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Everything posted by h4wek

  1. Who knows how it is possibile form logical side?? (live and dead in the same time?) are we on quantum computing already in A3? :)
  2. I have proof of this issue on dedicated server during few hours of work when start to use C-Ram guns by AI,on every burst it spawn even 100 of drone_explosive detonations and those objects are deleted after that, dedicated have 50 FPS but scripts are so lagged that for ansver on action takes few seconds, so it is only question of growing empty reserved space after deleted objects in memory, and after this time all go to lagging like after this described method -> many spawned objects = memory overloaded by those spawned objects (even they are deleted already) -> lag is unstopable without restart of mission in this case. So don't talk bull shits that everything is ok beacouse is not from probably begining of A3. Everyone can do this experiment and have prooof of bugged code of A3 on very deep level - just say (nobody from those who can repair or understand this part of code not work in BI anymore instead - Cannot reproduce the performance degradation. Even after 50000 runs. )
  3. I need to calculate cargo area for specified objects, so I make simple script for get real true info about that, but if you put this to console and wait few minutes (console run continuus this comand in loop and repeating this procedure many times by spawn/despawn all those objects) - the game is stack freezeeng or crash after close console - to repeat effect just put this to function file on empty VR map and you see effect. //["B_Truck_01_cargo_F","Land_metalBarrel_F"] call boxcount - command to put in console boxcount = { params ["_transportertype","_cargotype"]; private _boxcount = 0; private _cargos = []; private _full = false; if (isClass (configfile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _transportertype >> "VehicleTransport" >> "Carrier")) then { _transporter = _transportertype createvehiclelocal [0,0,-1000]; _cargo = _cargotype createvehiclelocal [0,0,-1100]; while {!_full} do { if ((_transporter canVehicleCargo _cargo)#0) then { _transporter setVehicleCargo _cargo; _cargo = _cargotype createvehiclelocal [0,0,-1100]; }else {_full = true}; }; _cargos = (getVehicleCargo _transporter); _boxcount = count _cargos; {deletevehicle _x}foreach _cargos; deletevehicle _transporter; deletevehicle _cargo; }; _boxcount }; after that nothing get game back to normal even FLUSH or SUPERFLUSH, only restart of mission clen memory area. Is any solution for that in engine? (this cause after longer perioid of time stack of dedicated server if game running very long on the same mission even optimalised scripts not help beacouse of this effect - it looks like every spawned object make space in memory and not relase it after delete completly - BI guys W..T...F?
  4. This is not a reason of config belive me - i try to load transport static weapons to very kind of vehicle in vanilla set and gues what - no f.... way to that, but if I change the same object to parent class as non static wapon, for example tank, it is possibile to load to the same vehicle what previously not, and to those trucks also, So why i ask for check those classes by BI, i try many possibilities to do that and it is blocked on engine (loading transport vehicles) level.
  5. NO shit sherlock :) this issue is even on vanilla set - this is coresponding to engine way of work on dedicated and simulation models, this thing that effect can be on attached objects due to simulation model of parent objects, but the same reason cause for example too low rate of fire on machine /gatling guns - don't use simulations like "tank" - only "tankX" make it correctly working - I was fight with this shit about 6 months and discover true issue by accident with config error on this simulation model. BTW - with too high rate of fire in conjunction to recoil effect force this what not happen in terminator movie can happen in real and in arma :) (set in this situation mass to x10 and center of mass [0,0,-2] solve it excelent).
  6. One question to attached static weapons - WHY it can't be transported as cargo by this method https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3:_Vehicle_in_Vehicle_Transport even when it have set config to canBeTransported = 1; and all mass and size parameters are meet - other vehicles (smaller than specified weaopon turret) in the same situation (transporter vehicle) are able to load.??????
  7. I have different method for that: change mass of vehicles for example 10x and change center of mass to for example [0,0,-2], for me it solve all progblems even with jumping MGs on buildings.
  8. Am I only who is missing to have possibility of confing entry in number model coordinates array like for example: slingLoadCargoMemoryPoints[] = {{0,0.45,1.08},{0,-4.25,0.23}}; not only by memory points, to transport broken small heli by bigger one or to transport plane is needed to make whole scripting method slingload or edit model to add memory points, by this feature will be possibile to add it by config overwrite.
  9. h4wek

    Sling Loading Feedback

    Am I only who is missing to have possibility of confing entry in number model coordinates array like for example: slingLoadCargoMemoryPoints[] = {{0,0.45,1.08},{0,-4.25,0.23}}; not only by memory points, to transport broken small heli by bigger one or to transport plane is needed to make whole scripting method slingload or edit model to add memory points, by this feature will be possibile to add it by config overwrite.
  10. Why is not possibile to use in config to add slingLoadCargoMemoryPoints array as model coordinates points, example slingLoadCargoMemoryPoints[] = {{0,0.45,1.08},{0,-4.25,0.23}}; this could be done like in transport vehicles class 😞
  11. Why AI disembark after unconnect it from group from locked vehicle??, When I order to AI getin and after that lock vehicle "2", it deny for command getout, but if i dismiss it from group Ai disembark imidiatelly from this vehicle, WTF????
  12. They not fixed this until today 😞, but i try other issue to solve this one - try use command this disableAI "All" after engineon command or before, with this disableAI 'move ' normally ai not turning off engine itself. so maybe this help to prevent turnn off by MP. or this one [this,true] remoteexeccall ["engineon",2]; for me this one works fine in MP. but i discover other issue with sound controllers on this object (not work globally sound controlled by this custom controllers) funy thing of course for off you need to use [this,false] remoteexeccall ["engineon",2]
  13. h4wek

    Vehicle Sound

    Anyway it is shame that sound controllers not work on building and thingx objects, for ship type simulated object it works but on MP is problem with turn on/off engine (server overwrite state of engine set by engineon command). https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2957393571
  14. The same question about engineon overwrite (in my situation it is problem on dedicated when object is set to engine on (ship simulation object - generator to power supply radar) anyway when I set engine on on client by useraction after few seconds dedicated serwer set it back to 0 - object haven't crew so WTF??
  15. This could be work like this (but need addon side):
  16. You should check by ( _projectile iskindof "Cluster_155mm_AMOS") anyway i make lot of experiments on this : https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2957393571
  17. I have scripts using transport vehicles cargo space for store/unstore cargo objects on them, and during MP game we observe crashes of client machines when we use unload option on vehicle controlled by other player from outside, the crash is happen on activator of action and on the owner vehicle too. The scripts using standard command for unload like: objNull setVehicleCargo _object; During the crash we receiving acces violation errors. On SP and when owner of vehicle is the same person who using unload command on MP all works fine. here is addon for vanilla parts vehicles: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2957421426
  18. Thanks for watching here (old date people like me prefer forum like this one - discord is too much and too fast data in one time - and hard to search on it, maybe it is only my own experience but I prefer this forum as place for share).
  19. Explain me why this command do too much? Enable/disable option to transport other vehicles (if configured) or be transported. WTF??!!! Just make separate command for this second feature beacouse ......... if I make cargo container (other problem is that it can't be thingX for make work transport vehicles), but if finaly is done I want to disable load/unload options on it until doors are open so i use enableVehicleCargo to lock it- but after this loading this cargo container for truck for example is impossibile due to this shitty added feature, of course i can manage this by other way but why it must be always so complicated?
  20. To Bi dev - > Question: is much work with add to addaction config parameters instead of memory point from object, possibility toy use local coordinates of object like {0,3-,2} for example? Or add it as new variable to this list like localpos for example? Something like this: selection: String - (Optional, default "") object's geometry LOD's named selection memoryPoint: String - (Optional, default "") object's memory point. If selection is supplied, memoryPoint is not used localpos: Array - (Optional, default []) object's local coordinates point.
  21. Did you try to paste ["B_Truck_01_cargo_F", "Land_metalBarrel_F"] call boxcount in console view? and left console open (with paused game) for 5minutes? During this this time function will repeat to calculate result many more times than 50000; like this: Best to do this and watch effects open arma in window and (alt+ctr+del) task manager for look on system resourcesm graph of memory rise and rise up during opened console and paused game I get even 24GB of used memory on this (1 AI on empty VR map with 1 transport vehicle and barrels in loop of create/delete) - but bad effect starts even after few GB of rise up.
  22. What is the problem in RTD to manage more than 2 engines?, In XML is possibile to add even 4 engines but working and produce power /torque only 2. <Engines> <Engine type="ConstantRPMEngine"> <DebugInfo printDebugInfo="false" /> <General inertia="0.3" /> <Performance emergencyPowerHP="4380" maxTorque="3820" rotationResistance="0.000009"/> <ControllerParams P="0.5" I="1.5" D="0.0" offset="150" targetRPM="14280" /> </Engine> <Engine type="ConstantRPMEngine"> <DebugInfo printDebugInfo="false" /> <General inertia="0.3" /> <Performance emergencyPowerHP="4380" maxTorque="3820" rotationResistance="0.000009"/> <ControllerParams P="0.5" I="1.5" D="0.0" offset="150" targetRPM="14280" /> </Engine> <Engine type="ConstantRPMEngine"> <DebugInfo printDebugInfo="false" /> <General inertia="0.3" /> <Performance emergencyPowerHP="4380" maxTorque="3820" rotationResistance="0.000009"/> <ControllerParams P="0.5" I="1.5" D="0.0" offset="150" targetRPM="14280" /> </Engine> </Engines> <DriveTrains> <DriveTrain type="GenericDriveTrain"> <TorqueLimits emergency="12000" /> <GearBox gearRatios="1" reverseGearRatio="1" /> <Clutch maxClutchTorque="15000" isFreewheeling="true" /> <Engine index="0" /> <Engine index="1" /> <Engine index="2" /> <Load name="MainRotor" gearRatio="79.7765" /> <Load name="TailRotor" gearRatio="20.4292" /> </DriveTrain> </DriveTrains>
  23. Is any way to block turret view when for example turet's optic is off (broken camera in pip view turret for example or removed external part of turret damaged or hidden) is any way to make it by config? like for example : enabledByAnimationSource = "FLIR_hide"; but this is for turrret at all it should be like enableOpticAnimationSource = "animation"; of course is some semi block script method like: if ((_heli animationsourcephase "FLIR_ON" < 1) && (cameraView == "GUNNER") && ((_heli turretUnit [0]) in allplayers)) then {(_heli turretUnit [0]) switchCamera "INTERNAL"}; but it is not perfect and need to control IDs and refreshing it.
  24. what is soundAttenuationCargo[] value from where you get this ?
  25. Did you saw AMS addon? There is all of this solved and more :) https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2957393571 Anyway whole this idea to mark missiles, bombs, shells, was my idea from 3 years ago. But nobody care for this feature until UA war not start and destroying incoming missiles is new needed ability. anyway when you spot target for cruise missiile on enemy airport (for example SAM luncher) and you see how your incoming cruise was shot down by enemy defense is feel of real - only saturation help like in real :)