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John Snell

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About John Snell

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  1. I can deal wth the game crashing, but loosing a years of work really has me pissed. Twice now improving the wood logs stopped without completing and I didn't get my wire, nails or fuel returned. It took along time to get those!!!
  2. John Snell

    New bug found?

    Want to climb the ladder at the tower and x did not work. Next thing my partner says that I’m stuck on the ladder but I had already moved away from the ladder. My partner could not see me but I could see him I could shoot though my shots were not heard or do damage. I ran around the map and nobody can see me. I discovered that if I jump, then I went back to the ladder at the tower. I could run around and nobody can see me and soon as I jump over I was back at the tower I ended up dying in the radiation because I could not go out the exit even though I made it to the exit it didn’t do a countdown or anything. Then I jumped and I was back at the tower, died from radiation and lost all my stuff .
  3. John Snell

    Disconnects cause item loss

    This has happened to me a few times too
  4. John Snell

    Can’t connect to friend

    To make it worse, one of the challenges is to enter an encounter with a friend and you can’t, nor can you remove the challenge.