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Posts posted by honger

  1. VjY4il8.jpg


    Second turn of Task Force Nike peacekeeping operations on Altis has started. Join Sergeant Cosmos in his first day of serving in a small island republic that recently got on its legs and is about to collapse again.


    Situation overview

    Since the beginning of 2036, Greece has maintained its forces in the New Republic of Altis in the form of the peacekeeping contingent Task Force Nike. For several months, 180 soldiers together with members of UNTOFIAAS were controlling disarmament of the AAF and FIA, maintained peace in the cities and trained soldiers of the New Altis Army.
    A year later, it came to light that the whole process was incomplete and that the NAA did not appoint as many servicemen as intended. Civilians and ex-military, exhausted by the just-ended conflict, were opposed to NATO and any diplomatic relations with Europe, joined forces in guerillas or militias and tried to establish a new order themselves, often leading to tense situations between them and the TFN and NAA. Of the two parties to choose from, the separatist Agon was much more to their liking than the pro-Western FIP.
    Meanwhile, the climate warmed rapidly leading to draughts and forest fires in the Mediterranean, unrest began to increase, people found peacekeeping forces unnecessary or even problematic. When UNTOFIAAS and TFN began to report situations where 'militants' were simply disarming NAA soldiers or there were exchanges of state equipment for money, Greece decided to increase its presence by 500 new soldiers and launched a second turn of operations.

    The Greek ship, HS 'Valor' has entered New Altis Republic waters...

    Up And Gone

    This scenario is a short take on lore created by After East Wind mod and their makers. Singleplayer infantry-focused scenario for ~40 minutes of playing, planned to be at least twice longer however due to current major dynamic simulation bug the scope was reduced. Frames should be pretty stable except Pyrgos city where they might drop, but once outside this place, they will go up again. Follow the tasks and read the conversations.

    Supported languages

    - English
    - Polish
    (If you want to add your custom translation in your language, open the mission PBO, extract Stringtable file, add your stuff and send it to me).



    CBA 3; AEW | After East Wind; AEW | 2040 North African CampaignAEW | Western Sahara Supplement; Western Sahara Creator DLC.



    Steam Workshop - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2876648863

    Google Drive - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pGHYeAn53fdeoFo5JRrBx97eEuLvujBM/view?usp=drive_link

    MediaFire - https://www.mediafire.com/file/j7pfudeyf1dxx7j/AEW_Up_And_Gone.Altis.pbo/file








    • Like 4

  2. 1 hour ago, rainbow47 said:


    I was reading the comments about “scheduled” vs “unscheduled” above and it’s potential effect on FPS/healing. Can someone explain what these two modes are and where to change those settings? I could not find anything in the mod’s manual. 

    Thank you


    You can change the mod's settings in Options -> Addon Options -> Server -> Addon: All-In-One Command Menu, the line you're interested in is called "Tasking Environment".

    As for the difference between the Scheduled and Unscheduled environment, according to the description: Scheduled has less performance impact but doesn't well work at low FPS, because it's tied to how many FPS you have. Unscheduled doesn't take the FPS into account but depending on your hardware and mission design, you may feel every change Leopard's mod does.

  3. 11 hours ago, Kally Cissel said:

    How often can I defragment my HDD after it has been accidentally repaired, and will an SSD help me?

    SSD is always better than HDD in terms of gaming and overall process speed, and they are still really cheap so its worth switching unless you don't mind long loading times and stutters due to loading some textures ad hoc.


    The rule about defragging drives I've learnt a dozen years ago is that whenever the fragmentation reaches more than 10% you can start thinking about defragmentation, with smaller numbers it may just not help you at all.

  4. What do you mean by weather mod, weather is a base feature in Arma 3 and you can configure it both in editor and during the mission with scripts.


    If you mean being able to switch between rain and snow then no, particles are limited and you can have only one type - or disable them completely and use something from ALIAS scripts for snow storms when you don't have snow on map.


    If you mean gradually changing terrain texture from summer to winter then no, it's not possible unless you make four different biomes on one terrain, but still the particle effect will be the same for all of them

  5. Hi, so there's this situation: I've been defending an outpost with my AI teammates for two hours straight and eventually they all fired all their ammunition, including any spare mags in vehicles or crates in the vicinity. I am surrounded by a good hundred of bodies and I would like to choose a certain body I want my AI to take weapon and ammo from.


    However the only way in vanilla, from what I've experienced, is to select the AI, 6 -> choose desired weapon. It wouldn't be a problem but:

    a) Weapons in the list are not shown with distance to them, so I can have 100 AKs of the same type to scroll through

    b) well, it's 100 of guns to go through before I can select "rearm at [vehicle]".


    My question is, does anyone know if there's a way, or a mod, that would let me select my teammate and tell him to take that very certain gun or rearm at that very certain body by just selecting it? I don't really get how is the vanilla list of guns sorted and no matter what I try, usually the AI runs through the whole map to grab an AK from a body.

  6. 16 hours ago, icebreakr said:

    Model name plz? Use command when looking at the object: hint str [getModelInfo cursorObject, typeOf cursorObject];

    Ok, the model names of "not affected" trees are as follows:


    I think I've found them all, others are either already fixed through changing the PBO or were "okay" from the beginning.

  7. 10 hours ago, icebreakr said:

    I think I've fixed it for Angola maps... not sure, will have to take a look. You can copy foliage from Angola Maps pack to Duala and see if it fixes it? I am busy with other project, but would like to revisit Duala sometime before Enfusion kicks in 😉

    I have copied the brg_africa PBO, and it seems it only fixed two or three types of the trees present on the map (so only the trees that you used in Angola maps are up-to-date and that are visible on the screenshot I posted before), the others still have the artificial shadow on the texture. I will be eternally grateful if you manage to find some spare time to fix the rest and update these assets. And good luck on your other project, I can't wait for all of them WIPs!

  8. 32 minutes ago, oldbear said:

    @Honger Hi! I f you are speaking about the two-tone aspect of the trunk, which imitates a shadow, is linked to the vegetation models present in Berghoff's African Vegetation Pack originally published for Arma in 2008 and which has changed very little since.

    Thanks @oldbear, I actually had no idea that is a thing, and I swear I don't remember this from previous years, so maybe I just didn't pay enough attention (although I haven't seen any comments/reports about these trees "feature" on Isla Duala, the only one is from March 2022, apart from mine). So I assume this will stay as-is...

  9. Hi @icebreakr, I don't know exactly since when that issue is present (I don't remember it from my OP back in early 2021), but it seems that some of the trees are broken and something is wrong either with the model or shadowing. I thought it may be caused by lighting but even bringing back the old one with Splendid Light Modification doesn't eliminate this issue.


    Please look at this in your free time soon.

  10. @HallyG

    I want to make sure, because I was unable to do this by myself: is it possible to buy (and optionally sell) vehicles with your script? I'm trying to add the vanilla quad bike with same structure as a gun, but it doesn't even show up.


    Anyway it is one of the most decent works I have ever seen within Arma 3 community, great work and I'm hoping you'll develop more things in your free (or paid) time. 🙂

  11. Global Gaming Group





    -------------------- 3G IN A PILL----------------------

    Name: Global Gaming Group

    Timezone: GMT+2 DST or GMT+1

    Mission types: COOP and Joint Op

    Session times: Fri-Sun 6PM-10PM

    Requirements: Arma 3 and microphone

    How to join: discord.gg/7KkkXYE

    --------------------------- END ----------------------------




    Global Gaming Group (or simply 3G) is an international unit connecting both veterans and newcomers of ArmA series, military simulators' fans and gamers. We are the descendants of one of the biggest Polish ArmA 3 community that was founded in 2017. In our unit, we respect three main rules:


    • ArmA is considered as a game, not a second life
    • Being a unit is not a challenge, every clan is a friend of ours
    • There's no place for any kind of toxicity


    3G existence started since June 2020, yet our several years of experience allowed us not to start from a scratch. We started as a Polish unit, but we're international and everybody speaking English is welcomed to the clan. So far we have over 100 members and at least 20 regular scenarios attendants.


    More to add, we are not limited to ArmA series, we play many games that require cooperation and teamwork skills - Post Scriptum, Squad, Hell Let Loose, War Thunder, Foxhole, Barotrauma, DCS, Escape from Tarkov and more, but only Arma 3 is our main branch to be fair.




    Global Gaming Group can be described as a semi-milsim unit focused on heavily role-played COOP scenarios with active Zeuses and without universe limits. You can play any setting - from WW2, through present day conflicts, to future warfare like WH40k or any other Sci-Fi. On each scenario there's plenty of roles to choose and you aren't limited to any. Our mission makers develop their own modset basing on our framework, so each scenario differs in tasking and execution. Some missions are separate, some are a parts of bigger campaigns. Some are PvE, some - PvP. That's how milsim works.


    We also create and join Joint Operations with units from the whole globe, no matter what we do - it can be a simple PvE or a well-organized combined arms scenario.


    3G plays mainly from Friday to Sunday 6PM-10PM (GMT+2 DST/ GMT+1, Polish timezone), sometimes there are smaller scenarios during the week. We also have few persistent modes available 24/7 like DRO, Escape, Liberation, Vindicta, Antistasi, OPEX, custom Patrol Ops etc.




    We are not a milsim unit nor a task force.

    We do not have any type of military hierarchy.

    You do not rank up from Private to Corporal.

    You are not limited to any specialization or a role.

    You don't have to pay us for a membership.

    You don't have to know anything about milsim/military.

    You don't have to attend every scenario to play or leave a LOA to live your life.


    All we care about are: a good teamplay, fun scenarios and many people during Arma 3 sessions. If you care about that too, than Global Gaming Group is for you. We require from you only a few things:


    • own a legal Arma 3 copy and a working microphone
    • play at least once per month, either COOP or Joint Op
    • do not roster if you cannot attend
    • try to be friendly
    • be eager to learn new things and polish obtained skills
    • check mentions on Discord to be up-to-date



    Joining 3G is very easy. Just follow these steps:

    1. Come to our Discord: discord.gg/7KkkXYE - It is our main community center, where you can find all info about our scenarios, server details and much more. You don't have to download an app, Discord also works from a web browser.
    2. Read the rules and verify yourself - upon joining you will be asked to read our community rules. It's a 5 minutes read and requires nearly no brains to be verified. Everything is clearly written.
    3. Pass our Mandatory Basic Training - every member of 3G gets a Recruit rank, so we can know that you are new to 3G. Our MBT covers basics of ArmA, basics of mods we use, some mandatory knowledge about milsim and a lot of info about our group and how does everything work. It's the best time to ask us any questions.
    4. Add yourself to Google Group and Arma 3 Units - access to rosters and modset is managed by our Google Group, so you need to be a part of it to be able to play. Also we require using our unit patch, especially during Joint Ops, so joining the A3Unit is mandatory. You'll be asked to do that right after the MBT.
    5. Join your first mission - and voila, now you have all access required to deploy yourself.




    Apart from the Mandatory Basic Training, we organize optional Specialized Trainings (called "Trainings") focused on 15 branches of Arma and military simulations: all kinds of tactis, medical knowledge, marksmanship, mission making and more. They are not required to play role on our scenarios, but they can provide you some good knowledge, so you can perform better as a desired soldier. These trainings are mostly theoretical and are a part of our Field Training Excercises (FTX), that are some kind of a practical test of more than two trainings combined. They formally look like a normal scenario, but players are assisted by our instructors to have a better view of everything that's happening.


    If you're interested in mission making, we can give you knowledge so you can provide us a scenario. You are not limited to any mods, just be sure that they are downloadable through Steam Workshop or available locally on our disk. Write a briefing, make an ORBAT and send us a proper announcement, and that's all. The better your scenario is, the more players will come.




    If so, then feel free to join Global Gaming Group through Discord or PM me for any details. If you want to invite us to your Joint Op, also feel free to join Discord or PM me. See you on the battlefield!

  12. Squad name: 3G / Global Gaming Group
    Timezone/location: GMT+2 DST, otherwise GMT+1 (Europe)
    Gamemode preference (eg coop or pvp): COOP
    Contact email: hq@3g.wtf
    Website address: https://3g.wtf (Discord: discord.gg/7KkkXYE)
    Short description: Global Gaming Group is a multinational Arma 3 unit that plays semi-milsim PvE scenarios with a huge dose of role-play and active Zeuses. We also host and frequently join Joint Operations with units from the whole group. We do not require any money, frequent attending, there are no military ranks in 3G and there's no need to have a military/milsim experience. All we want from you is a working microphone, play at least 1 Op per month and be eager to learn new skills and polish those you already know. We are mainly Polish group but we have a non-Polish playerbase so everybody speaking English is welcomed.
    Language: Polish

  13. I'm going to post it here in case somebody has also encountered that problem and might have a solution for it.


    So basically everytime I use CFP in my scenarios (usually including RHS, CUP, NIArms, Zeus Enhanced) there's a problem with this mod's units.

    1. They respawn naked, either all of them or few that are not within dynamic simulation range of players on the mission start.
    2. CFP units placed in vehicles (like MTLB with Taliban inside that you can place in 3den) spawn as CSAT and/or are naked.
    3. Units do not react to dynamic simulation no matter what distance of it is set up. They do not regroup into a formation instantly, but spawn as a blob and after some time they try to do the formation or just stay like that until Zeus moves them. 

    I have no clue how and why does it happen to me, I made two missions with CFP so far (IDF in Reshmaan and Taliban in Sangin as opposing forces) and each time I encountered the issues mentioned above or they caused massive server lag due to anything that could happen. If there is anybody that ever had a problem like I have right now, I could really use some help. Maybe someone has a working mission with CFP and would like to share it so I can check if it is some kind of dependency bug, or my Arma/my dedicated server.
