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Everything posted by Spriterfight

  1. Spriterfight

    Cant get supply drop to work

    Yes i have spriterfighter#0678
  2. Spriterfight

    Cant get supply drop to work

    Yes the first part the "rhs_uh1h_hidf" is the type ,classname. The _pos is the position which is given at the begining of the script if you want to change the distance then find this line: private _pos = [_caller, 500, 600, 3, 0, 20, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos; the 500 and 600 is the radius around the caller who called the script it can be whatever you want 500m and 600m or 1000m and 1000m but change this only if oyu want the distance. ifyou want height then you can add this line [50, "ASL"] call BIS_fnc_setHeight; below this in the init.sqf and be careful. You can change the 50 this means 50 meter above sea level you can set it like 600m or whatever you want private _pos = [_caller, 500, 600, 3, 0, 20, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos; private _veh= createVehicle ["B_heli_light_01_f", _pos,[],0, "FLY"]; _veh allowDamage false;
  3. Spriterfight

    Cant get supply drop to work

    Does it work for you now?You messed up a little bit the trigger but no problem here.It is wogz s merit because he created an easier script
  4. Spriterfight

    Cant get supply drop to work

    i had to 0 = [] spawn YOU_fnc_supplyDrop to work in the activation.
  5. Spriterfight

    Cant get supply drop to work

    https://drive.google.com/file/d/17xWOOisdFEvhIS1QirUyRpk1iQWRQoPN/view?usp=sharing here it is i implemeted wogz 's method for you his method is easier .In the init.sqf: YOU_fnc_supplyDrop= { params [["_caller", player, [objNull]]]; private _pos = [_caller, 500, 600, 3, 0, 20, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos; private _veh= createVehicle ["B_heli_light_01_f", _pos,[],0, "FLY"];//you can change helicpoter here if you replace "B_heli_light_01_f" _veh allowDamage false; private _grp=createVehicleCrew _veh; _grp setBehaviour "CARELESS"; you_supply= _veh; you_recieve= _caller; [_grp, group _caller, 10, 0, {you_supply distance you_recieve <200}, 2] spawn BIS_fnc_stalk; (leader _grp) sideChat "Supplies En Route"; waitUntil {sleep 1; _veh distance _caller < 200}; (leader _grp) sideChat "Supplies Deployed"; private _vehPos= getPosASL _veh; [_veh, _vehPos, _caller] spawn { sleep 1; private _obj = "B_cargoNet_01_ammo_f" createVehicle getPos (_this select 0); _obj setPosASL (_this select 1); private _signal = "SmokeShellGreen_infinite" createVehicle getPos _obj; _signal attachTo [_obj, [0,0,0]]; private _para = "B_Parachute_02_F" createVehicle getPos (_this select 0); _para attachTo [_obj, [0, 0, -3]]; _obj addEventHandler ["InventoryOpened", { params ["_unit", "_container"]; [ "AmmoboxInit", [ _obj, true, {(_this distance _target) < 1} ] ] call BIS_fnc_arsenal; }]; waitUntil {sleep 1; _obj distance (_this select 2) < 5}; deleteVehicle _signal; }; waitUntil {sleep 1; _veh distance _caller > 2000}; deleteVehicle _veh; {deleteVehicle _x} forEach units _grp; };
  6. Spriterfight

    Cant get supply drop to work

    I can but does your marker is named helispawn?try to set the activation to radio alpha
  7. Spriterfight

    Cant get supply drop to work

    It is better just put his code in the mission init.sqf and call it in the trigger
  8. Spriterfight

    Cant get supply drop to work

    Try wogz 's method my method works for me i dont know why it dosent for you
  9. Spriterfight

    Cant get supply drop to work

    You set the marker too close to the trigger area thats why it drops its supply instantly Thats why you got the error because it was closer than 100 already
  10. Spriterfight

    Cant get supply drop to work

    Just put this in the trigger's activation ,the trigger is name should be trg1 and you can choose if you want it by radio or if the player movea in the trigger area.also make a marker where do you want the heli to spawn and name it "helispawn"
  11. Spriterfight

    Cant get supply drop to work

    _position = (trg1 getRelPos [(random ((triggerArea trg1) select 0)), random(360)]); _posheli = getMarkerPos "helispawn"; _supplyheli = createVehicle ["rhs_uh1h_hidf", _posheli, [], 0, "FLY"]; createVehicleCrew _supplyheli; _supplyhelicrew = crew _supplyheli; _heligroup = group (_supplyhelicrew select 0); _wp = _heligroup addWaypoint [_position,0]; _wp setWaypointType "MOVE"; _wp setWaypointSpeed "Full"; _wp setWaypointBehaviour "Aware"; waitUntil {_supplyheli distance _position < 100}; _para = createVehicle ["B_Parachute_02_F", [0,0,100], [], 0, ""]; _para attachTo [_supplyheli, [0, 0, -3]]; detach _supplycrate; _supplycrate attachTo [_para,[0,0,-2]]; detach _para; _supplycrate addEventHandler ["InventoryOpened", { params ["_unit", "_container"]; [ "AmmoboxInit", [ _supplycrate, true, {(_this distance _target) < 1} ] ] call BIS_fnc_arsenal; }]; _randomPosMapNoLand = [nil, ["ground"]] call BIS_fnc_randomPos; _wp2 = _heligroup addWaypoint [_randomPosMapNoLand,0]; _wp2 setWaypointType "MOVE"; _wp2 setWaypointSpeed "Full"; _wp2 setWaypointBehaviour "Aware"; _wp2 setWaypointStatements ["true", "deleteVehicle _supplyheli"]; trg1 is your trigger area ,you can activate it with the radio or whatever you want
  12. Spriterfight

    Cant get supply drop to work

    Yeah this is much simplier
  13. Spriterfight

    Cant get supply drop to work

    pls wait until i fix the code ,havent tested it and i will post it for you also meanwhile please tell me what is your supply drop or what do you weant for supply?
  14. Spriterfight

    Cant get supply drop to work

    I have to test it.I did not tested it yet Wait a minute yes you need 1 marker and one trigger.But you have to place the attach and detach code where i wrote it ,also your trigger area could be greater than 25 25 oh i forgot the spawn posiotn of the heli
  15. Spriterfight

    Cant get supply drop to work

    here you are this will go in your trigger _position = (yourTriggername getRelPos [(random ((triggerArea yourTriggername) select 0)), random(360)]);// this will be the random position of the supply the location of the trigger is very important because in its area will the drop detached.The trigger must be circle! _posheli = getMarkerPos "your marker name where do you want the heli to spawn" _supplyheli = createVehicle ["rhs_uh1h_hidf", , [], 0, "FLY"]; _helicrew = createVehicleCrew _supplyheli; //here goes your supply attachment script _heligroup = group (_helicrew select 0); _wp = _heligroup addWaypoint [_position,0]; _wp setWaypointType "MOVE"; _wp setWaypointSpeed "Full"; _wp setWaypointBehaviour "Aware"; _wp setWaypointStatements ["true", here goes your supply detachment script]; _randomPosMapNoLand = [nil, ["ground"]] call BIS_fnc_randomPos; //this is where the unit will go _wp2 = _heligroup addWaypoint [_position,0]; _wp2 setWaypointType "MOVE"; _wp2 setWaypointSpeed "Full"; _wp2 setWaypointBehaviour "Aware"; _wp setWaypointStatements ["true", deleteVehicle _supplyheli;];
  16. here is the repo.Why the trigger activates if all of the units dies outside the trigger area? it should activate only if the group members are in the trigger area dosent it? https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BnwduVcfxaYyHI7InG_FT5xrhCwNlhg_/view?usp=sharing i used this in debug console for test. {_x setdamage 1; } forEach units t1;
  17. it seems to be working.I will post a repo of that mission
  18. I will as soon a possible.It is a mp scenario I have 3 unit, the respawn point is in the trigger area.The trigger activates when all of them are in the trigger area .The trigger is set to none but it works unlike in other scenarios.
  19. Spriterfight

    Cant get supply drop to work

    Umm what if you create the heli above the unit ?and when it drops the supply it will fly away and disappear
  20. Yes ,but i dont understand why in another mission it works with activation set to none
  21. Do i need something in the activation?
  22. I know this is an older post
  23. Spriterfight

    Cant get supply drop to work

    It can get easily with scripting.Pls describe what do you want in detail.