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Hamabata Oshay

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Everything posted by Hamabata Oshay

  1. Hamabata Oshay

    What this game can be.

    What this game can become for the Xbox. This has all the making of Escape from Tarkov and it can be this if you guys are welling to make big changes. Why you should make these changes. Xbox at this moment dose not have the ability to make Tarkov a console game so this means you have the ability to own the market before the new system come out in a year or two. Xbox players are praying that we can get an Tarkov type of game. You have the foundation for it. First change get ride of the coin to add better loot Second add npc Third make it a task to get the air drop Fourth make match's longer 30-40 Fifth add traders of some sort Sixth add armor and customized weapons. You would own a market that craving this I mean there was a petition to get the devs from Tarkov to make it for console.
  2. Hamabata Oshay

    What this game can be.

    I wasn't trying dog on the game but the potential of it is so high. Adding traders and weapon attachments give you more custom feel which I would rather have. The flow to me is to short due to the fact people feel up to fast and dipped. I hate the loot is not random and has pay to get feel if need an economy then do stuff like clothing. I would rather feel that am in constant fire fight reason for npc. Customized attachment and armor add more to how one goes to a fight or engagement. Just never add a way to buy stuff with real cash.