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Posts posted by honger

  1. 1 hour ago, Olliestir4884 said:

    For some reason it wont let me upload media, unknown error occurred apparently.

    I know units is dead but does anyone know a way around this? thanks

    Works for me, disable adblock and/or change the web browser you're using. Maybe try uploading stuff at late European hours when servers are almost empty.


    This error is literally "unknown" so idk why would anyone know "a way around it". There's also no way around a dead service because is, well, DEAD.

  2. 2 hours ago, EO said:


    I totally get what you want to achieve but I don't think that's possible without some external scripting, given Ravage is primarily a survival/post-apo/zombie modification, part of the fun is just not knowing who your friend is....  

    Oh I do understand that player is supposed to have hard time telling whether dude in front of him is a friend or foe, however my goal is to have a "normal" bandit faction, friendly faction and third, military one. It would be more reasonable to make them wear their uniforms (in any state) instead of running in civilian clothes with completely random gear. 😄

    2 hours ago, johnnyboy said:

    It's possible, but more complex to achieve.  You would have to detect when groups are spawned, and then re-equip them with your own scripts.  You should be able to use the entityCreated eventHandler to detect spawned units, and go from there.

    addMissionEventHandler ["EntityCreated", {
    	params ["_entity"];

    If spawned _entity isKindOf "Man"...do your stuff.

    Thanks, I'll see if ambient patrols module has an init field for every created unit and I'll deal with it somehow.

    • Like 1

  3. I am looking for a way to set up different "gear pools" for spawned random patrols of different factions - to have OPFOR/bandits using gear from one setup while BLUFOR/friendlies have other stuff. By default all spawned factions use items from the same gear pool and it makes them undistinguishable from each other.

    • Like 1

  4. TeamSpeak-side - you can change the talk power parameter for channel or add everyone to a group that has talk power on -1 and then reset settings back to previous state.

    TFAR-side - 

    0 call TFAR_fnc_setVoiceVolume

    iirc this is a local function that would set your TFAR voice volume to 0. Run it through all players and once your intro ended, bring it back to another value, dunno what is default tho.


    I recommend joining TFAR Discord server and ask mod-related questions there, easier and faster to find proper solution.

    • Like 1

  5. You can create tasks in 3den Editor by placing modules or scripting them.




    Some useful links you may want to check out. Once you make a mission, you export it to multiplayer in Editor options and send it to your server.


    You can host any mission either on your PC for free (but you need to have knowledge on how to setup them, if you google that you will find a lot of guides), or buy a hosting (less work but it's $$$ afterall).

  6. If you have been loading the same save for these "past 2 months" something might have got broken, I don't think Arma 3 was ever made to work in such cases. Mods are being constantly updated so if you use them, they may be the culprit. Not much info you have given us to be honest, so do not expect a solution really.


    You might start from sending us a link to that mission, giving your modset if you're using mods, you can also look into your RPT file to check if there are any warnings or errors listed.

    • Like 1

  7. It's a forum, not a chat. If you expect fast answers then try a hub that is made for such like Discord or Reddit, it's not 2006 anymore, lol. Average waiting time here is a few days unless you magically ask a question in a channel that someone experienced was browsing that time.


    If you want to join a modded server that is visible in the server browser, search for it in your Launcher, Arma will show all required mods and download them automatically. Alternatively you can look up that server in Battlemetrics or somewhere, last time I checked it shows all mods required in a server for a mission currently running. You can click on each one to view their Steam Workshop page, download them, load them in Launcher and then connect from the main menu server browser. Launcher approach is way easier.

    • Like 3
    • Thanks 1

  8. Playthrough of the Dragon's Claw campaign by GUNDAMmk2 I've recorded back in 2022 and forgot to post it here. Playlist consists of 5 missions (5th video is mission #5 + epilogue) set in Tanoa, portraying CSAT efforts to fight and cede Syndikat's operations.



  9. Just to make sure, you're moving through the checkpoint in a vehicle? If you come too close without a vehicle they will consider you a spy and start shooting.


    If I remember correctly, passing checkpoint while disguised works only if you have full uniform of a opposite faction, so in gendarme clothes you'll be able to get ONLY through CSAT checkpoints and vice versa. You can also try without balaclava so your question mark is yellow.

  10. Some time ago I recorded a full playthrough of a singleplayer campaign called "Lands Divided", which is based on Anthrax's Continent in Arms mod. Great campaign, had a lot of fun playing it. Sharing no-commentary playthroughs below (12 videos in total):



  11. 1 hour ago, Robustcolor said:

    Does this work if someone else is healing you?


    I also read this

    So if removing this line if (_injured == _healer) then and adding something like this to the waitUntil, waitUntil {damage _injured != _damage || _healer distance2d _injured > 5};


    Will it work?

    In your example when a unit finishes healing you, the 100% heal will trigger when damage changes OR distance between you and your healer is more than 5 meters, I assume you want the full heal only when damage is reduced and healer is close. If so,


    this addEventHandler ["HandleHeal", { 
        _this spawn { 
        params ["_injured", "_healer"]; 
        private _damage = damage _injured;
        waitUntil { ((damage _injured != _damage) && (_healer distance2d _injured < 5))}; 
        if (damage _injured < _damage) then { 
            _injured setDamage 0; 

    will do the job.

    • Like 1

  12. Is there a way to set up different "gear pools" to spawned ambient AI units? What I'd like to achieve is to have OPFOR/bandits using gear from one set-up while BLUFOR/friendlies have other stuff. By default all spawned factions use items from the same gear pool and it makes them undistinguishable from each other. This is for scenario purposes, I would like to avoid having to create a patch addon.

  13. Has anyone figured out how should the BIN_fnc_setDiaryRecord function be called? Normal diary is hidden, this is used for popping Notes instead, from what I understand they also require a parent title-only record + record with description, similarily to tasks. But no matter how hard I try I can't understand how the parameters should be provided, it's a total mess to me.

  14. I've never played HL's Heart of Evil, probably seen some gameplay on Youtube but it must have been long ago so I won't review this from some nostalgic point of view. I like jungles and zombies, both combined together always create a lot of coolness, had a laugh a few times, AI wasn't as deadly as they usually are in SOG scenarios, good job on that. Played Deadzone Vietnam some time before this one and had somewhat similar vibes, however this one is way more combat-intense. Everything I wrote below, don't treat it as criticism, it's just a casual POV of how was I feeling playing your campaign. If it's designed for hardcore milsimmers enjoying very slow, Tarkovsky-like pacing, I can cope with that because it's just not a campaign for me. I'll describe all my concerns or issues for each mission below. Spoilers ahead btw, if anyone sees this and haven't played the campaign.


    Mission 1:



    A lot of walking, probably around 10 kilometers so you spend at least two hours jogging around, even unlimited stamina didn't help and I'm not an explorer type of persion especially on maps I've already seen, blocking of simulation acceleration made me get SSCPM and I just slapped a 1.3 speedAnimCoef to not waste my time on that. Locations were pretty empty with some dudes standing around that I didn't even have to kill, I did it only for the food. After checking out first two closest locations to me i got a task to search a yellow zone, but there still were two more tasks for checking out other military bases, and once I checked them out, the yellow area marker was gone. After finishing whole campaign I opened that mission in editor and bless God I took the short way to the helicopters instead of searching almost half of the map as the yellow marker told me to. 

    Main task says to eliminate the officer so my advice is to put him and his dudes in a room or anything that is not open space visible from some high ground, because taking a shot at him and noticing he's invulnerable kinda breaks the immersion.



    Mission 2:


    Very dark, probably too dark. I guess fighting at night with the VC in compound is what you do in the original but after player clears it, at least setting aperture to something more brighter would be a good solution so I don't have to get killed instantly in ambushes or fall to my death because I couldn't see anything under my feet. Full moon works cool on arid maps like Altis, here the woods block everything and it's just staring at a black screen. Not cool, even if milsimmy. Oh, and another 10 clicks of walking, unless I messed up by cutting the way throughout the zone instead of following roads or enemies, just walking to the base. Seen a truck during my march but it was guarded by bunch of VC and few hundred meters further down the road it was blocked by two tanks, so there was no reason to take it at all.


    Mission 3:


    More jogging lol (found a bicycle in one of the FOBs tho), somewhere during playing this mission I thought that maybe there was a lot of walking in HL too, but I doubt maps there would be that big, and isn't like Arma which features dying from a single hit no matter what difficulty settings you choose.Zombies seem to spawn too fast, often infront of player's face, feels almost impossible to clear a single compound, because of lack of any backpacks until later stage of the mission I was out of ammo all the time (maintaining food level was way more annoying than just not fighting the zombies). The only way to actually take a breath, eat stuff and think what to do was inside buildings that were above the ground level - zombies didn't know what to do and were just standing in front of me. "Search river side FOB to thenorth" seems to be broken, I found the weapon cache and walked through all the buildings but it didn't end, unless I had to take something from there but if so, then boxes were already gone due to my unfortunate grenade. There's a camp at the end of the "Scout the path ahead" task and there are two guys supposed to be lying dead, but simulation is disabled for them and they just stand aiming, unlootable.


    Mission 4:


    I gave up once I was told to find tools. No info where should I look ("around airport"), no image of how these tools even look, no zones of approximate location or any hint, everything with non-stop-respawning hordes of zombies. I thought the task of searching inside the base for some radio for almost 40 minutes was hardcore. I put it out of my mind and skipped to next mission like this one never existed. Btw, Script "note9.sqf" not found, not crucial as this is just a lore insight probably, but still.


    Mission 5:


    This wasn't that bad apart from zombies that were way more tougher than any other before, civilians could take good 10 SKS rounds to the chest and still go after me. Found a jerry can and escaped with some civilian, no other tasks, no-one told me to find that guy so idk if this was how I was supposed to go through that mission.


    Mission 6:


    Yellow area marker for where should I find Barney showed up when I already arrived there, had to make myself Zeus and find him, otherwise I would spend way too much time walking around a map so big.


    Mission 7:


    The hangar didn't want to open itself, somehow I started the conversation when I got onto the roof, scenario didn't end itself because there was no "report position" thingy, at least not in the menu. Had to cheat-end.


    Mission 8:


    This took me a couple of tries only to find out the best way to finish this one is to just run without any equipment at all, as even if I managed to fight my way through the airstrip, three many-handed mofos started jumping on me on a slope terrain and they could move with their unlimited speed while I was struggling to zig-zag. No weapon is best weapon.


    Mission 9:


    Annoying. Not sure what you wanted to show through that long boat sequence because there was no sightseeing (it's very dark), no dialogues for like 90% of it, and it was veeery slow. After first song passed I brought veggies with me and managed to peel potatoes and cut some meat, I'm not saying it with sneer. It could've started like 15 seconds before the camera shot of some VC dude watching us, and then cut again. Or compress the empty space between dialogues... Weird pacing.


    Mission 10:


    Mindblowing. Tad too dark and way too many jumpers, but bearable.


    Mission 11:


    Huge distances but at least I can use a helicopter.


    Mission 12:


    Nothing to say, ending couldn't be better.


    • Like 1

  15. 5 hours ago, kibaBG said:


    Not working! 
    @Harzach I make intel.sqf, put the code inside and then I write execVM "intel.sqf"; in initPLayerLocal.sqf (my scenario is SP).   

    The init part in initPlayerLocal.sqf means the initialization phase of your scenario (or when player connects to the mission in MP environment), so your script is executed right at the start of your mission and it won't wait nor execute again. If you want to have it happen during your mission, place a trigger with 

    "acex_intelitems_notepad" in magazines player

    in its Condition field and

    hint "You have found important intel!";

    in its On Activation field.  This is as simple as it gets, can't be any simpler probably.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1

  16. Okay, I figured it out thanks to a hint by a fellow scripter from Discord.


    1. Add "ReammoBox_F" or any other type of container to "containerTypes[]" in  \HALs\Addons\store\config.hpp.

    2. Add "ReammoBox_F" or any other type of container in \HALs\Addons\store\functions\server\fn_initServer.sqf in line 23 and line 33, so it looks something like this

    		["containerRadius", 10, {_this max 0}, true],
    		["containerTypes", ["LandVehicle", "Air", "Ship", "ReammoBox_F"], {_this}, true],
    		["currencySymbol", "¢", {_this}, true],
    		["sellFactor", 1, {_this max 0 min 1}, true],
    		["debug", 0, {_this isEqualTo 1}]
    ] call HALs_fnc_getModuleSettings;
    missionNamespace setVariable ["HALs_store_getNearbyVehicles", compileFinal '
    	params [
    		["_trader", objNull, [objNull]],
    		["_types", ["LandVehicle", "Air", "Ship", "ReammoBox_F"], [[]]],
    		["_radius", HALs_store_containerRadius, [0]]
    	private _vehicles = nearestObjects [_trader, _types, _radius, true];
    	_vehicles select {local _x && {abs speed _x < 1 && {alive _x && isNil {_x getVariable "HALs_store_trader_type"}}}};
    ', true];

    3. Save files, save your mission, place a crate with ReammoBox_F class near trader and preview it, now you should be able to drop stuff into that very crate.


    To my SQF knowledge that function file should already take any custom values given in config.cpp but somehow it doesn't, perhaps due to the compiling, so I just slapped it everywhere I could and it works. 😄
