Thank you guys.
Sorry for the late (late) reply.
I have recently discovered that you can add code to specific init objects (using the classnames from objects) in the file "kp_objectInits.sqf" inside the KP Liberation mission folder. This is the comment in the header of that file on how to use it.
Specific object init codes depending on classnames.
Array of classnames as strings <ARRAY>,
Code to apply <CODE>,
Allow inheritance <BOOL> (default false)
_this is the reference to the object with the classname
KPLIB_objectinits = [
systemChat "CSAT urban soldier was spawned!"
systemChat format ["Some human named '%1' was spawned!", name _this]
Now, my issue here is that I'm trying to add a "say3d" to a unit (infantry) which I can build in the KP menu:
[_this, ["radiochatter", 23, 1]] remoteExec ["say3D", 0, true];
But it doesn't work when I build a unit (infantry classname) only works when I build a vehicle (using a vehicle classname).
Thanks for reading, everyone!