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Everything posted by DuceDenito

  1. Hello Vigor Team, there is still a problem with the shelter status (in game/ in shelter) for team members. Team members must be reinvited after every round beause there status is still in game and not in shelter. Happends to me between PS4 and PS4 Pro before and after the latest update. best regards
  2. DuceDenito

    Trophies "World Traveler" and "Safecracker"

    Hello Vigor Team, there is still a problem getting the rubix cube trophy. After solving the cube the trophy is showing up, but after restarting the game the trophy and even some other trophys are gone. So every time solving the cube, and restarting the game, the Trophys reset to 20/30. Happends to me on PS4 before and after the latest update. best regards