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Lover of the Russan Queen

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Everything posted by Lover of the Russan Queen

  1. ❗️🔍What and who we are Welcome, all to a new server and community thriving with content. FreeBeerGaming Custom Server has plenty of mods to keep you looting and on the move for more. Our server is Third person/First. Traders... will be added later. We welcome clan warfare. Our server has a party system so keep you and your team mate's in a group at all times, but don't feel left out for any reason we always are willing to talk to you and sort things out. feel free to use our public music channel for your entertainment. Our server has more then 100 vehicles around the map. Check Out Our First Video : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KI4ZV9Ldk90&feature=emb_title&ab_channel=FreeBeerGaming ❗️Information [WARNING ALL CONTENT CAN BE SUBJECT TO CHANGE !] THIS SERVER IS MODDED AND FOR ARMA 3 ALL SERVER IP'S NEEDED MODS WILL BE IN OUR COMMUNITY DISCORD : https://discord.gg/UjNYasD YOU CAN USE THE NORMAL ARMA 3 LAUNCHER OR YOU CAN CONNECT THOUGH : https://a3launcher.com/ THANKS FOR WATCHING! Arma 3 Server UPDATE_V_1.0.3 All Our Game Servers ip's Start with: [] Arma 3 is: Mods Required to join is here https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SrejAgMKmF_UdkC9zWnDlwliKx92ANn-/view?usp=sharinghttps://drive.google.com/file/d/1SrejAgMKmF_UdkC9zWnDlwliKx92ANn-/view?usp=sharing Steps top install this file. 1. Download and save to a place on your pc where you will remember it. 2. Open Arma 3 launcher though steam. 3. Go to [More] "Import List of Mods From File" then steam will Download/load mods to load order for Arma 3 https://imgur.com/Hkp7lzQ