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About TheSithSiggi

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  1. Hi! We are a bit new to Arma scripting and could use some pointers: My friend and I are working on an Escape like mission and we are wondering: - Is it possible to write a script that for each town/village the Civilian presence and BLUFOR Site module are generated when Independent players get within e.g. 1000m of that town/village? My plan (not sure it's the right one): - In Eden set out the modules with variable name defined - make triggerSpawnScript.sqf --> write å script that applies a trigger area to each town/village that is activated when Independent is within 1000m of citycenter an executes the moduleSpawnScript.sqf below - make moduleSpawnScript.sqf --> write some code that looks like this: forEach town apply "module variable name" call ["CityCenter"] BIS_fnc_locations - Do all customFiles.sqf have to be executed via the init.sqf file? Are we on correct path? or way off? thank you