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About tyler.korbel

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The conclusion is what the analysis of the theoretical and practical aspects of the thesis ends with.

What is written in the conclusion?

Here it is necessary to indicate the most basic points of the work: an independently formulated interpretation of terms, a personally compiled classification, editing and formatting, analysis results, a description of the identified problems, an indication of unique solutions, an assessment of their effectiveness.


If you have previously completed course projects on your own, then figuring out how to write a conclusion in a thesis is not difficult. Coursework and thesis are similar in structure, approaches to research, descriptions of its results, and the design of the finished text.To write an excellent diploma conclusion on your own, we advise you to immediately familiarize yourself with the content of the manual and view it soon!


What information can you get from there?

  • First, the rules for text formatting. The conclusion is written in exactly the same font using the same line spacing as the entire thesis. To write it yourself, in the overwhelming majority of cases, the Times New Romans font of the fourteenth point size and one and a half line spacing is chosen. The heading is written in capital letters and highlighted in bold, located in the middle of the page, one indent is made, after which the conclusions of the work follow directly. The text is aligned to the width of the page, it itself is necessarily numbered.
  • Secondly, the requirements for the size of the conclusion. The length of this part can vary from two to five pages. This largely depends on the size of the thesis itself. If it takes 50 pages, then it is logical to assume that the conclusion will be small - about three pages.
  • Third, the requirements for the presentation of information. You can write the conclusions in solid text, broken into paragraphs, or divide them into parts corresponding to the tasks outlined in the introduction. In this case, each paragraph of the conclusion contains the results for the implementation of a specific task. Sometimes this point is not indicated in the guidelines, but the scientific advisor requires that this is done. We advise you to focus on his words, because the final grade for the diploma largely depends on his recommendations.


How to independently write a conclusion in a diploma?

To write a conclusion, you must completely complete the study. Show it to your supervisor, discuss each part with him. This approach will allow you to write the conclusion yourself right away, rather than redoing it every time you make adjustments.


Interesting to know!

Consider how to correctly write some parts of the introduction to the thesis, namely the relevance, purpose and objectives , hypothesis, subject, object and others.


After the supervisor has approved the final version, check what level of uniqueness your thesis has. You can do it on https://editius.com/dissertation-editing-services/ plagiarism checker. If you draw up a conclusion by copying the main provisions of the diploma, then this will save you from repeating places that have zero uniqueness. Work through the entire text yourself so that it passes the check in plagiarism detection systems.

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