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Everything posted by juleshuxley

  1. juleshuxley

    Call a function via config.cpp

    this is so dumb. I've created a really complicated mod, but it's in script form for one of my eden projects. I've done the hard bit. It works. Now I just need to package it into a addon and have an initialization function fire on mission start. That's it. Insane. Day wasted. In a C++ project, init.cpp is always run first. In a website, index.html is opened first. In Arma 3?!?! god only knows how you create an init script.
  2. juleshuxley

    Call a function via config.cpp

    Where is the reference to myFile.sqf . And what's myCategory?
  3. juleshuxley

    Call a function via config.cpp

    I must be dumb. nothing works, im going to bed
  4. juleshuxley

    Call a function via config.cpp

    Here is the structure of my project. It contains just two files, config.cpp and myFile.sqf: config.cpp: class CfgPatches{ class Test{ author = "CaptainDucko"; name = "S P C S"; units[]={}; weapons[]={}; requiredAddons[]={"A3_Data_F_Enoch_Loadorder"}; requiredVersion = 0.1; }; }; class CfgFunctions { class myTag { class myCategory { class myFunction {file = "\myFile.sqf";}; }; }; }; myFile.cpp: myTag_fnc_myFunction = { _returnThis = "doesnt_work"; _returnThis; }; When I start Arma 3, I get this error: Why? I have changed the file attribute to "file = myFile.sqf" and "file = /myFile.sqf" but I get the same error message every time.
  5. juleshuxley

    Call a function via config.cpp

    Doesn't work. ridiculous. such weak documentation. ive tried every example on that page. thanks for trying though
  6. juleshuxley

    Call a function via config.cpp

    No the fuction doesn't work, I'll trt that requiredAddons, thank you
  7. juleshuxley

    Call a function via config.cpp

    I'm writing `call myTag_fnc_myFunction` in the console. But I get the Script myFile.sqf not found error when I start up Arma, before I start a mission / scenario in the editor
  8. juleshuxley

    Call a function via config.cpp

    Second example from that page just just does not work!!!! Structure: Config: class CfgPatches{ class SinglePlayerCharacterSwitcher{ author = "CaptainDucko"; version = 1.0; units[]={}; weapons[]={}; requiredAddons[]={}; requiredVersion = 0.1; }; }; class CfgFunctions { class myTag { class myCategory { class myFunction {file = "myFile.sqf";}; }; }; }; ERROR: 😡
  9. juleshuxley

    Call a function via config.cpp

    dude my screenshots depict the example shown under "Default Path (Mission Only)". I've tried every example and nothing works I have no idea what I'm missing
  10. The two smoke screens a vehicle has is unrealistic. The challenger, for example, can use its engine to produce smoke for as long as it has fuel. And yet the 2035 vehicles of Arma just have two poxy smoke grenades. Anyway, rant over. Is it possible to patch all vehicle classes to have more smokes? I tried putting this in my scenario file in an attempt to patch the CSAT artillery vehicle to have 6 grenades. Nothing changed. Do I need to load the .cfg file in a sqf file? // moreGrenades.cfg class CfgVehicles{ class : 0_MBT_02_arty_F { smokeLauncherGrenadeCount = 6; }; };
  11. Could I have an example of overwriting a config via a mod please?
  12. I've noticed that many mods and their keybindings can be tweaked via the "Addon Options" entry in the main menu. How do I give my mod an Addon Options page so the user can change various variables of my mod?
  13. Or do I change smokeMag to have 20 rounds in it? what's the best way to do it? complete beginner here.
  14. Two things I love? Single Player games and the Hind D. As great as those missiles are, the nose mounted cannon is completely off limits to a single player like me 😞 Do you fine people think it's possible for me to write a script that enables the mouse to control the gun and camera while the player character sits in the pilot seat and flies with WASD? I can actually fire the gun as the pilot using BIS_fnc_fire: [assignedVehicle player, "GI-2"] call BIS_fnc_fire; It's just a matter of getting the gun track the mouse! How do I do this? Basically I want to bring the way a single player and AI crew control a tank to helicopters such as the hind D. Is this possible? Can we change the helicopters roles so the gunner seat is classed as a commander seat maybe? (left right foward stop forward 😉)
  15. Haha congratulations. shame about arma though...any idea on any sources where I might find out how to ger the camera to rotate a gun?
  16. When a player is in the driving position in a vehicle, it's easy to find out that he is the driver: // assuming player is in driving seat assignedVehicleRole player; // returns "driver" However, when you're the commander or gunner you get an array that's the "turret path" of what turret you're in: // assuming player is in commanding turret (assignedVehicleRole player) select 1; // returns [0,0] often, but the commander turret can vary depending on vehicle, especially modded vehicles If the commanding turret were always [0,0] I could use that to detect if the player is in the commanding position. However sometimes it's [0,1], and on modded vehicles it can [5] or [6]. I thought that (allTurrets [_this, true]) select 1// [[0],[0,0]] might have been the answer. That the last entry in the array it returns was always the commanding turret. This is not the case, again, often not on modded vehicles. Basically I'm about to go ahead and hard code every single vehicle name in my script with a reference to which turret path is the commanding position. However, before I do that, is there a cleverer way to find out if the player is in the commanding position? The moveInCommander command always moves the player to the commanding position, so there must be a way to query the vehicle and for it to give the commanding position / commanding turret path, right?
  17. So you think the actual vehicle file itself needs to be changed?
  18. I'm creating a add on that makes it easier for one person to control a tank. I've created a mission in eden where every tank in the game is next to each other in order to test them. Whenever I makes changes to my script and restart this mission to test my script, I'm asked "are you sure you want to restart" every time. Is there a way to supress this message through a script or is the answer hidden in the options somewhere?
  19. Sometimes when I make a mistake in my script, I can't press any buttons when I play my mission. This includes the escape key, so I can't quit my mission! I need to force quit Arma and restart the whole thing which takes AGES. Is there some kind of shortcut or something I can use to quit the mission and return to eden?
  20. With a script, how can I run the "To Commander's Seat" command? I want to move the player to the commanders seat when a key is pressed, rather than use the mouse wheel player moveInCommander vehicle player; I thought this command would do it but this moves the player into the vehicle as the commander. Any ideas on how I could get the player to move to the commander's seat FROM another seat? Is was hoping there would be a moveToCommander command but unfortunately not. Any ideas? Is there a way to active the action wheel with a script and trigger the To Commander's Seat action with a script?
  21. Ok so I'm in the early stages of learning arma 3 scripting. Basically inside an existing mod I find this script in the root directory: MyMod_init.sqf Based on this entry page, https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Event_Scripts, I assume this means MyMod_init.sqf is "Executed when mission is started (before briefing screen)" So my question is, do you name your event scripts like this below? The name in the filename before the underscore has confused me a bit. <FoobarMod>_init.sqf <FoobarMod>_initPlayerLocal.sqf <FoobarMod>_initServer.sqf
  22. I'd love to be able to see how some of my favourite mods work. Some of them just need a little tweak to be perfect IMHO. However, when I look inside a mod all I see is mod_name.pbo? Is there a way to open .pbo files so I can see the uncompiled code?