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bong oh

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About bong oh

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  1. yup. And It still doesn't apply separately, and respawn times setting in the game are applied... I trying to find out why the sqf file settings are not applied.
  2. I'm sorry for the late reply. Even if I apply the script, respawn time in the game(in multiplayer menu) is applied first in multiplayer
  3. Oh.. I'm sorry. I misunderstood that the purpose of your URL link was to confirm what I emphasized that phase in ARMA wiki. And, I thought the purpose was to show that the functions I said are not provided at all in the game. I try to that in MP mission. and want applied that each side.
  4. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setPlayerRespawnTime Sets the time interval (in seconds) that the player must wait before respawn. It resets to mission default on mission start." In Single Player or when respawn type is GROUP or SIDE in Multiplayer, setting player respawn time has no effect, and playerRespawnTime will always return -1." so... no way to change that?
  5. I wanted the Bluefor team to have 2 minutes of respawn time and the CSAT team to have 30 seconds. However, I looked up most of the documents about respawnDelay, but I couldn't find any part of that... May I ask how you can solve this problem?
  6. Which list should I modify to change or add to the list of cars and weapons? For example, I want to get weapons and vehicles through radio objects and ammunition boxes. I'd like to add mortar and mortar ammunition (ACE mode only) and buy them separately.
  7. Is there still a bug in loadout save/load function? My equipment does not load after dies and returns to the initial loadout.(I used 11/7 version)
  8. Can I ask how modify initial costume and weapon? Basically it starts with nato's outfit, can this be changed according to the faction? and another problem is when I buy and spawn vehicle, I can't get in.
  9. here is repro https://drive.google.com/file/d/1v300mxXU-N_pYBXd3HJj5dBpmB5-mXiJ/view?usp=sharing
  10. Thank you for your explanation.! try put away all mod
  11. Well ...It's a little embarrassing to show it to others, but I'll upload drive :https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YeR_1qVlyXWaxYEcKqT1ECLEioMGiypH/view?usp=sharing mod category : https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2242163538
  12. umm. I don't know how to show repo...for instance, announce sqf in mission folder? init.sqf YOU_fnc_account = { params [["_caller", objNull, [objNull]], ["_amount", 0, [0]]]; private _account = _caller getvariable "YOU_account"; _caller setvariable ["YOU_account", _account + _amount]; if (_amount < 0) then { systemChat format ["%1 POINT 사용!", _amount] } else { if (_amount > 0) then { systemChat format ["%1 POINT 획득!", _amount] }; }; systemChat format ["Balance $%1", _account+ _amount]; }; _unit = _this select 0; [_unit, [_unit, "SavedInventory"]] call BIS_fnc_saveInventory; //all trait unlock player setUnitTrait ["engineer",true]; player setUnitTrait ["medic",true]; initPlayerLocal.sqf ["InitializePlayer",[player,true]]call BIS_fnc_dynamicGroups; // When killed, bring _unit,_killer to Server { _x addEventHandler["Killed", { _unit = (_this select 0); _killer = (_this select 1); pKilled = [_unit, _killer]; publicVariableServer "pKilled"; }]; }forEach allUnits; initServer.sqf //calculate Distance bonus and increase _killer's account ["Initialize"] call BIS_fnc_dynamicGroups; "pKilled" addPublicVariableEventhandler { private ["_data"]; private _bonus =0; _data = (_this select 1); _unit = (_data select 0); _killer = (_data select 1); _cID = owner _killer; _distance = _unit distance _killer; if(side _killer == side _unit) then{ [_killer,-100] call You_fnc_account; }; // hint str _distance; if(_distance<100) then { _bonus=0; }; // each kill range over 100m bouns will increase 10 if(_distance>=100) then{ _bonus=(_distance/100)*10; _bonus=[_bonus,0] call BIS_fnc_cutDecimals; hint format ["+거리 보너스 : %1", _bonus]; }; _bonus=_bonus+100; [_killer,_bonus] call You_fnc_account; // pClient = bonus; // _cID publicVariableClient "pClient"; }; onPlayerRespawn.sqf _unit = _this select 0; [_unit, [_unit, "SavedInventory"]] call BIS_fnc_loadInventory; onPlayerOut.sqf _unit = _this select 0; [_unit, [_unit, "assignedItem"]] call BIS_fnc_saveInventory; umm that is all sqf in my mission folder
  13. My mission flow 1. First Respawn to Custom Loadout to set editor 2. buy the weapon, gear from box. 3. When go out from base, equipment saved(just assigned item /(not ammo, medkit etc.. ) 4. and when respawn, start to gear saved So, my first step is making trigger west/not present/repeat/ on Condition _unit = _this select 0; [_unit, [_unit, "assignedItem"]] call BIS_fnc_saveInventory; and make onPlayerRespawn.sqf _unit = _this select 0; [_unit, [_unit, "SavedInventory"]] call BIS_fnc_loadInventory; yup..I was expecting that this would not work. I have no idea how to import and store each player's assignedItem with the trigger. Can anyone tell me about this mechanism?
  14. Sorry to reply late Nice, no more lag now ! Thanks to make this mod I haven't seen the code in detail yet, but can I make different sales items for different teams? Or should I make another file name and apply it separately?
  15. this addAction ["Buy Truck", "if (((_this select 1) getVariable ""YOU_account"")>1500) then {systemChat ""you bought Truck!""; [_this select 1, -1500] call YOU_fnc_account,; _spawnedvehicle = createVehicle[""rhsusf_m1078A1P2_B_D_fmtv_usarmy"",getMarkerPos""Truck"",[], 0, ""NONE""]; clearWeaponCargoGlobal _spawnedvehicle; clearMagazineCargoGlobal _spawnedvehicle; clearItemCargoGlobal _spawnedvehicle; clearBackpackCargoGlobal _spawnedvehicle; } else {systemChat ""Not Enough Money""};"]; this addAction ["Buy Humbee", "if (((_this select 1) getVariable ""YOU_account"")>2500) then {systemChat ""you bought Humbee!""; [_this select 1, -2500] call YOU_fnc_account,; _spawnedvehicle = createVehicle[""rhsusf_m1078A1P2_B_D_fmtv_usarmy"",getMarkerPos""Car"",[], 0, ""NONE""]; clearWeaponCargoGlobal _spawnedvehicle; clearMagazineCargoGlobal _spawnedvehicle; clearItemCargoGlobal _spawnedvehicle; clearBackpackCargoGlobal _spawnedvehicle; } else {systemChat ""Not Enough Money""};"]; this addAction ["Buy MRAP", "if (((_this select 1) getVariable ""YOU_account"")>3500) then {systemChat ""you bought MRAP!""; [_this select 1, -3500] call YOU_fnc_account,; _spawnedvehicle = createVehicle[""rhsusf_M1230_M2_usarmy_d"",getMarkerPos""Mrap"",[], 0, ""NONE""]; clearWeaponCargoGlobal _spawnedvehicle; clearMagazineCargoGlobal _spawnedvehicle; clearItemCargoGlobal _spawnedvehicle; clearBackpackCargoGlobal _spawnedvehicle; } else {systemChat ""Not Enough Money""};"]; this addAction ["Buy Heli", "if (((_this select 1) getVariable ""YOU_account"")>3500) then {systemChat ""you bought Heli!""; [_this select 1, -3500] call YOU_fnc_account,; _spawnedvehicle = createVehicle[""RHS_MELB_AH6M"",getMarkerPos""Heli"",[], 0, ""NONE""]; clearWeaponCargoGlobal _spawnedvehicle; clearMagazineCargoGlobal _spawnedvehicle; clearItemCargoGlobal _spawnedvehicle; clearBackpackCargoGlobal _spawnedvehicle; } else {systemChat ""Not Enough Money""};"]; this setObjectTexture[0,"pic\car3.jpg"];