I don't know if this is still being looked at for ideas, but would it be too complex of a concept to add in a battle management aircraft (e.g. JSTARS) that allows somewhat identifying entities on the ground through MTI (moving target indicator). It would be an interesting way of allowing the more serious players to operate effectively during a milsim or just any serious co-op mission by creating a form of central command and control while maintaining full situational awareness of the battlefield. This seems like a worthwhile add-on especially since vehicles now have the ability to transmit/receive datalink. It could operate like the UAVs by having a person spawn in (maybe 2 to give some flexibility) as an operator of the JSTARS and set up a autopilot racetrack then switch to the "battle management" side of it to begin providing C2 for the team.
His screen would basically be a specialized version of the map already in the game that would allow him to mark/track objects that are being picked up and distributed to the team that are either in range, provided by command, or can receive some form of datalink.