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Everything posted by Kuljack

  1. Kuljack

    The Secret Portal

    Imagine a bazooka lol
  2. Would anyone like to run 10 encounters with me tonight to help me get my purple crate? I just need to loot food as well, will help ya loot what you need and cover your 6.
  3. Kuljack

    Black list!!!

    Weird and inappropriate... OP requested a post deletion as well.
  4. Kuljack

    Black list!!!

    It’s my opinion that this is inappropriate. In most forum communities, name and shame efforts are frowned upon and make the poster look awful. People have developed a strategy to improve their odds of success. It his highly likely these players are in fact NOT equipped or capable of playing teams legit, so they resort to these methods to improve their odds. There have been many cases where another player messaged me at the pregame lobby asking to team up or truce. If I’m not there to clear the map, I tell them what I need and I’ll help them get the crate or whatever. This activity of people teaming up, whether preemptive or on the spot, is a show of a healthy community! People are teaming up and thinking intelligently for approaches at being successful. Instead of being salty about the fact that you aren’t thinking strategically like them, or don’t approve of their methods, embrace it or define methods to counter it. Personally, I like the ‘Kill them all and be the better player’ approach. You could get smart at supply drops and wait to see if someone else shoots the guy grabbing crate first. Pop a shot or two, not always a kill shot to see if people come to their aid. Kill them first as they’re obviously body guards and then deal with the first guy. Watch A beautiful mind, going for the obvious choice usually yields less desirable outcomes then going for the alternative choices.
  5. Kuljack

    Ammo Equip adding way too much!

    I get this want more after trying to become a single shot player now, not going full spray and pray you really only need those 30-60 shots for a whole match. Not 200+ rounds... or god help you if you do need that many shots lol. A x10 stack for adding would be appreciated now that I am wiser.
  6. Kuljack

    The better list... 😎

    GT: Kuljack I don’t use a mic until it’s after 8pm CT usually I play with a guy from Brazil normally, but if I’m not running with him I’m open to teams with others.
  7. Kuljack

    Knife/Bayonet Lag?

    Haha, no I did not. The that was early in my efforts, I am much less reckless when working on melee kills. Maybe next time 😉
  8. Kuljack

    Knife/Bayonet Lag?

    So the solution to this bug is to have another weapon, and swap to it. Then swap back to melee. I just recorded two kills from tonight that are uploading, the first kill I got jammed and used this to fix it, was lucky to get that kill as he ran right back into my melee. Second kill was just straight up luck to stalk him into the perfect corner. Now I have my HBAR plans and can casually work toward the other 8 more kills 🙂 Happy Dance for finding the workaround until it’s fixed.
  9. Kuljack

    Knife/Bayonet Lag?

    Hey Pyrit, thank you for your presence here. I have posted a video on reddit regarding this and will continue to collect video of this. I have the x5 and x10 melee challenges, and have been working to capture footage of each fight when my loss/failure is a result of the melee jamming up. I have deleted a few as they didn’t capture the moment but there will be plenty for research after tonight. GT Kuljack if you wanna check them out over Xbox clips
  10. I have the melee challenge, and have done now 18 runs. Only gotten 2 melee kills with what should have been many more; however, 2-3 swipes in my melee keeps jamming. Some instances the other player is pushing me off but not all. This is really frustrating because it’s already hard setting up melee kills out in the open not camping. Also, it seems like players can just push you and you’re suddenly stunned giving them time to shoot you but we don’t have a counter for this as a melee attacker. I’m getting tired of loosing fallknivens and their cost, even though it doesn’t seem to do anymore damage.
  11. Kuljack

    Hunters vs Gatherers

    This feels like a ‘I want to loot, but don’t wanna deal with getting shot at’ thing. This would be a fun idea for a game, but that isn’t this game. We need just a straight up end of the World I am the last guy alive game to enjoy that experience, but I don’t see anyone taking the time to really flesh that out to be a game with a long life without some combat/multiplayer experience where other players can live out their dreams of hunting you down for your loot and their own safety.
  12. Kuljack

    Ammo Equip adding way too much!

    Seems like a weird ask. You can change it to x1 and add what you want. In what situation are you wanting to go in a mission without a full stack?
  13. Kuljack

    Pest control

    You’re able to spin your camera view without rotating your guy physically. Jumping causes issues with hit recognition so shoot when their feet are on the ground. I dealt with ghost bullets for the first time today. A guy was directly in front of me not moving. I unloaded a full clip into him and he just stood there. Then after I reloaded my shots hit, but didn’t get a video of this.
  14. Kuljack

    Plan swap :)

    I had the Fallknaven knife blue print in a purple military crate and the blue rare crate. Purposely obtained it from blue crates, to see what the purple would replace it with and it popped the HBAR plans! I am excited to snag that. Just have to wait for a boost or get this threat kill. I still haven’t seen one in three days.
  15. Kuljack

    Cargo trading ship?

    This is a neat idea. I hope they consider it.
  16. Kuljack


    This. I do this all the time running, I watch my rear and rotate camera. Several times a player has run toward me thinking I am looking the other way and I turn to fire, and they’re unprepared. Don't assume the player is looking the direction their character if facing.
  17. Please add a function that allows us to ‘unstuck’ our character. I have this option in Warframe, we type /unstuck to release ourselves when we are stuck in the terrain. I would think this would solve our issues, maybe it’s just a button we have in our inventory or at map. With a 5 minute cooldown so it isn’t abused. It would just need to pop you 5m to the left or right, something to get you out of tight situations. I had a match last night where I was doing well, a change for me, and had cleared map to claim a green crate for myself. Then a rock grabs me and I cannot get released. I took a video of my inventory and the crate grade, as well the video proof to show I would have grabbed it an extracted fine as it was untouched while the radiation wave consumed me.
  18. Kuljack

    Unstuck command please

    i posted mine in feedback already
  19. Kuljack

    Reimbursement for games fault?

    Ouch, and insurance is the mechanic to keep what you already had. Not something like mine where it wasn’t even yet mine. I feel worse for you man... sigh. I remain loyal and hopefully for this game but it’s taxing on the heart.
  20. Kuljack

    Got stuck and died in radiation storm

    https://gamerdvr.com/gamer/kuljack/video/80646188 Me too. I don’t know if they reimburse but it sure would be nice when you have proof of what you should have been able to leave the encounter with.
  21. Kuljack

    3rd person / ADS

    Yeah, it used to. Now it sometimes does and sometimes doesn’t, not sure why but it started with update 1.1
  22. Kuljack


    People can see you in a bush, bushes aren’t full proof cover is someone is looking for you. Sometimes people see you from far away and stalk you, maybe they knew you were in the bush cause they saw you go in? I have seen more and more ‘teams’ lately in solo. I don’t get their focus though, it’s a small advantage for less crates. I guess if they need the advantage and can’t compete in real duos.
  23. Kuljack

    3rd person / ADS

    It’s a bug unfortunately
  24. Kuljack


    Trying changing outfits
  25. Kuljack


    I met a knife player out in the open yesterday, who snuck up on me. I was prone, and should have dealt with him while still prone-but he was giving away my location so I got up to deal with him a bit down the mountain and he managed to kill me while I was adjusting locations. Hope for the melee killers out in the open. I knew better than to deal with him the way I did but oh well, maybe I got him 1 kill closer to completing a challenge.