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About foobarf

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  1. When I try to create a mapframe by dragging a square with the cursor, Terrain Builder will crash if I select anything more than a tiny square. I am using Terrain Builder installed via Steam. The DEM I'm using is 8192px square with an 8m horizontal resolution, imported from a GeoTIFF with float32 values. Imported a 32768px square GeoTIFF orthophoto OK too. Is there a solution to this problem? Can I create the mapframe in a text editor instead of the TB GUI? Unfortunately the PMC tutorials are not much help, and they seem to misguide me regarding using ASC when GeoTIFF is supported (Terrain Builder links to GDAL, but only seems to import UTM zone projections, I tried using a localised projection for better accuracy but got GDAL errors).
  2. Thanks @RoF that explains my frustration at trying various projections, sizes, resolutions etc with no luck 😕 I've been going through that tutorial, but it says to output in byte, that's only 255 or 256 possible values for Z value in the heightmap... that doesn't seem correct, even the old SRTM/ASTER DEM/DSMs have better vertical accuracy than that... and I was kinda hoping to try using LiDAR DEMs... however I can import a 32-bit float GeoTIFF into Terrain Builder, so is TB down-sampling that or is the tutorial misleading me?
  3. Another question, what size values should be in the ASCII heightmap? (Float32, Int16, byte, etc)
  4. Hi I'm trying to process a heightmap but Terrain Processor keeps sitting at 100% CPU and never seems to finish. Do I just need to be more patient? How long should an 8192px heightmap take to process? My TP settings are as follows: And when running this is as far as I get: And this is the DEM/heightmap as viewed in QGIS: