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About SouthernGoods2

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  1. I am placing this code into the init of a Pop-Up Alien object. I am very new to scripting so I know my syntax is probably the cause.
  2. So I am making a simple firing range, and I wanted to make a portion where the targets alternative from either being hidden to being shown, or alternatively from being to being down. I tried using triggers that alternate activation, but I couldn't really wrap my head around the logic, so I moved on to writing a script that I could just use, but I am still fresh to scripting and honestly programming in general so I was a bit confused by the syntax. Does anyone already have an existing solution?
  3. O wow thank you so much!
  4. So I ran into an issue with this script, and wanted to know if there is a workaround. So I am using a group of OPFOR that I have converted into INDEPENDENT. I have set up the script to work with only on INDEPENDENT. However, when the units respawn they revert back to their original OPFOR. I have them listed as independent due me having other OPFOR units that I do not wish to be affect by this script.
  5. I am planning on building a server with a 3960X Threadripper with 128GB of RAM 3200 along with a 2TB SSD, and among other things which will then be COLOed at a data center. Would this be adequate hardware to support 130 players across two servers?