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Frank Jager

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  1. Frank Jager

    Help with Custom Script

    Agreed, it is a mess, but I'm learning! This page https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/drawIcon3D For Item 4) on my list of things this script should do.
  2. For the life of me I can't get this example from the BIS webpage to work. It keeps throwing an error... [] spawn { while {not isNull hq6} do {"hqm6" setmarkerpos getpos hq6; sleep 1;}; }; [] spawn { if (!alive hq7) || {hq7 nearEntities [hq6,50]} exitWith {[hide,"hqm7"] call BIS_fnc_showMarkers}; else while {not isNull hq7} && (alive hq7) do {[show,"hqm7"] call BIS_fnc_showMarkers; "hqm7" setmarkerpos getpos hq7; sleep 1;}; }; pos = hq7 getPos [10, 0] vectorAdd [0,0,2]; addMissionEventHandler ["draw3D", {_k = 5 / (player distance pos); drawIcon3D ["", [1,0,0,1], pos, 1 * _k, 1 * _k, 0, "Company Executive Officer", 0, 0.04 * _k, "RobotoCondensed",];}]; This is supposed to: 1) Move a pre-placed map marker onto a players position 2) Hide the map marker if hq7 is within 50 meters of hq6 3) Hide the map marker if hq7 is not present in the worldspace 4) Display a name over the top of hq7 I have achieved 25% of this (item no.1) Are any of the scripting gods willing to help?