Having an issue with mods on a server I've rented from ArmaHosts LLC. The server runs fine whenever I run a vanilla Arma 3 map or any other added by a DLC (Tanoa or Malden) but I've tried to get it to run a mission I've created in the Eden Editor. All it is is Altis set up for a multiplayer Zeus mission (GameMaster Module, couple of units as player slots etc.) but I've also tried to add mods (RHS, Achilles etc) and I've tried to add the units and vehicles added by the RHS mods to the Zeus interface by adding them to the map in the editor and syncing them to the ManageAddons module as this is the method I found here:
Now all these mods work fine on a vanilla, un-edited map (RHS vehicles and units not there because they weren't added via above method, weapons work fine for players though) but whenever I try to play on the map I made, it has no player slots even though I've troubleshooted this and recreated all the necessary steps to have player slots and the map works without the modded units and the ManageAddons module being there. So I go and look at the RTP file and see that its throwing me some issues down the very bottom that says:
How do I get around this issue?
This is the full RTP: