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About Kranz32

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  1. Kranz32

    Fix Challenges

    The mixture of challenges with the recent update is entirely a broken system. Every day since the update all 3 of my challenges have been to use 3, 5, and 10 fake glints or portable transmitters, none of which I have. Its even more frustrating because I don't have the plans and can't craft these items. I'm also not sure why all 3 of my challenges on a single day have to all be focused on fake glints, or entirely on portable transmitters, it would make more sense to have one of those challenges mixed with 2 other challenges that are not related. These challenges are only achievable by people that paid for the season pass instead of those of us who try to earn those rewards.
  2. Kranz32

    Changelog 2.1

    Getting the same error the gun flails around before settling into a shot
  3. Kranz32

    Changelog 2.1

    Having the following issues since the update: - not getting xp for buried cache both fake and actual at the end of encounter - losing ammo in guns upon exiting encounter (huge problem when ADR is 40 materials per round) - deconstructing guns/inventory after deconstruction inventory still showing guns in inventory - when aimed down sight on the ADR (non-ads) if you switch shoulders sometimes you cant see down the sight off your left shoulder - being killed and killing your killer (trading) is happening more often than not