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Dirk Verite

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About Dirk Verite

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  1. Thanks for the reply, someone said that it would be easy to make a mod that takes it away. This is beyond my knowledge. I will say that circle sucks on the game, makes it unplayable... no idea why they put it there.
  2. I know this is an old post but what would the line be to get rid of it in UH-1H helicopters? That line make half the heli invisible and keeps the circle in the windshield. Any help is really appreciated
  3. So this is still an issue with Reforger, I bought it as well and this doesn't work on it, man I hope it gets fixed soon.
  4. Ok, I get what you are saying, I will try to do that. I will post here after if it works. Thanks again
  5. This might sound like a noob question, but would it be the playerinit, serverinit, or just the init one. Thanks so much for the answer, I can't wait to try this.
  6. Hello, where would I put this in an arma 3 exile dedicated server? Thanks
  7. Dirk Verite

    Why aren't my AI units attacking?

    Hello, where exactly would you put that line in on an exile server? Thanks
  8. Dirk Verite

    Server issue after Arma 3 2.08 update

    I too would like to know of a fix
  9. I would like to know if there is fix for this as well
  10. Dirk Verite

    Persistent Save System

    Hello, this sounds awesome, I know it's tons of work. But keep me posted when it becomes full MP. Because yeah this would change the game for the better.