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About ChrysDaze

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    Private First Class

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  1. ChrysDaze

    Are admins listening to us?

    Today, the only gunplay problem is the misalignement of the top of ironsight with the midle of the screen (where it shoot ). They need an update for that so wait. All of the others problems have been solved ( spread in fpp, hit registration, etc )
  2. ChrysDaze

    Vigor Companion app

    Hi, I 'm waiting also for an answer to this topic. My guessing is that, if you see the game having companions, is the game with a lot of sold copies. I don't really expect from Bohemia a companion app. What I would expect, when the release come, is that they would work in an API , so that some players could build trackers with this API. In PUBG there is an API, but thy didn't make any companions. API means that they need to work on the server side with a database to store data and allow to check on the data. It's need also lot of works to put in it. For maybe a community not that big. So i hope it will have At least an API, but i wouldn't be surprise that we not see any companions and API. Thanks !
  3. ChrysDaze

    Crowns to expensive....

    I don't know if someone will use insurance. 60 Crowns for not loosing object that everybody will easly have... Even an entire game with succesful loot doesn't worth that insurance that cost quite 2€ for 10 minutes of game. Insurance is not useful, too expensive, and not linked to the lore of the game. Never should exist in a survivor game, that doesn't make sense. Particulary from bohevia interactive that allways aimed to have skilled games. For obtaining plans, you need to get crate. Those crate have diverse kind of rarity. This is linked to how much the other play put crowns. So you want a military grade crate, you are really dependent of the other. And as crown is a real money, ( and it's expensive ), it will be hard to get those crate. 1 weak after de 0.9, i fell like that all founders spent a lotof crowns, now people doesn't pend that much. We are very lucky if we have blue crate. You pay 1€ to have the luck of having one blue crate and you are not sure to getit. So imagine tou pay 9€ to only have this blue crate to have 1000 materials, 200 chemicals.... That's crazy. What is crazy, is the fact that you pay lot of money, being dependent of the others players, and the money is very linked to the core game. I would rather pay 30€ this game and have no crown to the core game + have crowns for cosmetics. I would rather pay also a kind of season pass, like 10€ for 2 months or 3, which allow me to have a kind of "betting food" system which allow me to bet food to get better crates. If the main point was to find a way to not get esly acces to those crate, well, that's a good point. But it comes with the frustration for the player that feel like it's not upon his skill, but with his wallet. The feeling is so bad that pretty ruins my game. I didn't feel like i spent a lot of crown ... But i've sent almost 500 crowns from my founders pack in less than of a week... WHich is incredible. I'm pretty sure we can discuss and find a solution which can make bohemia won money, have crate with no easy access, and don't give this frustration to the player.
  4. ChrysDaze

    BUG, hit registration

    Hi all, I know the discussion about hit, and the update of gunplay and also update of the FPV. But , after some guys with me and my friend, we style have hit registration problem that are pretty obvious of people really in front of us, and we are crouch, plus the crosshair is very small. There is no way that we miss so many bulets....
  5. ChrysDaze

    BUG, weapon not crafted

    Hi, Me and my friend craft weapon that take time as m21 etc. But when finished, and go back shelter, we don't find them. Thanks.
  6. ChrysDaze

    BUG, infinite ammo

    Hi, Me and m y friend get the exact same problem. I was firing, somebody come in front of me, so it stopped my firing animation. Then, i get the problem which i see no more my firing animation and i see that i have infinite ammo. It occured the same with my friend the same day.
  7. ChrysDaze

    Insurance Needs To Go!

    I don't understand why life insurance is that expensive. What you can loose from your game never worth the insurance price in my opinion. Most of the player play with weapon that they can craft, or have multiple times etc. And as the focus of the game is looting, you dont go with a bag full of ammo, consummable etc. It should not exist at all. You die, you die. It's change the gameplay by its nature. For the same price, why not multiply the loot by 2 only for the player in the game for example. If you want to reward your player that pay crown, there is many way instead of changing the gameplay.
  8. ChrysDaze

    Many suggestions

    According to the game right now, i was wondering also to higher the loot in safe. Most of the time, safe isn't valuable enough for ressources. You go trhough some cars, you have more ressources with what is in the safe. And rarely you get big stuff, but not enough rewarding to rush it.
  9. ChrysDaze

    Many suggestions

    Hi all, First, i would like to say, if I have so many suggestions to share, it's because i love the game and i would like it to improve. Thanks for the team for their effort, and was happy to contribute with the founder's pack. I know that developing isnt something to do, and suggestion I give could be long to implement. And i know that as you develop for years this game, many of my suggestion you should have think them before i share it. But that's why i would like in the game : 1. More things to craft ================== For now, we can craft weapon and ammo. It's not that difficult to reach a certain point when you can build all of them. Instead of making harder to get plans for weapon, i was wondering of other kind of objects to increase lifetime. And also, making ressources useful for the gameplay, and not only increase the shelter. a. Weapons Scopes Description Instead of having scope for sniper directly, and nothing for smg etc, we would add a system which you can builds scope for weapons. For building them, we need plans, as for weapon, and need other table to craft them. Maybe we can use "glass" and "wire" + materals + plan to make them, and having also Scope parts. Not every weapon could handle every scopes. Scope should be hard to do, hard to get, give not a big advantages over people that don't have it. Benefit More things to craft, more thing to loose when you launch a game , more tense in game, and, with more things to unlock => increase lifetime. Use of glass and wire more usefull b. Weapons attachment Description Same idea with the scope. Another table to craft them, plans, weapon attachment part, different level of grip, with different effect, etc. And we can use ressource to make them.. Benefit Same things as scope. 2. Improve aiming system ==================== It's nice that aiming is difficult in vigor. Because it needs to be difficult. To let people run, to not be to easy to kill. But, when you aim with FPV, and you aim somebody, you expect that you shot at him. While today, even if you scope somebody, you can not hit him. Best to inform the player of his dispersion. It's having the weapon moving like in other fps when you scope with a sniper, you see the scope moving. So i guess, with bad weapons ( like thompson), we should see the weapon moving quit a lot compared to other weapon. Where we aim, it should be where the ball will hit. (not to mention the distance, the fact that the barrel is lower than the target). For many people, the aiming system is glitchy. You maybe introduce the aiming system in the vigor tutorial. Player should know that if in vigor is hard to aim, it's because of choise of the dev, and not a bug. So tutorial should show how aiming works. Tellings that when you aim isn't for sure where you shot at. Moving cancel the shot, being near somebody avoid the use of weapon etc... So people will try to get better and improve their aiming skill instead of complaining that is a bug because the game is in game preview and made by a little team. 3. The use of ressources ==================== Ressources should not be only usefull for improving the shelter. It would be needed to make weapons, attachment, scope... So that, ressources should be something we can focus on, more than what we do now. Chemicals should be material sneeded for consummable. Metal part for weapon, attachment, scope, ammos Wire for attachment Glass for scopes etc etc 4. New ressources =============== Description Ressources that could be implement are ressources for a new features, like crafting clothes Leather, wool, dyes, Benefit Increase interest on ressources, increase lifetime. Increase the feeling for player to customize. ( well, i'm not telling to delete the shop, shop should allow player to get very particular customisation ). 5. New clothes ============ Description As stated, we could add new clothes to the game that could be crafted. Those clothes could be purely cosmetics; but some can give advantages. If it's rainy, people should have a kind of a malus of speed, let's say -5%, but if you have a hooded sweatshirt, you can avoid this malus. When it's snowy, and you don't have warm clothes, maybe you can have penality of precision, speed etc... We could imagine also create "bags" which allow you to brings more things. But with a bigger bags, you could get a malus of speed. You can have bags also that are better to store some sort of ressources and less of other. Benefit Making the use of ressoruces more important. Preparation pre-lobby would be important also. Choosing the right cloth, the right bags... The gameplay would be more tense as you need to get more stuff with you, so more stuff to lose. It will increase the lifetime also. 6. New Gameplay Features ===================== In vigor, we could add some interesting new features. a. Hunting Description As stated, we can have new kind of ressources, as leather, etc. So why not adding some animals in the game? doe, rabbit... Depending of the animal, it can give ressources, foods etc. You can have the choise of cutting the skin, or cut up the animal to get raw meet. Each will need an animation. We can also imagine a new weapon, a bow, with arrow to make. We can also add big noises of animal, so that people that arenearby understand that other people are hunting. People in radius of 200meters, let says, will have a popup telling" people are hunting nearby" as people that are opening safe etc. Hunting activity could be marked on the map, as the safe. To put people to meet each other. But for immersion, i wouldn't recommend this. Benefit New kind of activity to do in vigor. Very linked to the lore of the gaming. Surviving to take food. To have ressources for clothes. It's give more lifetime, and less repitivity n the game. b. Trash bin and boxes Description In the game i see so many trash bins and can do nothing with it. I was imaginating a system ro share things with a colleague in duo. I would limit the use of it to ressources, and with a limited amount, and also for ammos. Otherwise, i won't use it to share weapons, attachment etc. Each trashbin would have a low amount of slot to use. Trashbin should be use with animation. Like a 5 secondes animations to get into it. So that it make also it risky. You can put one object per each animation. Benefit Increasing the collaboration between player in duos. And sometimes, i take all ressources, and i forgot to let to my colleague, could be nice to share. 7. The use of foods =============== Food would need to be something very important in a post apocalyptic games. Here is many suggestions : - Character need food. He consume each game a certain amount of food. If they don't have enough, we could apply penality to the player. It make more intensity through the game. - Food charity will stop to be charity, but having randoms things back. Depending of the amount given, we could have ammos, etc. - As food is the biggest ressource in a post apocalyptic game, that is the "true money". Food should be used to bet for having better loot, better crate and not using crown. Crown should be use for cosmetics, not for ingame gameplay ( my opinion, but i know you need to make money ). Food can be use to bet also in a number of kills, like you bet with other player that you will kill him etc. You can choose an amount of food. etc etc. It's a suggestion but others idea can come from this one. - Right now, only radiation give you pressure to leave, or if you have so many things that you would like to leave. Maybe we could have a kind of "hungry bar" which needs you to bring food with you to not be hungry. Once the bar is at his lower level, you loose health over time. If it is too much, maybe considering only cutting the half of your stamina. So that's all my suggestion, I have many other idea i didn't think about. So i will give you more suggestions in this post.
  10. ChrysDaze

    0.9 Aid

    Hi folks, The 0.9 verisons just come. I was expecting the release version. I'm not sure, and it's hard to find, but does the final version will be released to summer 2019? Which mean free access ? Thanks !