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Everything posted by RCA3

  1. Have you checked this out? https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/PreProcessor_Commands#Config_Parser
  2. RCA3

    Pascal RTGI/Reshade and ARMA3

    No, shaders aren't enabled on profile but on each preset. Your .ini profile contains settings and pointers for presets, shaders and textures directories. No need, yes. Yes, copy them to your shaders directory installed on Arma 3 (inside game's folder preferably). A list of shaders, including Pascal's RTGI. Not sure what you mean here but I believe it's the part pertained in the video. Again, MSAA is a form of Antialiasing as far as I know, so disable AA on Arma 3 video settings. PS. There's more videos on youtube teaching how to install Reshade, then how to use it. Go through some (it's really easy btw). Important: if using Reshade's latest versions you most likely have to disable BattleEye on Arma's Launcher.
  3. RCA3

    Pascal RTGI/Reshade and ARMA3

    1) No. Just needs the shaders properly installed. They must show up on your Reshade's Home tab. If it's empty, go to Settings tab and point to the proper (Shaders) directory (usually inside the game's folder). You also need to copy the content of Pascal's RTGI to your shaders directory, and textures directory if there are any. 2) Very simple explanation here: 3) Maybe just disable Anti-Aliasing. I think some shaders don't work with it on.
  4. Combat Animations Speed Tweak version 1.8.2 Description: C.A.S.T. tweaks through config most infantry animations speed, and optionally adds some Arma 2 animations, removes idle animations and some other tweaks. Features: Rifle, pistol, launcher, binoculars and unarmed movement speeds customized Swimming without diving suit is x1.5 faster Swimming with diving suit left/right with proper speed Player and AI affected Auto lower rifle when running (optional) No idle animations for player and AI (optional) Still cargo animations (optional) Arma 2 animations for walking, running and sprinting. Requires cast_auto_lower_rifle.pbo (optional) Auto lower rifle when tactical kneeling (optional) No prone sprint (optional) Compatible with ACE3 Compatible with Ravage Compatible with Project Injury Reaction Compatible with ArmA3 Old Running Animation by MasterWolf Download: Google Drive Usage: Unzip to your mods folder. Notes: Untested in multiplayer. Known issues: none License: Non Military - You may not use the content of this addon as a whole or any part of this addon for military purposes. No Monetization - You may not use this addon as a whole or any part of this addon on monetized servers. Attribution - You must attribute the material in the manner specified by the author or licensor (but not in any way that suggests that they endorse you or your use of the material). Noncommercial - You may not use this material for any commercial purposes. Arma Only - You may not convert or adapt this material to be used in other games than Arma. Share Alike - If you adapt, or build upon this material, you may distribute the resulting material only under the same license. Credits: Bohemia Interactive Logo by cleanpng.com Thanks to: Foxhound and Armaholic.com. Mondkalb and the Global Mobilization CDLC team for copy/paste of their EULA from https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1284731930 Everyone supporting me @BI Forums. Media: Changelog:
  5. RCA3

    showGPS false

    This seems to do the trick, GPS panels still work on vehicles with GPS (e.g. Marshall) and mine detectors also still keep working: player enableInfoPanelComponent ["left", "MinimapDisplay", false]; player enableInfoPanelComponent ["right", "MinimapDisplay", false]; Edit: That seems like a different issue.
  6. There's a link above under Browse -> Staff. I believe you can contact Nillers for help.
  7. Hey, thanks for the input. I want the animations to look as smooth as possible and I thought lowering that animation speed wouldn't look good. I was wrong, I lowered it a bit (12kmh) and looks alright and performs the function you desire. Hope it's enough for cross country 😁. Temp download until I add it to the pack (CAST ACE Compat): https://drive.google.com/file/d/13gvE7Nz61TtxIAcZy1-9hl19Z_OJoVKT/view?usp=sharing
  8. Have you tried executing those commands without remoteExec from initPlayerLocal.sqf? Place these params on top of initPlayerLocal.sqf: params ["_player", "_didJIP"]; and script from there below: _player moveInCargo BASE; ...etc
  9. RCA3

    slow motion

    These two should help: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setAccTime https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/useAudioTimeForMoves
  10. Hey EO, If you want to prevent this see class Weather >> Overcast and replace Weathers 2-6 with params from Weather1 and you're golden! See also rainEnabled and/or class RainConfig to control rain. See https://arma3library.gitlab.io/# CfgWorlds for more details.
  11. I always search from Google: site:https://forums.bohemia.net/ remove forum search delay
  12. You can use addons like this one: There's others, or write your own by editing class CfgActions and/or class CfgInGameUI.
  13. Check your description.ext for briefing = 1. And Biki says - "If no briefing.html is present, it is skipped anyway." - I'm not sure this is still valid but try and create an empty briefing.html on your mission root.
  14. Got it working with this on initPlayerServer.sqf (just me testing on dedicated though, so try with more people please): // Make worthy players become zeus by their UID private _worthyPlayersUIDs = [ "12312312312312312", // John "45645645645645645" // Mike ]; params ["_playerUnit", "_didJIP"]; private _playerUID = getPlayerUID _playerUnit; if (_playerUID in _worthyPlayersUIDs) then { waitUntil {time > 1}; [format ["%1",_playerUnit]] remoteExec ["hint", 0]; [_playerUnit] remoteExecCall ["zen_common_fnc_createZeus", 0]; };
  15. RCA3

    I can walk through vehicles

    Can you give a specific vehicle name you can walk through? Edit: In the meantime you have various mods that "mess" with animations, some might be conflicting. Most likely one or more are incompatible with PiR.
  16. Try checking if (damage bridge > 0.X) then { Where X is damage you should check from bridge after using explosives (with damage bridge).
  17. Good old _unit switchMove "" works if you're OK with unsmooth transition. Wait.. I didn't test AI, only player. 😶
  18. Ei Puff Adder, if the diary record is showing up when you go onto the map-diary, it should also appear on 2xJ. 2xJ is just for tasks it turns out... https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_taskCreate
  19. Yes, intention was to replace the running lowered tactical animation with running lowered. Actually an ACE team idea.
  20. Hi Madrussian, Those are all defined on each animation in cfgMovesMaleSdr: getNumber (configFile >> "CfgMovesMaleSdr" >> "States" >> (animationState player) >> "weaponLowered") getNumber (configFile >> "CfgMovesMaleSdr" >> "States" >> (animationState player) >> "showWeaponAim") There are some discrepancies though, e.g. sprint returns weaponLowered = 0 when visually the weapon is lowered, and showWeaponAim returns = 1 when running with rifle raised but there's no cursor. disableWeapons seems to be the most reliable for your case: getNumber (configFile >> "CfgMovesMaleSdr" >> "States" >> (animationState player) >> "disableWeapons")
  21. Updated the script for no loops (replaced forgetTarget with disableAI "AUTOTARGET") and the group still retains the target's memory so AI engages faster. Now they can! Cheers!
  22. Took a bit of code from LAMBS fnc_tacticsHide and did this. It runs on player's group AIs only and it's a separate script from LAMBS. It's just an example, a proof of concept (although fully functional). Note: unfortunately forgetTarget makes the whole group forget it's targets (even if used on unit), it would be nice if individual units could forget targets and let others retain the memory, this way we could order individual AT/AA to engage, now you have to make all your AT/AA's open fire (within this script), guys without launchers can remain hold fire though 👍. (no need if we use _unit disableAI "AUTOTARGET"). /* Force AT/AA specialists disableAI "AUTOTARGET" when ordered hold fire Description: Allows AI in player's group to remain prone and regroup faster on the presence of enemy vehicles. Execute from initPlayerLocal.sqf */ TAG_fnc_forgetATAAtargets = { params ["_displayOrControl", "_key", "_shift", "_ctrl", "_alt"]; if (commandingMenu isNotEqualTo "RscMenuEngage") exitWith{}; switch (_key) do{ //Open fire case 2:{ [] spawn { // find launchers private _launchers = (units group player) select {(secondaryWeapon _x) isNotEqualTo "" && {!(isPlayer _x)}}; if (_launchers isNotEqualTo []) then{ sleep 2; { if !(unitCombatMode _x in ["BLUE","GREEN"]) then{ _x enableAI "AUTOTARGET"; }; }forEach _launchers; }; }; }; //Hold fire case 3:{ [] spawn { // find launchers private _launchers = (units group player) select {(secondaryWeapon _x) isNotEqualTo "" && {!(isPlayer _x)}}; if (_launchers isNotEqualTo []) then{ sleep 2; { if (unitCombatMode _x in ["BLUE","GREEN"]) then{ _x disableAI "AUTOTARGET"; }; }forEach _launchers; }; }; }; default {}; }; }; waituntil {sleep 0.1; !isNull (findDisplay 46)}; null = (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["KeyDown", "call TAG_fnc_forgetATAAtargets"];
  23. AI Driving Control version 2.6.7 Description: Gives more control to AI drivers. Script uses nearEntities to find vehicles/men, calculates relative angles to nearest one and applies forceSpeed depending on situation. Use "STEALTH" behaviour to temporarily bypass the script. Features: AI will brake and speed up for vehicles ahead. AI gives way to vehicles approaching from the right. Pedestrians have priority over vehicles. Pedestrians are overtaken or followed if directly in front of vehicle. Works on and offroad. Have less (not avoid) crashes. Engines turn off on idle if at final waypoint. Vehicles on "STEALTH" behaviour bypass code until behaviour changes (setBehaviour, etc.). Bypass script entirely on a vehicle's init with "this setVariable ["NOAIDRIVINGCONTROL", true, true]". For a convoy use "<object> limitSpeed <km/h>" on lead vehicle. Gates ("Land_BarGate_F", "Land_BarGate_01_open_F" and "Land_RoadBarrier_01_F") are detected when closed. Note: place gates BEFORE AI driver gets in vehicle/spawn/zeus/etc. i.e. not scanned in realtime. As a bonus, gates are made indestructible (by tanks as well unfortunately). Addon and script version. Download: Google Drive Usage: Works with placed and spawned vehicles, single player and dedicated server. Clients with AI drivers must be running the addon. For Zeus, the player being Zeus must be running the addon. Script version runs once on mission initialization and needs to remoteExec for each new spawn (except Zeus). Follow INSTALLATION.txt. Hold movement keys for (up to) 3 seconds if your vehicle's fuel was removed and you're the commander. Variables (vehicle's init field only): Defines "bounding box" width, per vehicle, which detects men around and stops the vehicle. Where 1 = vehicle's width; 1.5 = default; 2 = default for tanks. Smaller values improve overtaking men but run them over more often, higher values will be safer but will halt more often. Higher than default should not be necessary: this setVariable ["AIDCBBOXWIDTHCOEF", <coefficient>]; Defines "bounding box" length, per vehicle, which detects men around and stops the vehicle. Where 1 = vehicle's length; 1.5 = default: this setVariable ["AIDCBBOXLENGTHCOEF", <coefficient>]; Defines setConvoySeparation for each vehicle on AI led groups only. AIDC overwrites that command by default so if it is to be used it must be defined here: this setVariable ["AIDCCONVOYSEPARATION", <distance>]; Disable workaround of removing fuel of tanks when nearby infantry: this setVariable ["AIDCNOFUELREMOVE", true]; Notes: Any forceSpeed command (on affected land vehicles) will be overwritten by the script. Does not cause dependency on missions. Known issues: When confronted with large groups of pedestrians, vehicles occasionally stall (with accelerated time only probably). Quadbikes are not detected by other vehicles on road (@BI: they always report "isOnRoad false"). Are detected offroad. Does not work on ALiVE vehicles. Incompatible with TPW SANITY (uses forceSpeed as well). License: Non Military - You may not use the content of this addon as a whole or any part of this addon for military purposes. No Monetization - You may not use this addon as a whole or any part of this addon on monetized servers. Attribution - You must attribute the material in the manner specified by the author or licensor (but not in any way that suggests that they endorse you or your use of the material). Noncommercial - You may not use this material for any commercial purposes. Arma Only - You may not convert or adapt this material to be used in other games than Arma. Share Alike - If you adapt, or build upon this material, you may distribute the resulting material only under the same license. Credits: Bohemia Interactive BI Arma Forum Contributors Wikipedia BI Wiki Code Optimisation author(s) https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Code_Optimisation 3 1 A Measure of Relative Direction https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uDwP4T7bPSY Thanks to: Foxhound and Armaholic.com. Mondkalb and the Global Mobilization CDLC team for copy/paste of their EULA from https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1284731930 Kremator for testing with tanks. Rubberkite for reporting issues and continuous support. Everyone supporting me @BI Forums. Media: Changelog:
  24. That's not allowed by Steam Terms of Service and BI Forum Rules, sorry.