Hello we want to show you the One and Only Exile Esseker server on Arma 3!
Discord: https://discord.gg/tS52ZAV
Website: http://arma3-exile-esseker.com
Exile Esseker:
-CUP Core
-CUP Maps
-CUP Units
-CUP Vehicles
-CUP Weapons
-Enhanced Movement
-Extended Base Mod
-Extended Survival Pack
-KA Weapons
-TRYK´s Uniforms
-Ni Arms
-Virtual Garage
-Custom KillMessages
-Missile Warning
-Custom PilotHUD
-vehicle Management System
-Many Custom Missions (35 Diffrent)
-Custom Events Ikea, Cash, Guns (Green, Red, Blue circle)
-12 Custom Apps (Most Wanted/Base Marker/Player Market/ AirDrop/Deploy Quad and Mozzie and more...!)
-Base Spawn
-Custom Spawn Selection Menu
-Different Trader Overlay
-Vector Building
-200 Different Base Paintings
-No Base Codes Have to be entered to Unlock Base doors/Saves and more!
-Car Mounting
-Rearming point at the Airfield
-CUSTOM Respect ranks
-Claim Vehicles
-Base grinding
-Save Hacking
-Virtual Garage Hacking
-Different Skill Levels
-Heli Patrols
-Airdrops on the map
-Gear Crates
-Hide dead bodys