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ABF Quantum

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About ABF Quantum

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  1. Thanks but I think you need to be a bit clearer when explaining things. I dont know why this is so sensitive but it seems to work one moment and then break the next. I copy pasted your exact example into a trigger, it worked. and then i tried it again and it didnt work. I can not tell the difference between this:  count AllPlayers > 0 && { { vest _x == "V_RebreatherB" && headgear _x == "H_PilotHelmetFighter_B" } count allPlayers isEqualTo count allPlayers } and count AllPlayers > 0 && { { uniform _x == "U_C_CBRN_Suit_01_Blue_F" && goggles _x == "G_AirPurifyingRespirator_02_black_F" && backpack _x == "B_CombinationUnitRespirator_01_F" } count allPlayers isEqualTo count allPlayers } the syntax is exactly the same. the class names are correct. I even got it working with the goggles and the suit, and then adding the backpack broke it. So i took that part out and then it stopped working. I eventually did get it working with this: count AllPlayers > 0 && { { uniform _x == "U_C_CBRN_Suit_01_Blue_F" && goggles _x == "G_AirPurifyingRespirator_02_black_F" && backpack _x == "B_CombinationUnitRespirator_01_F" } count allPlayers isEqualTo count allPlayers } Which by my estimation is exactly the same as above. So I dont know why it stopped working.
  2. I am missing something because I can't seem to get it to function. I tried to use those exact items to test, but I can't figure it out. This is what I am doing exactly: create task, assigned to playable units, task is to rearm. named task1 then a trigger. no activation, no type, server only. Then I put in condition: count AllPlayers > 0 && { { vest _x == V_RebreatherB && headgear _x == H_PilotHelmetFighter_B } count allPlayers isEqualTo count allPlayers } on activation: task1 setTaskState "Succeeded"; I cant figure it out. Based on this, I would assume that the script would go something like this, which has the gear classes I'm specifically using: trigger: type none, activation none, server only condition: count AllPlayers > 0 && { { uniform _x == "Item_U_C_CBRN_Suit_01_Blue_F" && faceware _x == "G_AirPurifyingRespirator_02_olive_F" && backpack _x == "B_CombinationUnitRespirator_01_F" } count allPlayers isEqualTo count allPlayers }; activation: task1 setTaskState "Succeeded"; What am I missing?
  3. I tried this and I cant seem to get it to work. I just made a vest on the ground called equip1 and a helmet called equip2 then made the activation task1 setTaskState "Succeeded"; It didn't give any errors, it just didnt work. I may be misunderstanding how the script works though, I dont know. My actual goal is to have players go into a crate and equip a CBRN suit, an APR mask, and a respirator backpack. So a uniform, a facewear, and a backpack. I figure there is a way to get items in a crate to have variable names for trigger purposes, but I just want to get something to work good enough.
  4. I'm trying to make a mission where players need to equip CBRN gear midway through. I want the task to succeed when all players equip the items from a crate. I've tried using a trigger to just have it succeed after a delay while they stand there, but that isnt reliable because I dont know how long they would take in reality. Are there any ways to check players for items and have a trigger activate if they have the right items? Or is there a way to succeed the task when the crate is emptied of the items?