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Everything posted by b2020b

  1. I want to prevent users from riding certain vehicles on my server
  2. I want to show this option only when riding in any vehicle and when stopped However, this option is displayed even when not in the vehicle. https://ibb.co/0Vwb5My what's the problem plz help me //player addAction [("<t color=""#66FFFF"">" + ("Repair/Flip") +"</t>"), "repair.sqf", [], 0, false,true, "", "player in(_vehicle _target) && {speed _target < 1}"];
  3. I don't want all the buildings destroyed. Is there a way?
  4. I want to prevent it. The bombing destroyed the building.
  5. expandShrinkKey = "TAB"; // The key which is used to expand/shrink notifications - https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/DIK_KeyCodes (you can also use action key names: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Category:Key_Actions)\ how to use it ? i need example