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Zunder Giles

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About Zunder Giles

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  1. Zunder Giles


    Hello. First of all, a huge thank you for taking my comments into account. I did a lot of testing so: 1- indeed it is not very serious (the reloading of weapon) so, who cares. 2- Excellent! it works perfectly well, thank you ! 3- you were right, this was only related to being able to open the inventory: problem solved with your correction. Unfortunately, there is just one small error, the player recovers his equipment except his backpack and the contents; the AI seems to be getting its backpack and contents back, so it's only relative to the player. Here is the .rpt at the launch of the mission : Error in expression <f (backpack _plyr != 'B_parachute') then { _plyr action ['dropBag',> Error position: < { _plyr action ['dropBag',> Error Nombre incorrect dans une expression (incorrect number in expression) Attempt to override final function - mgi_comphalo at the launch of the HALO jump : Error in expression <tVariable "bpk"); _whs = objectParent _bpk; _unit addBackpackGlobal "B_parac> Error position: <_bpk; _unit addBackpackGlobal "B_parac> Error Variable indéfinie dans une expression(undefined Variable in expression): _bpk Error in expression <eleteVehicle _para; sleep 0.5; detach _whs; if (!isNull _whs) then { _unit a> Error position: <_whs; if (!isNull _whs) then { _unit a> Error Variable indéfinie dans une expression: _whs I'm not sure I can be of more use to you than that. Hoping that is enough. good luck 🙂
  2. Zunder Giles


    Thank you very much for your response. In fact, it was much simpler than I had imagined. I still wanted to add confirmation for the player in case of cancellation. So before the EH I wrote this // Variable used to confirm cancellation : false = no click done yet on the map groupmapclick = false; uisleep 1; Then at the very beginning of EH this // Variable is true since onMapSingleClick is done at this point groupmapclick = true; and finally after the last waitUntil this // Option C : check if groupmapclick is still false (condition "false groupmapclick" = true) if (!groupmapclick) then { systemChat "Jump cancelled." }; Everything works perfectly and there are no errors anywhere. Thanks again 🙂 However I draw your attention to the cobra4v320 script AI HALO Jump Why ? because there are three ... disturbing things in your script. 1) you can always reload your weapon in mid-flight 2) you can always open your inventory in mid-flight 3) I use this script to save and reload my equipment https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/139848-getset-loadout-saves-and-loads-pretty-much-everything/?do=findComment&comment=3097749 and this causes the appearance of a bag at our feet in the air, bag that we can try to take (even if it is impossible) Possibly the interesting part to add to your script is this: "// save the backpack and its contents, also adds fake pack to front of unit" Voila, I don't know if you will find this interesting to add (also if it is easy or not to add), and I do not know if you want or not to fix the "bug" of the possibility of opening the inventory and reload the weapon in mid-flight. In any case, well done for your script, I am unable to do the same. Thank you very much 🙂
  3. Zunder Giles


    Hello, I'm new around here. I created a campaign with the ALiVE mod on the Workshop and, although I absolutely do not know how to code, I decided to add your script with an additional function: when the player is on the map and he must click to launch the HALO jump, if he decides to cancel his jump he has no possibilities. So: when the player has NOT clicked on the map AND exits the map THEN the HALO jump is canceled. Here are the changes to your script that I made: Everything works as expected, only I have a generic error in an expression when launching the HALO jump. This is due to the expression "groupmapclick" which is = false as normal and when we click to launch the jump it changes to = true, so there is a missmatch type problem. My problem is that I don't know how to properly create this variable, because if I write _groupmapclick, the "if" functions start doing anything. Sorry, I never learned to code, I just figured out some function by reading the Bohemia wiki pages. If you could help me I would be very grateful to you, thanks in advance 🙂