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About Master-Shiv

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  1. How do i make a pvp(let's say 5vs 5) respawn based rounds mode? One where, only after one of the teams' members are all dead, it respawn everyones in the respawn position. Yes, like cs respawn mechanic. No respawning between rounds. I have found a function named respawnRounds, which describe what i need but i lack the knowledge how to use it. Sorry for being dumb, thanks for any jelp i recieve.
  2. Lol, true. But it's just makes it funnier. Wish i could help at time.
  3. I'm trying to make a mission where the enemy(disguised as robots) doesn't die when being shot but passout for a specific amount of time and than return to functionate by themselves. Basically, cannot be damaged, but still will passout after recieving some damage.
  4. { //your code here// } foreach (allMissionObjects "//class name//");
  5. So there is that function bis_fnc_respawnRounds. Which does what i want. A pvp mode, where you can't respawn untill your whole team is dead. I don't know how to call that function or where to call it from. Trigger? And what do i write to make it work? There is no example on the function lore. And i'm having troubles to understand the code formating. Thanks a lot from advance!