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Solarcode red

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About Solarcode red

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  1. thing is the player can't move the vehicle as it has a trigger on it to move and an ai unit is in the pilot seat my idea was sorta have the player walk up to it and use the menu to change the vehicle
  2. So this may not make sense or be possible. But in my mission I have a scenario where the play gets in a helicopter and an ai unit flies them to different firing positions. My question/desire is to be able to turn that specific helicopter into a different vehicle via the virtual garage. Like the player could use the action menu on the vehicle turn It from an apache into a cobra for example probably not possible or my explanation may be off but if anyone knows how I'd appreciate any help thanks also the ai unit flying has to still stay inside
  3. Sorry for the late respone I'll try this out
  4. yeah i'm gonna try again tomorrow it's not working I must be messing a step up
  5. I'm sorry to have wasted your time and everyone else's I guess I should've been more detailed and explained my scenario better. But the door gunner of my heli is dropping the player off and I just wanted the left dooe gunner to shoot at a target/obj when landing or takingin off again sorry again and I apprecaited the help
  6. yeah I just got an error in the trigger saying it was missing a ; but if this spawns a heli this wouldn't really work for what I;m trying to make but I appreciate the help nonetheless
  7. Oh ok I see and by script this will be something added to the mission folder? I don't have any expierence scripting or is the something that's gonna go in the init and I'm changing variable names? Because I really don't understand this one
  8. oh ok yeah it seems so complicated but thank you I'll try my best to implement this
  9. Hey sorry for the late respone I'll have a look at and try out what you suggested I appreciate the help
  10. G1 is the vairable name of te unit t6 is what the unit is shooting at and _helicopter idk i thought I had to add
  11. I'm trying to get a ai unit to shoot at an target/object while on a heli door gun when a trigger is activated. I got the trigger to make him shoot but he wont shoot at the target/object. He just shoot's into the air randomly or at the ground but not the target/object. null = shooter1 spawn {_this dotarget t6; sleep 0.5; while {alive t6 and alive _this} do {sleep 4; gl action ["useweapon",vehicle _this,_this,0]; }}; this is the code placed in the trigger I was told to replace the "useweapon" with "fireAtTarget" but got error when running the mission and the ai wouldn't shoot I then tried this code below null = g1 spawn {_this dotarget t6; sleep 0.5; while {alive t6 and alive _this} do {sleep 0; gl action ["fireAtTarget"]; [_helicopter, currentWeapon LMG_Minigun_Transport,0]; }}; But when running the mission with code I got another error and the ai wouldn't shoot I have pics but I'm not sure how to add them.