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About ArcticFox737

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  1. Is there a simple or recommended way using the scenario framework to get a vehicle to respawn after being destroyed? I have played around with the on destroyed event plugin but it only seems to work once not multiple times. Thanks for the help.
  2. As far as I can tell in Reforger there is no garrison feature or AI building positions like in ArmA 3. What if any is that best way to spawn AI in a building then have them say in it and fight from it? I have tried using different type of waypoints with mixed results. Any good solutions out there? Thanks.
  3. ArcticFox737

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    Good afternoon, While updating some of our community Hearts and Minds ports to version 1.23.5, myself and another one of our community devs noticed when loading Hearts and Minds in the editor it seems to hang up and stop loading frequently. Although it will load sometimes it seems to more commonly than not crash on the loading screen. Looking at the debug logs it seems that after selecting the hideout positions the mission stops loading. I have made numerous Hears and Minds ports and this is the first time I have come across this type of problem. I am wondering if anyone else is having this type of issue or if it's a known issue with the newest version. Cheers
  4. ArcticFox737

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    Hello, I recently completed a port of H&M to a new map for our community using version 1.23.1. We noticed that when players disconnected and then later reconnected they would spawn at the position which they had disconnected. While this is a cool feature I would prefer to not utilize it. I have disabled slot sharing via the mission parameters but it still appears to place players at the position where they disconnected when they rejoin. Is there a mission parameter I am missing or a variable I can change which would allow players to always spawn at their unit's starting position in the editor? Or will it require deeper script editing to disable this feature? I appreciate the help. - ArcticFox
  5. ArcticFox737

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    I had a question regarding the rally-point system changes following the 1.21 update. Prior to version 1.21 after one player placed a camp bag rally-point down any player could spawn on it, including JIPs, until the max number of redeploys was reached. It seems now with the 1.21 update that only the player who placed the camp bag down can see the rally-point. Was this change intentional? Also, is there any way one could make it so all players can utilize the camp bag rally-point after it is deployed? Thank you for your continued work, and frequent updates on this mission.
  6. ArcticFox737

    [MP] =BTC= Hearts and Minds

    Great Mission! I found this in the mission.sqf (btc_rep_militia_call_time = 600). I'm curious whats does this parameter control? Thanks again for creating this great mission.