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Everything posted by S3LMON

  1. Hello ๐Ÿ™‚ I want to get all players in a vehicle. So I did execVm in initServer to run the following code, but in editor it worked for me. (Assume that it is in the A.sqf file.) I tried a total of three codes. [[],{ [str("MISSION END") ,str(date select 0) + "." + str(date select 1) + "." + str(date select 2), str(date select 3) + ":" + str(date select 4), str("RTB Complete!")] spawn BIS_fnc_infoText; {_x moveInCargo BASE;_x allowDamage false;} forEach allPlayers; sleep(1); [1, "BLACK", 5, 1] spawn BIS_fnc_fadeEffect; {_x moveOut BASE;} forEach allPlayers; }] RemoteExec ["bis_fnc_spawn", 0, true]; [[],{ [str("MISSION END") ,str(date select 0) + "." + str(date select 1) + "." + str(date select 2), str(date select 3) + ":" + str(date select 4), str("RTB Complete!")] spawn BIS_fnc_infoText; HC = entities "HeadlessClient_F"; HP = allPlayers - HC; {_x moveInCargo BASE;_x allowDamage false;} forEach HP; sleep(1); [1, "BLACK", 5, 1] spawn BIS_fnc_fadeEffect; {_x moveOut BASE;} forEach HP; }] RemoteExec ["Spawn", 0, true]; [[],{ [str("MISSION END") ,str(date select 0) + "." + str(date select 1) + "." + str(date select 2), str(date select 3) + ":" + str(date select 4), str("RTB Complete!")] spawn BIS_fnc_infoText; player moveInCargo BASE;player allowDamage false; sleep(1); [1, "BLACK", 5, 1] spawn BIS_fnc_fadeEffect; player moveOut BASE; }] RemoteExec ["Spawn", 0, true]; It also worked inside dedicated servers, but only worked for one person when there were more than one. After reviewing the code waituntil{{(alive _x) && ((getPosATL _x) select 2 < 60) && (_x distance2D BASE > 200)} count allPlayers > 0}; If there is a player that satisfies the conditions in the code above, A.sqf is executed. And in the code of A.sqf, only those who satisfy the condition are executed normally. Are these possible? Or am I missing something? I've been working on this for almost a month, but I haven't found a definitive answer yet. Advice please! Thanks!! ๐Ÿ™‚ + + Even people who do not run normally [1, "BLACK", 5, 1] spawn BIS_fnc_fadeEffect; This part works fine! Yes...I mean, only this part works...:\
  2. Thanks for the reply! ๐Ÿ™‚ But the logic to execute that command exists in initServer. But how can I execute these statements in initPlayerLocal? Is there a way?
  3. Good morning! ๐Ÿ™‚ I want to be able to run a function on all elements in an array. Let me show you the code first. (I removed the part I thought was useless for easier viewing because it was too long) // Fnc.sqf Fnc_2 = { Unit_2 = _this select 0; /* //I just want to lie on a warm bed... Execute the visible effect of the function! */ }; Fnc_1 = { Unit_1 = _this select 0; while {alive Unit} do { /* //Scripting is very difficult... It repeats until the "conditions" under which Fnc_2 can be executed are satisfied! */ if ("Condition_1") exitwith { [Unit_1] call Fnc_2; }; if ("Condition_2") exitwith { [Unit_1] call Fnc_2; }; if ("Condition_3") exitwith { [Unit_1] call Fnc_2; }; }; }; 0 = [] spawn { while {true} do { Unit_Array = vehicles select {isNil {_x getVariable "Val" }}; { if (isNil {_x getVariable "Val"}) then { _x setVariable ["Val",TRUE]; [_x] spawn Fnc_1; }; } forEach Unit_Array; }; }; The problem I am having with the above code is: If there is [Unit1, Unit2] in Unit_Array, I manipulated Unit1 so that Fnc_2 can be executed. Fortunately, Unit1 ran Fnc_2, but Unit2, which didn't transform anything, also ran Fnc_2. What's the problem? I've been wasting my time for almost 2 weeks on this issue... Thank you for reading! ๐Ÿ™‚
  4. Oh ... I feel good somehow! I'll test it out when I have time and let you know the results! Thanks for the reply! ๐Ÿ™‚
  5. Good morning :) I made a mission file using AFAR script (https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/200791-release-addon-free-arma-radio/) (Thanks to phronk for developing a great script!) Complete all mission files and service obfusqf (https://obfusqf.bytex.digital/) obfuscated the mission file. However, when I opened the server with the obfuscated mission file, the function did not run smoothly. (I think it might be a half run.) I'm sure it ran for a while and then stopped, but I don't know exactly where the problem was (there was no error message, so I don't think the error was...). Of all the problems I've encountered so far... it seems to be a different field... Does anyone have any information that might be helpful? (I am not an English speaker, so I may not have been able to convey the exact meaning of what I am saying, and there may even be some rude comments, but that is not my truth!) Google translation Thanks for reading :)
  6. Thanks for your comments! However, other scripts in my mission worked well even with obfuscation. I'm just cautiously guessing if some scripting feature unique to AFAR is causing the problem.
  7. Thank you again!! With your getVariable setVariable solution, I was able to fully implement the resuscitation function!!
  8. Hello!! I would like to make a script that does not take damage for 20 seconds if it takes more than a certain amount of damage to give the spawned helicopters in the mission a chance to make an emergency landing by referring to this nice script. https://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=25452 But I don't know how to run code on spawned helicopters... What I want most is to give it an emergency landing opportunity. (Is there a better (effective) way than simply waiting for 20 seconds?) Below is the code I have written now... enableSaving [false,false]; []spawn { while {true} do { _centerPosition = getArray(configFile >> "CfgWorlds" >> worldName >> "centerPosition"); Heli_List = nearestObjects [_centerPosition, ["Air"], worldSize]; hint str Heli_List; { _damage = getDammage _x; if (_damage >0.85) then { _x setDamage 0.85; _x allowDamage false; sleep ((random 20) + 5); _x allowDamage true; _x setDamage 1; }; }forEach Heli_List }; }; The hint message seemed to give me a way, but... I don't have too much knowledge about the script... I will be very grateful for your response. ๐Ÿ™‚ I have poor scripting skills so I am not sure how to achieve my goal. I am not an English speaking person. I am not sure if my intent has been clearly communicated. (Using Google Translate)
  9. Thank you so much! Thanks to you, all helicopters, whether spawned or existing, can make an emergency landing as I intended! However, as a script beginner, there is a lot to learn. isNil {_x getVariable "heloPassed"} Can you tell me what this part means? Also, I'm going to go one step further and create a resuscitation function that applies to everyone. Could you please tell me how to write a script that only runs "once" for newly created people, except for those who existed at the beginning of the mission (editor)? I politely ask. Regardless of this, I am very grateful for your help. Not only this, I'm very good at using your various cool scripts, and I'm always grateful. ๐Ÿ™‚ I have poor scripting skills so I am not sure how to achieve my goal. I am not an English speaking person. I am not sure if my intent has been clearly communicated. (Using Google Translate)
  10. Hi You are using your nice script well. However, I would like to kill a unit if it takes extra damage while unconsciously. So in line 10 of the file G_Unconscious.sqf _unit allowDamage false; To _unit allowDamage true; Changed to. Also, in order to make sure that the enemy can kill, _unit setCaptive true; To _unit setCaptive false; Changed to. However, for some reason, after entering the unconscious state, even if damage is taken, it continues to become unconscious. I could only kill a unit through the secure action. How do I solve this problem? Is this an animation related issue? I am not an English speaker. There is already a solution I want in your description, but I may not have understood it. And I'm not sure if my intention is accurately expressed in this article. I am not asking for patience in advance for my fault, but I would like to say that I did not write this article without any concerns ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks again and hope you have a nice day ๐Ÿ™‚
  11. Good morning I found a very interesting reinforcement script. However, I want this script to run over and over again in the middle of the mission. Better if it only works when there is a player in the operating area (distance Intel_Pos <200). But my mission structure is for example If it is a mission to find Intel, assign the Intel spawn location (Intel_Pos) and create an Intel object. The mission is completed when the player comes around the Intel spawn location via waituntil. waitUntil {{_x distance Intel_Pos <1.5} count Missions_Playable> 0 }; After a lot of trial and error, I've gotten between "createVehicle" for Intel creation and "waitUntil" for mission ending. []spawn { while {{_x distance Intel_Pos <200} count Missions_Playable> 0} do { TB_Spawn_Marker = selectrandom["TB_Spawn_Marker_1", "TB_Spawn_Marker_2"]; TB_Spawn_Off_Marker = [Intel_Pos, 500] call BIS_fnc_nearestRoad; veh = ["O_APC_Tracked_02_cannon_F",[TB_Spawn_Marker],[TB_Spawn_Off_Marker],[Intel_Pos]] call TB_fnc_motoInfReinforce_Main; sleep (random 20 +10); }; }; I tried putting code like this, but it didn't work as expected. I don't think of the right way anymore. In the first place I am wondering what script can I "repeat" between "createVehicle" for Intel creation and "waitUntil" for mission termination...!! If possible, I would like to know if there is any way to make the script repeat over that section. I am a beginner in scripting and this problem has plagued me day and night for days... That's why I'm confused even if I asked this question correctly. (If it's a trivial problem that wasn't even worth the question....wow...) I desperately need the help of script masters... Thank you for reading ๐Ÿ™‚ I'm not an English speaking person, so I'm not sure if my intention was accurately conveyed. If I have spoken rudely or looked polite, that's definitely not my real intention. Since I am using Google Translator, I know roughly how it was translated, but I don't know specifically. ๐Ÿ™‚
  12. oh i solved!! https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/165194-while-true-script-not-working/ i need much more study...
  13. I'm going to select the videos I think are the best among the Arma trailers and use them for my mission intro.(including audio) (During the initial loading of the mission, the client fps slightly drops, which is intended to replace that time with an intro.) Oh, and I will also play the clan logo I made along with this video at the beginning of the video for about 1 second. After the logo plays for 1 second, the video starts. Are there any legal issues, such as copyright issues, in using the video from this link or playing the clan logo before this video is played? Even if it's not legal, if it's a minor one I don't want to use ๐Ÿ™‚ I want to hear from you (If you know the official BI position, please let me know!)
  14. Nice project! ๐Ÿ™‚ Is there any way I can apply my own textures to your project? I'd like to apply the texture I made through your GUI! Cheers!
  15. Hello ๐Ÿ™‚ I only know the location information and I want to delete all objects (except buildings) within a certain range (300m) from that location. I started with Array and tried a lot of things, but I couldn't even put objects in scope (except buildings) into an array. (It is no problem to delete all objects except the building.) Is there anyone who can provide me with a solution? I have poor scripting skills so I am not sure how to achieve my goal. I am not an English speaking person. I am not sure if my intent has been clearly communicated. (Using Google Translate) thanks!
  16. Hello ๐Ÿ™‚ In the second photo in the link below, there is a large, translucent circle centered on the "hd_objective" marker. https://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=18181 I want to turn that circle into a rectangle and create a marker with only a border (for displaying the range) But I couldn't find the original class name https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/CfgMarkers DrawRectangle as an alternative I've tried, but somehow I don't get an error, but it doesn't work. findDisplay 46 displayCtrl 46 drawRectangle [ player, 10, 20, getDir player, [1,1,1,1], "#(rgb,8,8,3)color(1,0,0,1)" ]; I have poor scripting skills so I am not sure how to achieve my goal. I am not an English speaking person. I am not sure if my intent has been clearly communicated. (Using Google Translate) I really want to achieve this goal, so I ask. Please help me
  17. It works so well! Was it this simple? really I need a lot of study... Thank you very much !
  18. S3LMON

    GF Missions Script

    I'm very sorry... I hope that George will be healthy and come back again. I will study more and do my best to solve this issue And I think we should work with George to develop this wonderful project. I will try my best to solve it and share it immediately if it is resolved. George is not alone! And I wish George a healthy return.
  19. S3LMON

    GF Missions Script

    Hello. I wanted to use your cool project. However, it seems that "Empty Marker"_ "GF_Missions_Safe_Zone_1" is being ignored. This is because missions were created at the location of the marker. There are even missions created right next to the player. I am wondering if there is any defect in any part. I'm not an English speaker, so I'm not sure if my intentions were conveyed correctly. (I'm also using Google Translate to say this now :)) Thank you so much for making this wonderful script
  20. Thanks for the answer. I think I need to gain more knowledge. Hope you have a nice day ๐Ÿ™‚
  21. Hello. I wanted to use your really cool project for my mission. However, in single player everything worked fine, but in multiplayer the unit dies immediately without any neutralization process. I haven't solved this problem for quite a while. So, take an excuse and ask for a solution. It's too hard for me... This is the mission I tested. I am not an English speaker. There is already a solution I want in your description, but I may not have understood it. And I'm not sure if my intention is accurately expressed in this article. I am not asking for patience in advance for my fault, but I would like to say that I did not write this article without any concerns :) Thanks again and hope you have a nice day :)
  22. I am about to create about 400 bots with GHST's Enemy Assault mission. However, as you know, it is very difficult without a headless client. So I'm asking a question. Is it included? If not, how do I include it and activate it? (I see the init_hc file, but I'm not sure if it actually works.)
  23. I plan to open an Altis server with a maximum of 20 players and about 400 bots(maximum) being created with Ryzen 3600 and 16 gigabytes of RAM.(server computer) But people recommended i5-9600KF. What should I choose to get better server performance? and is it possible to satisfy these conditions sufficiently with the above CPU? If not, which CPU satisfies the above conditions?
  24. For example, I want to play music called Action Dark through a trigger with PlayMusic in my MPmission. and all clients will listen to this theme music. Is there any copyright problem? Also, is there any problem when applying the DLC theme?