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Everything posted by c00ster

  1. c00ster

    Shelter keeps resetting.

    Yeah, that minimal effort and neglect has become standard for BI- haven't seen a moderator in this forum for a long time who can take our issues to the team. But, ripping people off is going to be the last straw for some of us. It's not just the money, but we're talking years of time invested into this game through all the bugs and BS, only to have BI take it all away from us. Bitches get stitches for that kind of stuff.
  2. c00ster

    Shelter keeps resetting.

    Some people use crowns to complete levels. I only use crowns for insurance and resource bumps
  3. c00ster

    Shelter keeps resetting.

    This is absolute bullshit. I went through the trouble of collecting YEARS worth of resources to complete all 13 levels in the smokehouse, rat traps and garden boxes- am still working on the last level of the outhouse so that I could enjoy the benefits of collecting resources while offline and now they just F'n ROBBED me! If they just nullified all the progress I have made in all the years I have been playing this goddamned game, I want a refund of about $1000 and they can stick this game up their asses. I suffered through all the bugs and disconnecting for the first few seasons of this game, spent HOURS and HOURS and HUNDREDS of dollars on this game over the years. It's one thing if it is a bug, but to steal from your most loyal players like this is dirty. This is just unacceptable!
  4. I logged in today and saw that my shelter was destroyed and the food capacities for rat traps and garden planters has been cut in half. My smokehouse is maxed and my outhouse is 12/13, yet my planters and traps only hold half of what they used to hold when I logged out last. I also noticed that some of the encounters show that I haven't discovered any of the areas, but I have discovered EVERY area in EVERY encounter already! I did notice more food in the encounters, but I spent all that time collecting resources for my shelter, rat traps and garden for nothing!!! I expected to have my full capacities today when I logged in, which rat traps were 500+ and planters were 600+ before this new build. If you decreased my capacities because you added more resources in the encounters, that isn't acceptable because I know that the Bohemians seem to like rigging the game quite often where resources are scarce in the encounters. I might be able to gather a lot of food today, but tomorrow you crooks are probably going to rig it back to slim pickin's. I spent the time and money improving my shelter and resources and I want it back how it was. Stop ripping me off! I have spent HUINDREDS of dollars (and hours) playing this game for the past few years and now you're ripping me off (again!)??? WTF???
  5. c00ster

    Vigor outage?

    Is Vigor down or something? Keeps getting stuck at the loading start screen
  6. c00ster

    Loot throttle

    Yeah, they already required way too much loot to complete all the building and resources at your cabin and now they have pretty much made it impossible. I have been playing this game for 3 years now and I still haven't maxed all my building items at the cabin. Yes, my cabin itself was finished in the first season, but all the things we need resources for will now sit unfinished because EVEN with boosts, you're lucky to find more than 2 (ie: chemical crate only has 2 chemical in it? - for real?) Stingy bastards. Not even worth spending money on this game anymore for insurance- was already a waste of money for loot boosts.
  7. c00ster

    Loot throttle

    No Seriously, where in the F*** is all the loot?????????????????????
  8. PLEASE fix the spawning in encounters!? In some of the encounters (most of them) I am CONSTANTLY spawning in at the same location on the map. Usually someplace where I have to run clear across the map to find any of the loot I am looking for, because where I get dropped is usually in a place where the looting sucks. I'm not just talking about on certain days, I have been spawning in the same places for like a month or so.
  9. c00ster

    Bug with portable signal detectors

    Don't quote me on this, but I think the PSD only picks up the closest player to whomever uses one. So, unless you're humping each other, I'm guessing one of you would be closer to that person, even if only by a little bit. That closer person gets the notification. Just a guess.
  10. I still don't see why people don't 'ready in' at the encounter lobby. Whether you do or not, you're still stuck in the encounter either way. If you don't press the 'Y' button, all it does is make everyone in the room have to wait longer to start the encounter. And there is always at least 1 person who doesn't do it. I'd understand if not pressing the 'Y' allowed you to leave the encounter when it starts, so you could enter another one to see if people boost loot- but since you're stuck in that encounter anyway- doesn't make any sense.
  11. c00ster

    vigor buried cache what happen ?

    Vigor has always been stingy, but lately it's ridiculous.
  12. c00ster

    Loot throttle

    I've noticed the same thing and I spend a lot of loot on this game, have regularly bought the $50 crown package every 1-3 weeks for the almost 3 years I have been playing. I have told myself repeatedly I am not going to boost loot anymore because every time I do, I either get spawned in B.F.E. or the loot is scarce even when I find it. Now I mostly just use the crowns for insurance because it isn't worth spending them on loot boosts.
  13. c00ster

    1st person view

    I have been playing this game almost from the very beginning and I have seen a lot of cool upgrades. I've seen some pretty stupid ones too (anti-camping mortar strikes). Servers issues are far better than they used to be, for sure. However, I don't understand why they can't implement the option to play 1st person view, instead of 3rd. They can do it with the scopes, so why not? I don't believe all the nonsense I keep hearing that they'd have to separate encounters for 1st OR 3rd. Other games allow you to choose your view so that doesn't make any sense to me that it can't be done with this one. I wouldn't mind 3rd person view as much if they would eliminate all the things that block your view, which are BEHIND your head. I can't stand in front of a tree or a building without my view being blocked by something that is behind me. That's a pain in the rectum- can't have a decent gun fight without being completely out in the open.
  14. c00ster

    Season 8 Theme

    @onemanwolfp4k 99.99% of the guns aren't sniper rifles and you'll notice that even the sniper(ish) rifles don't really have modern sniper scopes on them. If we entered the apocalypse today, it would probably be very hard to find much in the way of hi-tech weaponry because the never-ending radiation storms have a tendency of destroying delicate electronics. Just food for thought...
  15. c00ster

    Glitch on season 1 battle pass.

    You probably won't get any. There is a post somewhere stating that there are 3 scenarios involving the season 1 battle pass. If you have been playing and got them in season 1 (or whenever) they claim you already got them in the past seasons and theyre going to be stingy and not give them to you again. Pretty stupid huh!?
  16. BadButtman First of all, if there are crows in bushes when you walk by them, they WILL fly off and make noises in real life. Don't you have crows where you live? Crows are notorious for signaling when predators are approaching. The crows aren't warning the approaching person you are there (though it does serve that purpose too), they are actually warning you that someone is coming. It's YOU who has no concept of 'reality' if you think in a real-world situation that people WON'T be hiding in bushes. People who go all-out Rambo are the first ones killed 'IN REAL LIFE'.......In a world where it is kill or be killed, snipers will rule. 2nd, IRL, if you had ONE signal detector, it wouldn't vanish after using it so you wouldn't need to carry 10 of them. It's also none of your business how much of what items people want to pack with them. If you wanna pack your whole bag with signal detectors, it leaves you less room for anything else- your choice. But then, you sound like another f'n communist and it is obvious the people running the game are commie bastards too.
  17. c00ster

    Loot bug in Fiske encounter

    I know there was a lucky lighter bug a couple of versions ago, because it was the only one that nobody had found up to that point. I also found the lucky lighter on Fiske, in one of the locations where the Fiskeri lighter was supposed to be according to all the people that had found it. I did recently find the Fiskeri lighter in one of the places where it should be (on top of the 2nd floor lockers). I have now completed all of my collections (Trolls, Lighters and Vinyls), waiting for the next collection to come out.
  18. c00ster

    1st person view

    I want the option for 1st person view, like virtually every other game offers. The thing I HATE the most about this game is that it's from 3rd person perspective and shit that shouldn't be blocking my vision is ALWAYS blocking my vision. If I am standing in front of a tree, I shouldn't have to look around it and I shouldn't have to look through my scope to see what is actually in front of me instead of behind me or off to the side. If you can offer 1st person through a scope, you can do the same for regular gameplay. I love the graphics and obstacles in the game, but they shouldn't be blocking your view if they aren't in front of your face! It's one thing to be in the middle of a bush and have branches blocking your view, but when you're out in the open where some other player can see you plain as day, but a tree that is behind you makes it so you can't see them, THAT is BS.
  19. c00ster

    Fiskeri Lighter

    Did the Fiskeri lighter get deleted or something? I have been trying to find that lighter at the factory on the Fiske Fabrikk encounter for months and when you removed the encounter last season, I thought it would be impossible. Now that it is back, I have played that encounter over 100 times and the lighter is nowhere to be found. It's never in the factory or on any of the people I shoot and loot. I was told there was a glitch with the Lucky Lighter, so I am wondering if the Fiskeri Lighter may have a glitch too? I have found the Lucky Lighter at the factory a few times, is it possible that the wrong lighter is popping up where the Fiskeri Lighter should be? I know finding lighters is hit and miss, but as many times as I have searched for this specific lighter, it feels like something must be broken.
  20. c00ster

    Loot bug in Fiske encounter

    On the subject of Fiske Encounter bugs, have any of you been able to find the Fiskeri lighter? Before last season (6.0), I was only a few lighters away from completing the collection. Because I still needed a few different lighters, I didn't dedicate a lot of time to any one of them specifically because I didn't realize that Fiske Fabrikk would be removed. This season (7.0), Fiske is back, so I dedicated 90% of my time looking for the lighters on the Fiske Fabrikk encounter and since finding the tomato lighter, I have spent 100% of my time there looking for the Fiskeri lighter, which is the only one I have yet to find. It has not been there or on any of the players I have looted, so I am thinking there is another lighter glitch, like there was with the Lucky Lighter. If anyone has found the Fiskeri Lighter this build, could you please let me know?
  21. c00ster

    Loot bug in Fiske encounter

    I have noticed a couple of times when you get to the end screen of an encounter, where it shows you what you gathered in the encounter, that things were missing. For instance, I knew I gathered a bunch of 'chemicals', but when I looked at the tally on the screen, it only showed some of the things I got in the encounter. It appears that there are 2 methods of gathering that it scores like looting and scavenging (?) and I think one of those didn't register during the gameplay, because I did have some of the items listed, but not all of them (none of the chemicals I scavenged). I also had a time when I killed 2 players, but at the end only credited for one- but I knew I killed both because I looted them. There are definitely some bugs in this game.
  22. c00ster

    Fix your damned servers

    I can't believe how long this game has been online and they STILL haven't fixed the server issues. Stop making changes to this game until you FIX what's wrong with it! Damned game booted mid encounter, and now it does it at every encounter load in. Usually I don't lose my insurance money, but I lost 60 crowns the last 3 times it did this, Every time I try to launch an encounter, it gets to the player room and locks up. Fix it.
  23. c00ster

    Fisker Lighter

    Has anyone found this lighter since they brought the encounter back? I have looked throughout the factory a hundred times now and it isn't ever there, even when I am the first to get there. Ironically, I have found the "lucky" lighter about 15 times now: 3 times in the factory where I thought I might find the Fisker lighter. I also can't seem to find the tomato one, which is supposed to be common. Just wondering if anyone has found those lighters since the new season started? Or am I just wasting my time, because the devs turned it off or something? UPDATE: Found the tomato lighter. Guessing the Fisker lighter is missing in action. I have searched the factory high and low and it's never there. Has anyone found it outside of the factory?
  24. And, like I said, I agree with the point- exit camping is lame. However, they are usually screwing themselves if all they do is hide every game.