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Posts posted by Anonymous4245

  1. I've always wondered this since I've been playing RHS KOTH. But why does T-72B3 and T-90SM not get the optical sight and just stuck with the digital sight?

    just honest curiosity


    Edit: Seems like T-72B3 is getting it's normal optics in the next update (https://feedback.rhsmods.org/view.php?id=2082)

    Does the T-90 also get it?


    Edit 2: I see the change is present in the dev branch, I answered my own question lol. Keep up the good work guys!

  2. 6 hours ago, da12thMonkey said:

    That number is just from the Steam workshop changelog page right? That page updates whether you have received the update or not, and doesn't really correspond to our versioning numbers.

    Current public dev branch build number is [0.5.5][R4478], which you should find alongside the latest commit log at the top of the buildlog.md in the @RHSAFRFDEV mod folder


    If the mod hasn't updated, you might have to right-click and repair it in the launcher. I have noticed myself that Steam doesn't seem as quick to push workshop updates to clients as it used to be

    Repairing worked, thanks for this!

  3. 9 hours ago, evrik said:

    Infrequent updates due to RL time. Mod development is going on behind the scenes, just nothing has made it to community release yet. We are focusing on fixing a number of reported issues such as mortars and ace, redoing all of the pylons on all vehicles, plus adding servicing / reloading / refueling abilities to a lot of vehicles etc... It all goes through in-house testing first. I have no idea as to the scheduled release dates. 


    Thanks for the clarification evrik 🙂
