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Gary Utterson

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About Gary Utterson

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  1. Gary Utterson

    Encounters Matched with Level Discrepancy

    Edit - Uninstalled. Game with promise but the matchmaking is ridiculously unfair towards lower ranked players. Sorry.
  2. Gary Utterson

    Encounters Matched with Level Discrepancy

    Not entirely true. I was really enjoying this game in the beginning but now I'm very close to uninstalling. I'm level 16 myself and find it highly unfair being paired with people who are clearly substantially higher levels than I am. Can normally tell by their "badges" they have on display. One guy earlier was level 50 and had "250 air drops retrieved". Every match now is becoming a case of spawn in and die within 2 minutes.
  3. Gary Utterson

    Matchmaking with high levels.

    At first I found this game enjoyable. Now its just pointless and tedious. I'm only lvl 16 myself yet all of a sudden every game is full of level 40-50 players. Find myself dying the minute I step out of anywhere and im unable to progress with my shelter.