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About AsaG0161

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  1. I'm writing this message to developers for feedback and opinions, the vigor game is excellent such as the shelter and the upgrades you can do. Me and my friends have recently encountered a bug with the firing range that the number from the count down stays on your screen when you exit the gun range which means we have to reset the game. however the main issue is when crafting often the game crashes and displays communication error which is annoying an can cause other gamers to just come off the game and go play something that doesn't crash.. I like how weapons and crafting can take a little bit of time to gather which means you feel great when you kill someone who has a p90 or lots of materials you need. I know it takes long to achieve a great game however with this information maybe you can act on this and better the game.. I hope to see a better kill recognition because I'm confused sometimes weather I killed them or they are just prone, and the death box should glow up when you have killed them because I was running around for like half an hour trying to find it, in the snowy mountains.. I would also like to see fishing at the docks of the shelter and to actually see how the less fortunate benefit from the food we give .....