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  1. Updated: 17-FEB-2021 Discord: https://discord.gg/BB7N7CpkvH Teamspeak: A3 CIT Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/CobraIT Unit Page: https://units.arma3.com/unit/cobraintervention Prerequisites: At least the age of 18 years old. Must own required DLC for operations, such as Apex and Contact. Willingness to install operation-related modifications to the game. Do not worry! We accept: People already in other units, we are a relaxed community. People willing to joke around and have fun in our relaxed environment. Willingness to vibe and chill with our unit! Operation Schedule: Monday - 9:00 PM CDT Wednesday - 9:00 PM CDT Friday - 9:00 PM CDT Other days may be hosted on but will be notified on short notice. About Cobra Intervention Cobra Intervention Team, formerly known as the 95th Reconnaissance Unit, started as an Arma 2 MILSIM unit in late 2015. The 95th's ambition was to be a serious MILSIM group with expansive and competitive grounds, but later went solitary and merged into a PMC known as Cobra Intervention Team. No longer a strict MILSIM unit, Cobra Intervention relaxed their attitude and became more-so of a semi-serious versatile private military corporation. What We Do Cobra Intervention is a relaxed group that focuses on performing realistic military simulation on terrorist hunting, liberating maps, and even doing simple tasks such as doing roadblocks. We do not prioritize any particular part of the world or map, as our ambitions are vast across many areas. However, our latest campaign has been liberating Altis from intensive CSAT control. Our Team Our ranking structure follows a hybrid between a traditional Army ranking structure and a hand-created PMC ranking structure. With a lenient form of hierarchy, we start all recruits off in basic training where they will be designated a role during operations. Don't worry, though! If you have the expertise, you will be assigned accordingly based on your expertise. However, we will try to diversify your skillset and try to make you versatile in any designated role. Upon completing basic training, you will be given your designation and ranked as a Private. Ranking Up Ranking up is as simple as engaging, interacting, and performing in duties! We acknowledge the ones who participate! Accepting Officers We are, also, accepting divisionary officers and squadron leaders to help guide our new recruits to success! Join the Discord for more information on what positions are available. How To Join Joining is as simple as joining our Discord! We will be able to assist you in your endeavor to serve alongside our unit.