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Jimi Markkanen

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Everything posted by Jimi Markkanen

  1. Jimi Markkanen

    HETMAN - Artificial Leader [NR6 Edition]

    That sounds just perfect. Thanks for letting me know about the demo mission, I'll look into that!
  2. Jimi Markkanen

    HETMAN - Artificial Leader [NR6 Edition]

    Thanks for your answers. I've made a lot of missions, but usually just by ALiVE, I've got no clue where to find the classnames for the ammo artillery uses etc. Probably somewhere in the configs, maybe I'll get to that later. If that process could be narrowed down to basically just syncing stuff together, that would make it a lot better and more comfortable. Same goes for the reinforcements. If it's even possible. But apparently that's already on your to-do list so yey 😄 Just been having a blast with this, just not getting the full capability out of it at the moment due to my lack of knowledge on that stuff discussed earlier. Really appreciate it, cheers mate.
  3. Jimi Markkanen

    HETMAN - Artificial Leader [NR6 Edition]

    More questions, yey! (Sorry) What's the purpose of rally points, commander fronts and how to use them? And also, does the position of the commander module (or if synced to a unit, the unit's position) define the HQ's position? I have a "Set as HQ guard" module synced to the commander and to a squad lead, but they still receive like recon tasks etc and no one's left for the HQ. Commander module is linked to a unit, the unit doesn't do anything though and killing it does nothing. There is some error message when starting about "AddLeader" if I remember correctly. E: Also, could you tell a bit about artillery and the transportation system? Artillery, just sync the units to the include squads module and you're good to go? And transport, should I have truck with drivers in them, and sync them to the transport only module?
  4. Jimi Markkanen

    HETMAN - Artificial Leader [NR6 Edition]

    Thank you very much for an in-depth answer! 🙂 Two further questions, unfortunately; 1) I understood that the Squad modules, like "only attack orders", require to be synced ONLY to the squad, not the commander? Got a bit thrown off by the Included Squads module comparison, which in my knowledge needs to be synced to the commander aswell. 2) This maybe more about asking your preference on the matter. E.g, I like the map Tobruk, large open desert areas with trenches on higher ground. Is it in any way possible to make the AI defend these positions, keep their positions and actually maybe go to the trenches? I think the BIS defend module would do that. In my tests, I had three set of trenches, one of the groups actually did automatically man the trenches, but others kinda' roamed around it. I do understand this is an issue on ARMA and the AI mostly, but this questions is just basically me asking you, an expert of this mod of course, on how to set up the Ai to take defensive positions via HAL, if possible, or is it only possible to kinda' have them stand/roam around and they act as accordingly as possible when they encounter an enemy? 3) What's the benefit of having multiple leaders, or has that kinda' stayed from the times when objectives were limited?
  5. Jimi Markkanen

    HETMAN - Artificial Leader [NR6 Edition]

    What a potential it's got! (If I knew how to use it properly). Great work mate! Tested it a few times and it's just awesome, and easy with the modules. Just a few questions which I'm sure to be addressed in the future tutorial videos etc you mentioned... Sorry for the inconvenience, I just want to take full advantage of this beautiful tool. How does High Commander work compared to a normal leader? Can you assign units (an officer f.e) as a leader, or are they abstract? If you want one side to start an objective as their own (captured) and one side to attack it, do you need to place two objectives at the same place with other having the "taken" option ON and other OFF? If it's on ON and you sync both leaders to it, they both consider it taken (a defensive objective), right? Are you supposed to sync Squad modules (like "Only attack orders") to the Include Squads -module or to a squad member? Is there a way to debug the leaders, to kinda' see what's going on? Very much like ALiVE, leaders are only aware of the objectives that have been synced to them, right? If the HC thing works in a way that there's one HC (company/regiment commander) and the leaders are supposed to be like f.e platoon leaders, that's just a wet dream come true honestly.
  6. Snkman, thanks a lot for continuing on your AI improvement project! Just gave it a shot, love the movement once again. Not maybe as aggressive as first TCL versions, but definitely better than in the latest TCL. But for me this version seemed like a good balance of tactical advancement and speed, there's some guys supporting as others' advance and you can really see when the movement scripts kick in. The flare thing for me has been an issue, but I find it great if one squad engages another in pitch black. Apparently each squad fires a flare when engaged in dark (don't know how dark is the limit, in some TCL versions just when the sun was about to go out and you could still see very well they shot the flares anyways), so if you have multiple fire teams the end result looks a bit silly. But it's fantastic if you have just full squad against another.
  7. Jimi Markkanen

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Does somebody have changelogs from the dev builds or something telling about what's included? I know 2S1 Gvozdika's coming and that's awesome.
  8. Jimi Markkanen

    Tactical Combat Link - TypeX

    Luckily the Arma 3 community is a very mature community. To be honest, maybe the most mature I've ever seen in a video game. Therefore I'm sure nobody expects you to work free and spend your spare time on a modification. Friendly piece of advice: When you feel like it, work on it. If you don't, then you don't.
  9. Jimi Markkanen

    Tactical Combat Link - TypeX

    First of all, love what you're doing. But I gotta' share my opinion. In the initial versions I really liked the Ai behaviour, it was aggressive and it felt really wise. In the new version the Ai acts super careful, even on "FULL" speed they are very slow and careful on their way to the WP even if there'd be a squad against one enemy. Plus the Ai still unfortunately does spam a lot of flares during night/dusk.
  10. Jimi Markkanen

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Arty calculation tables/formulas for manual fire, especially for the upcoming 2S1, would be well appreciated. Arty computer fells like such a cheat.
  11. Jimi Markkanen

    Tactical Combat Link - TypeX

    Again coming up with a question, but as always, want to tell you my appreciation for the development :)! - Does TCL activate on units that are spawned mid-game? I read your posts on previous versions and I'm under the understanding that then only squads that had playable/player units were under TCL, but now every unit is, right? So would units spawned via Zeus or Alive have TCL activated? Also a high recommendation to post this on Workshop. Cheers!
  12. My advice is to forget about the Military CQC module. It's basically unnecessary these days of ALiVE, at least in my opinion. Sync everything normally, the basic concept of TAOR's and syncing of modules stands even if it's asymmetric. IED module can be synced to the asymmetric OPCOM but it does take a lot of time for them to actually place any.
  13. Jimi Markkanen

    Tactical Combat Link - TypeX

    Just tested this one, I love the Ai behaviour! Great job mate, I hope you keep it up 🙂 Really looking forward for the update without the flare overspam. But as always, a few questions/suggestions 😄 - Is it possible to make Ai garrison a building with hold waypoint? (Like in Vcom) It's quite essential. - Is it serversided? I don't care about the sound effects etc that much, I know that's clientsided for sure.