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About Sergeant.Roland.

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  1. Sergeant.Roland.

    Adding code to init object

    Sure, here is the kp_objectInits.sqf that I referenced.
  2. Sergeant.Roland.

    Adding code to init object

    Thank you guys. Sorry for the late (late) reply. I have recently discovered that you can add code to specific init objects (using the classnames from objects) in the file "kp_objectInits.sqf" inside the KP Liberation mission folder. This is the comment in the header of that file on how to use it. /* Specific object init codes depending on classnames. format: [ Array of classnames as strings <ARRAY>, Code to apply <CODE>, Allow inheritance <BOOL> (default false) ] _this is the reference to the object with the classname Example: KPLIB_objectinits = [ [ ["O_soldierU_F"], { systemChat "CSAT urban soldier was spawned!" } ], [ ["CAManBase"], { systemChat format ["Some human named '%1' was spawned!", name _this] }, true ] ]; Now, my issue here is that I'm trying to add a "say3d" to a unit (infantry) which I can build in the KP menu: [ ["rhsusf_usmc_marpat_d_squadleader"], { [_this, ["radiochatter", 23, 1]] remoteExec ["say3D", 0, true]; } ], But it doesn't work when I build a unit (infantry classname) only works when I build a vehicle (using a vehicle classname). Thanks for reading, everyone!
  3. Hey everyone. First of all, I'm pretty noob about scripting, so I'm sorry if I sound like an ignorant lol. I'm trying to add a script to a specific unit (in my case to the engineer unit with classname "B_engineer_F"). I want to add the code into the init unit without using the editor (because I'm using a KP Liberation mission). Is this possible? Thanks for reading.
  4. Sergeant.Roland.

    Adding playSound3D

    Hey what's up everybody. I'm pretty noob about ARMA 3 scripting, I can read some code but sincerely I don't have much experience. And here's what I want to do: I want to add a radio-chattering sound effect to the NATO radio backpack (classname: B_RadioBag_01_wdl_F) into a KP liberation mission. I was reading about "playSound3D" but I don't know exactly how to add this into the init of the backpack in KP liberation. Coding in KP liberation could be tricky. So I would like to know if someone has experience on adding this into KP. Thanks for reading!