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Posts posted by honger
the first one you can put either in vehicle's attributes (RMB -> Attributes -> Init field) or in init of your mission Attributes -> General (if it's multiplayer environment you should create an initPlayerLocal.sqf file in your mission folder (where your mission.sqm is) and put it there, since the setEffectiveCommander is executed locally -> per user). Not sure about 2nd one, in multiplayer it should be in initServer.sqf I guess, I'm a rather singleplayer-oriented person.
If you end up using the 1st one, make sure to give the vehicle and its driver variable names, so the command actually works.
Are you playing with ambient occlusion enabled (it's called AO in graphic settings)? Try disabling it and see if that effect goes away. I am pretty sure that these props have some weird texture assigned and cause PiP to go semi-transparent and noisy.
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Have you tried this command: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setEffectiveCommander? I used it to not allow player command an AI-driven vehicle from SOG while in front passenger sit and it worked. Alternatively you can just script your driving through https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setDriveOnPath. This will make AI drive from marker to marker and should ignore user commands and FSMs.
A Czech checkpoint is attacked by suprisingly numerous groups of GCM militants. Orel 4 is sent as a quick reaction force to repel the assault and find out how the enemy managed to plan and execute such strategy.
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To learn more about the Germanic Confederation Movement and get a chance to disrupt their web of rebels, Czech commando team called Orel 4 is sent on a night time raid of multiple locations in Sumava region, to collect any plausible intel while exploiting own technological and procedure superiority.
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First video of playthrough series of Apollyon's singleplayer campaign, "Sudetenland".
It's 2025, East and West Germany are still separated which causes a terrorist organization called Germanic Confederation Movement to emerge and conduct a bombing attack in Czech Republic. Now a giant military operation, Operation Husita, is being executed to drive out the inscrutable enemy from territory of Šumava and whole Republic.
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On 8/31/2023 at 7:12 AM, madmonkey said:What are the top dynamic campaigns these days?
Friends and I were playing BECTI and modern modifications of it, then discovered KP Liberation and it's been the closest thing to what we've wanted so far. But similar or better mission recommendations would be very welcome!
Overthrow and Antistasi are kinda derivatives of Liberation, however they focus on guerilla tactics and economy rather than pure brute tactics one exploits in Liberation.
Rachel S'Jet
Mods: O&T Expansion Eden, Fifty Shades of Female, POLPOX Artwork Supporter
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every scenarioevery singleplayer scenario has an Intro and Outro Win/Lose phases. I get it that I can use the initIntro.sqf file just like I would use init.sqf for Scenario phase to add a code executed right from the Intro phase start. But how do I do the same for any of the possible outros?Wiki says that initIntro.sqf is used both for Intro and Outro phases but then how do I set up the file so game distinguishes which part is supposed to be played on Intro, and which one on Outro - Win? InitOutro.sqs existed only until Arma 1 or something so I can't use that. How do I make an init for my outro then?
So far I've been just using a trigger within the Outro phase to start my code but there will always be a minimal delay between the Outro and my "post-Init". I need to know how do I include an init for my Outro and rewrite this damn wiki because it's amazing it hasn't been corrected in any readable-for-noobs way.
10 minutes ago, SoulEnd281 said:I was requesting how a mod to improve the games performance was not possible.
I requested an example of such.
Because the devs themselves cannot improve Arma 3's performance without rewriting core engine features (so essentially making a new game, and guess what, they created Enfusion because they can't do anything more with Real Virtuality, Reforger is using it and Arma 4 will be). In its current state, it is the same Real Virtuality environment that was used before and has been already improved as much as possible within the span of all Arma games (excluding Reforger ofc). If devs cannot boost game's performance then how do you expect a mod (that works on top of the game, not replaces it) to do this?
If you want better performance then get a better computer, close any unnecessary apps running on your PC, disable shadows and lower the render distance. You can run the Performance/Profiling branch instead of the stable one as it changes some values and adds some bypasses to make certain aspects of the game less annoying than they are rn, but that's about it. Or wait for Arma 4.
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No they didn't. And you can't "swap engines" with a mod like a pair of shoes.
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On 7/11/2023 at 2:14 PM, seminara said:Hi all, Loving this MOD. Many thanks to all involved!
When playing OFP back in the day, if I was carrying a toolkit, I'd be able to repair a damaged vehicle.
But doesn't seem to be the case in CWRIII. Is there a trick to this?
You need an engineer trait and a toolbox in your inventory to have the repair action in vehicle action menu. As the description in first post says:
Victor can be an engineer. This skill is very OP, so it is enabled only on veteran skill and after you finish the campaign. It allows the repair of critically damaged vehicles. Cars, tanks, choppers. You have to bring a toolbox.
So if you don't want to finish the campaign and/or play on veteran to have access to this, get Simple Single Player Cheat Menu or anything giving access to the debug console and assign yourself the engineer trait that way.
Wild Mountains Livonia Veg, The Empires of Old, Nassau 1715, Deformer
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I still haven't figured it out.
IIRC it is supposed to be launched in the top-down attack mode because there are issues with way too small amount of damage dealt in the direct mode (I think that issue has been present for years). That rocket dipping seems to happen on distance over 300 meters, so probably a bug but I remember this happening since I bought Arma 3.
I would recommend always switching to top down mode (so press F and see that the bar under your weapon's name changes).
Ambient AI module has a field for Condition (as Ambient Zombies have), try setting a variable in init.sqf like "stopTheAI = false;", in Condition field of the module put "stopTheAI" and upon completion of the first task just add a line of code "stopTheAI = true", once the variable is set as true the module will start working I guess.
E: everything without quotation marks ofc.
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On 6/5/2023 at 1:10 AM, Miha42 said:is ripped mod, and in fact it isn't as the mod is published on Steam Workshop
Wut? On what basis do you claim that publishing an item on the Steam Workshop means that it does not have stolen assets? One doesn't get an "original creation" badge just because they upload something on the internet. You would have known if you actually read Steam Workshop EULA (and Arma 3 too). But you didn't, of course. It doesn't matter whether you "support" ripping or not, but pushing your agenda of assets being automatically "legalised" just because they are downloadable got you banned, it's silly to think otherwise.
Not to mention that posting your "feedback" on a completely unrelated forum category only strenghtens the view of how much you don't care about what is being said to you and how ignorant it is of you to throw proofless accusations, lol.
PS It's "Arma Discord", all games of Arma series are covered and supported there, hence being an official one.
Cheers, I think it's sufficient, thank you. I'll try looking into the zombie settings further because while I expect the randomized zombies to wander around, I'd rather have these herds stand where they are.
I would like to create delayed hordes as for my mission I was planning a bunch of tasks requiring player to eliminate zombie herds in certain areas. I tried freezing the module but I guess it requires something from init, as it won't fire after enabling simulation. Spawning it with createUnit works, however i cannot tweak its settings. Moving the module after mission start does not move the horde spawn position so I cannot keep them outside of the map border either. I can place zombies as civilians but the performance impact is noticable, especially when not grouped into one herd
So unless I could somehow apply zed AI to manually created agents I'd love to know if there is any workaround for the module.
I couldn't find anything related to my issue on official wiki and Discord server wasn't helpful at all, so I hope here my question will be answered.
Situation: I am making a config patch for a mod to fix unclear naming convention and add more vest variants. Every vest class has a following config entry:
overlaySelectionsInfo[]= { "arms_hide", "legs_hide" };
and then some uniforms classes have this entry:
hideProxySelections[]= { "arms_hide", "legs_hide" };
As of now, there is a single vest with three corresponding uniform classes: without hidden proxies, one proxy and two proxies hidden.
In my opinion it a bit annoying that you need to adjust your uniform to a vest instead of a vest adjusted to uniforms.
Goal: I want to rewrite the config so there are three types of a single vest with different proxies hidden.
How do I hide these selections within vest classname config, instead of using uniform classnames? Do i just copypaste the hideProxySelections entry from uniform to vest? I know that these selections are not hiddenSelections as there is only one hidden selections and proxySelections are two.
Please let me know if this is unclear, I'm trying my best to explain stuff I don't really understand. 😄
Mods: Namalsk, EO GM GEAR, Stl-Generic Retextures-GM, TCGM_Divinities_2.0, Gliese Objects, CUP Terrains - Core, O&T Expansion Eden, Whiplash Static Animations, Enhanced Artwork Supporter
And GlobMob cDLC
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13 hours ago, Kalle M. said:Is this campaign ever going to be updated to newer versions? I couldn't find a copy of the FHQ debug addon so I'm stuck with Miller's map 😄
Don't ask for updates, it is impolite and discourteous, not to mention that if you have checked author's profile you would see he's been gone since 2017.
What do you need the FHQ debug for? You can use any mod that gives you access to debug console, there are dozens of them on Workshop with Simple Single Player Cheat Menu being the most popular. Download it and start the campaign with it, paste the code into the debug menu shown in Esc menu and done.
19 hours ago, Green Coyote said:im an idiot, total noob.
How does this work?
i want to catch a badguy. i named him "obj_HVT" then i typed in the script you have posted above. i get an error: "invalid number in expression". no idea what to do here.
i got desperate and i saw the dropbox link with the "SQF files. i think that i need to put the files in my mission folder. i put them in and boot it up and now my mission is gone, replaced by the sample mission you made.
how do i make this work on my mission? what went wrong? im a moron can you break this down Barny style? like step-by-step? is there a way to recover the mission i was working on, because now i cant get it to load.
If you have overriden your files and shutdown your PC in the meantime - no, you can't recover it. At least now you'll know you have to do backups if you want to replace files, although in this case replacing mission.sqm was not necessary since script literally uses two sqf files and needs only them. And give some stuff a read instead of blindly copying stuff without reading all the text and searching for things you don't understand.
Code shown in OPs post shows two lines of code, one line is for hostage, second for HVT. There are also two scripts, one SQF for hostage, another SQF for HVT.
Make a new mission, place player and the HVT dude named obj_HVT, save it. Go to your mission folder, put the Hvt_setup.sqf file in the same place where your mission.sqm file is. Create the init.sqf file and inside it put the line of code for obj_HVT, save it. Now in-game load your mission again (in Editor click on Open and select the mission you've been just editing), preview, it should work. If it doesn't you either didn't follow this guide to the word or script requires more editing, in this case get a cool code editor and give a read to scripting guides.
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2 hours ago, ghost94593 said:Does anyone know if he is still working on this mod?
I know!
playSound3D arguments
Have you tried putting it into an while (true) loop? Just check how many seconds does this sound last so your loop doesn't overlap or anything, then after that playsound command put a "sleep XX" and replace XX with seconds.