObjects with this filter: _array = ["Explosives", "Container", "Cargo", "Backpacks", "Items", "ItemsHeadgear", "ItemsUniforms", "ItemsVests", "Magazines", "Ammo", "Mines", "WeaponAcessories", "WeaponsHandguns", "WeaponsPrimary", "WeaponsSecondary", "MineGeneric", "Man"]; _nearestObjectsLoot = nearestObjects [_caller, _array, 100]; //_caller - it's an action btw
  15. What i need: an object (like a rugged case) following a human spine like it's a backpack. What i have: //On start i attach the object to the human with [box, man] call BIS_fnc_AttachToRelative; //Then i use the following code for the object to follow the vectors of the spine: [] spawn { while {alive man} do { box setVectorDirAndUp (man selectionVectorDirAndUp ["spine1", "HitPoints"]); }; }; It follows the vectors, but when i look down or up, it still clips into the body, since it's still relatively attached and not to the person itself. Please help I can post a video on how i made it if more explanation is needed
  16. Doggifast

    Object attaching to humans

    It works, jesus it was so easy. Thank you so much
  17. Doggifast

    Object attaching to humans

    Hm. Maybe i missed something and overthinking this. Give me a minute
  18. Doggifast

    Object attaching to humans

    this code only attaches the box to the man. the box remains static, it doesn't follow the rotation of the spine. the code that i attached does,.. but it doesn't update it's position relative to the spine. it basically still floats there attached, now only following the rotation basically i want it to act like a backpack without stealing BI assets and adding the backpack into the game I'm looking to make it like a carrying system (maybe like in Payday 2?) where you can literally steal a thing and put it on your back or anywhere else
  19. Instead of actually working (black screen with white text in the middle) the text blinks in for a split second and then the view is reset to normal first person view. it does that for every command execution. just blinks in black screen + words but instead of staying there for 5 seconds just disappears immediately here's the code: 0 cutText ["After the extraction of Foxtrot 1 things didn't go as planned.", "BLACK FADED"]; "marker_minefield_blacklake" setMarkerAlpha 0; "Lighthouse_1_marker" setMarkerAlpha 0; "Lighthouse_2_marker" setMarkerAlpha 0; "Lighthouse_3_marker" setMarkerAlpha 0; "Unk_radio_ping" setMarkerAlpha 0; "Marker_heliport" setMarkerAlpha 0; 0 fadeSound 0; 0 fadeMusic 0; 0 fadeEnvironment 0; sleep 5; 0 cutText ["After an unlikely series of events, 48th's main ship was destroyed.", "BLACK FADED", 1]; sleep 4; 0 cutText ["Your task is to survive. Find a naval or air-based extraction and head East to link up with Foxtrot 2.", "BLACK FADED", 1]; sleep 4; 0 cutText ["Do what you do best. Good luck.", "BLACK FADED", 1]; sleep 3; 0 cutText ["", "BLACK FADED", 1]; sleep 3; 0 cutText ["", "BLACK IN", 3]; alarmer say3D "ac_alarm1"; "lambda_core" remoteExec ["playMusic", allPlayers]; 3 fadeSound 1; 3 fadeMusic 1; [] spawn { {_x switchMove "Acts_UnconsciousStandUp_part1";} forEach allPlayers; sleep 43.859; {_x switchMove "Acts_UnconsciousStandUp_part2";} forEach allPlayers; sleep 2.732; {_x switchMove "";} forEach allPlayers; }; sleep (65); 10 fadeEnvironment 1; Animations and all other things in this script work, except for cutTexts need help ASAP
  20. Doggifast

    [Help] cutText not working

    Fixed using [] spawn {} and changing commands and contents to titleText
  21. Hello. Here is my problem: when i use ace slideshow (which works correctly), the pictures on the screen are only shown to people that came close to the rugged screen, otherwise it is just black texture. How do i fix that? Please help.
  22. Doggifast

    Preloading images

    Cheers, i'll try
  23. So, I'm not new to this and i know the basics and some advanced stuff, i already know how to teleport using setPos, what I'm looking for is an effect for that teleportation. Making a horror op. Basically what I'm looking for is an effect on teleportation on the place where a thing is teleporting to. Like that effect in Black Mesa when you're in Xen and scientists send you supplies. Searched the internet for it and couldn't find anything other then basic tutorials. Please help! P.S. I know how to make & implement sounds, i'm only searching for effects.
  24. In the MediBOT's INIT: this addAction [ "<t color='#A52A2A'>Heal all nearby units</t>", "MediBOT.sqf", nil, 10, true, false, "", "_this isEqualTo _originalTarget", 5, false ]; the MediBOT.sqf in the mission file: params ["_target", "_caller", "_actionId", "_arguments"]; _position = getPosASL _caller; _radius = 25; _list = (ASLToAGL _position) nearEntities [["Man"], _radius]; //heal { _x setVariable ["ace_fire_intensity", 0, true]; ["ace_medical_treatment_fullHealLocal", [_x], _x] call CBA_fnc_targetEvent; _x setDamage 0; } forEach _list; My point was to create a playable mediBOT that will reset player's damage around the medibot back to 0, compatitable with ace. I did what i wanted and it works well, but i need to add a cooldown to it. Please help.
  25. So i have a small script that searches for players near the player _position = getPosASL player; _radius = 25; _list = (ASLToAGL _position) nearEntities [["Man"], _radius]; if i put _list after it, it returns... [B Alpha 1-1:1 (Sean Spiegelman),Agent 0xcf352180,O Alpha 1-1:1] It returns players with their names; B before the group name means Blufor and O - Opfor, if an entity isn't a player, there is no name inserted in the array... What i can't wrap my head around is how to remove Opfor/Independent units from said array. Please help