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Everything posted by Steel_Dragon

  1. Thanks for the reply... i assume setting the AI "guerilla as side is enemy to both east and west (can be set in the Eden editor)." these would be already on the map? and use the init field to make them hostile? how would i do this if they are spawned through this script? I will test by changing ["SIDE", "GUER"], but as for setting the spawned AI as an enemy in the editor i am not really sure what you mean. looking into something like this - independent setFriend [civilian, 0]; independent setFriend [blufor, 0]; resistance setFriend [civilian, 0]; resistance setFriend [blufor, 0]; opfor setFriend [civilian, 0]; opfor setFriend [blufor, 0]; civilian setFriend [blufor, 0]; civilian setFriend [civilian, 0]; blufor setFriend [blufor, 0]; blufor setFriend [civilian, 0]; execute this from init.sqf as i am not sure which side the AI spawn as i will use all these. EDIT - changed the side back to civilian so i will try - civilian setFriend [blufor, 0]; civilian setFriend [civilian, 0]; civilian setFriend [opfor , 0]; Cheers
  2. Steel_Dragon

    GF Kill info Script

    Works great thanks very much
  3. Steel_Dragon

    GF Kill info Script

    Fantastic thank you very much...
  4. Steel_Dragon

    GF Kill info Script

    I would like to notify the killer / shooter of 1. The person they have killed - NAME 2. The weapon used - NAME 3. The distance of the victim / killed person - IN METERS as a hint in the top right corner - using something like this - [5,"<t size='1.5'><t color='#FF0000'>PLAYER KILL</t></t><br/><br/><t size='1'>INSERT INFO HERE</t>"] remoteExec ["life_fnc_broadcast",0]; I know this above example is for all on the server - just this is the only example of what i want the killer to see Thank you.
  5. Hi confirmed it works with Frame work v5.0 Also it does support air vehicles.... One question how would i make the AI drive on the left side of the road please. I am using the Australia map and would like them to drive on the left. Also if i want the AI to be hostile to all players on the map would i just change to this? ["SIDE", sideEnemy], Using this as a guide - https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Side Thank you
  6. Steel_Dragon

    GF Kill info Script

    Thank you that would be great. Keep up the amazing work.
  7. Steel_Dragon

    GF Kill info Script

    Hi awesome idea I am trying to install it to my MP server and can only get the killed / dead player screen to work. (Framework v. 5.0) The shooter does not get any hint - about player they killed / distance / weapon etc I have added the GF_Kill_info folder to my mission folder - the codes for the initPlayerLocal.sqf and description.ext Thanks
  8. I am running Altis Life v5.0.0 (https://github.com/AsYetUntitled/Framework) I have a problem with backpacks not showing the correct max capacity in game (Its well above it) - Here is the bp statement in my fn_survival.sqf : /* Adjustment of carrying capacity based on backpack changes */ if (backpack player isEqualTo "") then { life_maxWeight = LIFE_SETTINGS(getNumber,"total_maxWeight"); _bp = backpack player; } else { if (!(backpack player isEqualTo "") && {!(backpack player isEqualTo _bp)}) then { _bp = backpack player; life_maxWeight = LIFE_SETTINGS(getNumber,"total_maxWeight") + round(FETCH_CONFIG2(getNumber,"CfgVehicles",_bp,"maximumload") / 4); }; }; and further down - { private["_bp","_load","_cfg"]; while{true} do { waitUntil {backpack player != ""}; _bp = backpack player; _cfg = getNumber(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> (backpack player) >> "maximumload"); _load = round(_cfg / 8); life_maxWeight = life_maxWeight + _load; if(playerSide == west) then {(unitBackpack player) setObjectTextureGlobal [1,""];}; // <---- Sac invisible chez les flics if(playerSide == independent) then {(unitBackpack player) setObjectTextureGlobal [1,""];}; // <----- Sac Invisible chez les Medics waitUntil {backpack player != _bp}; if(backpack player == "") then { life_maxWeight = life_maxWeight; }; }; }; Thank you
  9. Steel_Dragon

    Backpack max weight wrong

    Try returning to default code it seems to have helped others fix it. fn_survival.sqf - } else { if (!(backpack player isEqualTo "") && {!(backpack player isEqualTo _bp)}) then { _bp = backpack player; life_maxWeight = LIFE_SETTINGS(getNumber,"total_maxWeight") + round(FETCH_CONFIG2(getNumber,"CfgVehicles",_bp,"maximumload") / 4); [] call life_fnc_hudUpdate; }; };
  10. Steel_Dragon

    Task Force Arrowhead Radio

    **SOLVED** - The @ZKs_iBuild mod was interfering with it - works since removing the mod.... Hi, Altis Life v5 TFAR v0.9.12 TS v3.5.1 MODS - D3 Cars pack CBA_A3 Australia 5.0.9 JSRS Sound Mod CUP Weapons iPhone X My first question is how to set the SW radio to unlimited distance / or 50klm distance - i assume it is in the task_force_radio.pbo/functions but cannot figure it out. I am using the Australia map and it is huge - players are often the otherside of the map and need to communicate with each other. I have found this - fn_getTransmittingDistanceMultiplicator there is this code - private ["_result"]; _result = TFAR_currentUnit getVariable "tf_sendingDistanceMultiplicator"; if (isNil "_result") then { _result = 1.0; }; _result; would i adjust this - _result = 1.0;? I have looked for this - tf_sendingDistanceMultiplicator and cannot seem to find it. I have found the - fn_radioRelay.sqf script but this either requires pre-spawned vehicles or objects with - [this, 10, 20000] call adv_fnc_radioRelay; in the init section and players need to manually activate it. I would prefer that the players did not have to do this. Yes there are LR radios but this takes away the backpack from the players. I am looking for away to hard code the SW radios distance. I have gone through all the functions in the .pbo and cannot seem to see where i would do this. (I am going through each function again) Testing with the help of this - https://forum.the-programmer.com/post/install-tfar-on-your-server.218/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The first in game problem i and other players are having is that we can CTRL+P and open the radio interface once. After it has been opened it will not open again. I assume this next problem is related to the above mentioned one - When CTRL+ TAB players can only set the volume once - yelling then it does not change/adjust after that. Things we have tried - Have gone through this post for any answers/solutions - https://www.altisliferpg.com/topic/104-tutorial-install-task-force-radio-dedicated-server-client-side/ Relogging - this does bring back up the radio interface and volume control but again only once. Rebinding keys - same result Reinstalling TFAR on all sides. - same result Tried in all factions same issue across all. root/Userconfig/task_force_radio/radio_settings.hpp // ================================================= // Server side only // ================================================= tf_no_auto_long_range_radio = 0; TF_give_personal_radio_to_regular_soldier = 0; TF_give_microdagr_to_soldier = 1; tf_same_sw_frequencies_for_side = 0; tf_same_lr_frequencies_for_side = 0; tf_same_dd_frequencies_for_side = 0; // ================================================= // END: Server side only // ================================================= // Client side // ================================================= tf_default_radioVolume = 7; // ================================================= // END: Client side // ================================================= Hoping someone can provide guidance as we really love the quality of this mod/addon and it is adding an immersion value to the experience. Thank you.
  11. Steel_Dragon

    Only a certain role can open a door?

    BG_3 animate ["Door_1_rot", 0]; if (playerSide == civilian) then {this setVariable ["bis_disabled_Door_1", 1, false];}; BG_3 animate ["Door_2_rot", 0]; if (playerSide == civilian) then {this setVariable ["bis_disabled_Door_2", 1, false]; } put this in the init part of the building and it will lock the doors for civilians (Cops and medics can open them only) Door_1_rot and bis_disabled_Door_1", 1, false Change the above numbers to lock certain doors only. The door number is found if you scroll down on the object you wish to lock. Youll need to change - (playerSide == civilian) to say something that says they have to have a license to open the door.
  12. Hi V.5 Altis Life - Ported to the Australia map. I have ported to the Australia map i have it running on my PC through TADST for testing. Everything runs fine. I have transfered the mission.pbo (AU_Remastered_AU.australia) and the Life_server.Pbo to the server. Added all the keys to the server key folder. Mod setup on the server as follows - @extDB3;@JSRS SOUNDMOD;@life_server;@Australia 5.0.9;@D3S Cars pack;@CUP Weapons;@CBA_A3;@ace;@CUP ACE3 Compatibility Addon - Weapons; The game loads - but it just stays on a black screen. looking at the logs it does not seem to be loading the required mods - I have added a custom difficulty (see file below) I have changed the config file to - Any guidance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
  13. Hi, Running Altis Life - V.5 and still working excellently. Just wondering if there was a way to brighten the flashlight so the map is clearer. Thanks.
  14. Steel_Dragon

    GF Cargo Airdrops Script

    After testing for a few hours it is looking good thanks again for the help.
  15. Steel_Dragon

    GF Cargo Airdrops Script

  16. Steel_Dragon

    GF Cargo Airdrops Script

    Thank you.
  17. Steel_Dragon

    GF Cargo Airdrops Script

    There is but it takes longer than the time. It seems to double the time each time the script loops. or do you mean a second zone that comes with the first one? Yes it works with the timer on a lower value but when the timer is set for 1 hour or 2 hour drops others appear.
  18. Steel_Dragon

    GF Cargo Airdrops Script

    ok i will try thanks. So this will control the amount? as i only want 1 every 2 hours. As i had it they were spawning at the correct time and deleting also - but there were numerous drops not just 1. When using 5 sec drops time and 30 sec destroy it works (1 drop every 5 seconds and delete in 30 seconds). Over a longer period of time it seems to double the drops every time it loops. This is the setting i am using - GF_ALA_next_drop_in_sec = 3600; // Drop every 2 hours = 7200 (I assume this is in seconds) GF_ALA_time_to_delete = 1200; // time_to_delete the current zone - 20 mins = 1200 (I assume this is in seconds) I am doing some experimentation. i noticed that the original drop time was 5 and the delete time was 30... this is opposite to mine. i have worked out 5 x 6 = 30... so there for i have got my spawn time as - 3600 and delete time is 3600 x 6 = 21600... hoping this will fix the multiple spawns. .
  19. Steel_Dragon

    GF Cargo Airdrops Script

    Thank you
  20. Steel_Dragon

    GF Cargo Airdrops Script

    Hi i know your very busy but i have a question. I have implemented the custom script you kindly helped me with and it seems to be working fine - except i cannot control the number of drops. I would like to have only one drop at a time every x hours. I have gone through the original script and it has a _Number variable to control the number of drops, but the custom does not have this option. I have tried to add the _Number variable but keep breaking the script. (The custom script is below. Thank you.
  21. Hi, I am running v5.0.0 I have a serious issue with vitems namely gathered or mined items. When the player is mining / gathering and they reach the capacity of their backpack numerous times (so they have emptied it and refilled it) the vitems collected start to not show in the inventory but still take up room. Eventually the backpack will say "inventory full" but the inventory items are not in there. This happens overtime. I log out and log back in - the pick axe is still in the inventory and it clears the weight back to just the pick axe weight. I believe it was a lag issue initially. I have since removed all dynamic weather (including the biggest culprit fog) and it seems to have gotten a little better but the issue remains. any help would be greatly appreciated
  22. Just reset all files back to the vanilla and it seems to have fixed it.
  23. I have returned to the original base code and now every time the player opens and closes the Y menu the backpack adds the base capacity to itself - essentially giving the player unlimited capacity - This was the original problem and why i tried to set individual bp capacities. Also now when i log off and back on the bp disappears. This is what is happening with vanilla settings reinstated - https://www.altisliferpg.com/topic/4665-backpack-space/ My files -
  24. Trying this atm - (Edit - did not work) https://www.altisliferpg.com/topic/187-tutorial-backpack-custom-capacity/