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About --Ghost--

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  1. Thanks man you helped me a lot with your example!! it was my mistake I wasn't calling the function correctly excellent framework!
  2. Hi there Zenophon I'm having a problem with the framework, when I try to call an objective creation from documentation(I translated objective's text to Spanish) I get a generic error in expresion from Zen_AreTasksComplete.sqf line 34 note This was not an issue some months ago there is another problem involving zen_objectivepos could I get some assistance here? I'm really lost // Call functon to get random city/village area marker _randomCity = call f_getrandomcityAreaMarker; _randomCity setMarkerAlpha 0; // Debug // Generate a random position within the city _ObjectivePos = [_randomCity] call Zen_FindGroundPosition; // Create a Eliminate Warlord objective at generated position _yourObjective = [_ObjectivePos, (resistance), east, "Officer","elimina"] call Zen_CreateObjective; // Assign a squad to protect the warlord _MortarGuard = [_ObjectivePos, east, "militia", [5,4]] call Zen_SpawnInfantry; // Call three custom functions to create a two dimensional array of // markers in and around the center of the town _cityCenter = getMarkerPos _randomCity; _AREAMARKER_WIDTH = 200; // Create an array of positions relative to the city center _positionArray = [4,4,_cityCenter,_AREAMARKER_WIDTH] call f_getnearbyPositionsbyParm; // Convert all the positions into area markers _markerArray = [_positionArray,_AREAMARKER_WIDTH] call f_createMarkersfromArray; // Filter out all positions that are mostly water //_markerArray = [_markerArray] call f_filtermarkersbyTerrain; // Create FIVEE squads that move randomly within the grid for "_i" from 0 to 4 do { _newGroup = [_markerArray] call f_spawnsquadforMarkerArray; }; waituntil { sleep 5; [(_yourObjective select 1)] call Zen_AreTasksComplete }; This is zen_aretaskscomplete.sqf // This file is part of Zenophon's ArmA 3 Co-op Mission Framework // This file is released under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0) // See Legal.txt _Zen_stack_Trace = ["Zen_AreTasksComplete", _this] call Zen_StackAdd; private ["_taskArray", "_taskState", "_tasksComplete", "_taskData"]; if !([_this, [["ARRAY", "STRING"], ["ARRAY", "STRING"]], [["STRING"], ["STRING"]], 1] call Zen_CheckArguments) exitWith { call Zen_StackRemove; (false) }; _taskArray = _this select 0; _taskState = ["failed", "succeeded", "canceled"]; if (count _this > 1) then { _taskState = _this select 1; }; if (typeName _taskArray != "ARRAY") then { _taskArray = [_taskArray]; }; _tasksComplete = true; { _taskData = [_x] call Zen_GetTaskDataGlobal; if !([(_taskData select 2), _taskState] call Zen_ValueIsInArray) exitWith { _tasksComplete = false; }; } forEach _taskArray; call Zen_StackRemove; (_tasksComplete) There is a second issue involving framework usage, I use ALIVE in my mission on a dedicated server (this was an issue when I first translated the mission generation) on dedicated alive's virtualization changes Zen units into CSAT so I thought of using this snippet " this setVariable ["ALIVE_profileIgnore", true]; " on init, but I cant find unit's init in framework D: where do I place this in the framework? thankyou! have been stuck for months D: